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100 rabbits a night posible or not

Guest midnight_runner

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Guest smash
  midnight_runner said:
reading the countrymans weekly they were asking possible or not that a lurcher could take 100 rabbits a night on the lamp. i think it would take some kind of dog to do so .i was wodering what you lot would think and what cross would be best for this kind of work and with the stamina to do the job

it can be done minshaws blue 104 rabits 1 hare and one fox. minshaw are the best dogs in the country. (keep away from saluki or you will be lucky to kill ten on the lamp thats with a good one)

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  smash said:
  midnight_runner said:
reading the countrymans weekly they were asking possible or not that a lurcher could take 100 rabbits a night on the lamp. i think it would take some kind of dog to do so .i was wodering what you lot would think and what cross would be best for this kind of work and with the stamina to do the job

it can be done minshaws blue 104 rabits 1 hare and one fox. minshaw are the best dogs in the country. (keep away from saluki or you will be lucky to kill ten on the lamp thats with a good one)



lol my saluki based pup killed more than that at 10 months old :no:

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  smash said:
  midnight_runner said:
reading the countrymans weekly they were asking possible or not that a lurcher could take 100 rabbits a night on the lamp. i think it would take some kind of dog to do so .i was wodering what you lot would think and what cross would be best for this kind of work and with the stamina to do the job

it can be done minshaws blue 104 rabits 1 hare and one fox. minshaw are the best dogs in the country. (keep away from saluki or you will be lucky to kill ten on the lamp thats with a good one)







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i think the best minshaw ever got was 108(could be wrong) with a bitch called wizz.....a few years ago i wanted a peice of the minshaw blood, so i asked vic where was the best blood about that he knew off that was close to blue..he got hold of the brother to wizz, he was 10 year old and vic said "this is the last of the good stuff" i used it over my bitch and kept a dog pup....the dog was good on the lamp but was never going to getnear 100, 50 maybe but not 100...i also had my present saluki x dog at the time , and my minshaw dog couldnt touch him for stamina daytime or on the lamp...

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The numbers game,ruins some good dogs,distorts the ego of the owners,to the point where

the reason for hunting was forgotten,if you can't enjoy watching a dog hunt and are more concerned

with 'how many have we got',then you'll never be happy with any amount you catch,it should be more about hunting with friends and watching the dogs work,that's where the true enjoyment comes,

i can still get satisfaction out of a night's lamping even if we miss some,it's not the end of the world if you don't take the big numbers but watching how they hunt,all the best,


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Guest smash
  baz said:
i think the best minshaw ever got was 108(could be wrong) with a bitch called wizz.....a few years ago i wanted a peice of the minshaw blood, so i asked vic where was the best blood about that he knew off that was close to blue..he got hold of the brother to wizz, he was 10 year old and vic said "this is the last of the good stuff" i used it over my bitch and kept a dog pup....the dog was good on the lamp but was never going to getnear 100, 50 maybe but not 100...i also had my present saluki x dog at the time , and my minshaw dog couldnt touch him for stamina daytime or on the lamp...

get in to fly fishing because you no nothing about dogs :bye:

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  smash said:
  baz said:
i think the best minshaw ever got was 108(could be wrong) with a bitch called wizz.....a few years ago i wanted a peice of the minshaw blood, so i asked vic where was the best blood about that he knew off that was close to blue..he got hold of the brother to wizz, he was 10 year old and vic said "this is the last of the good stuff" i used it over my bitch and kept a dog pup....the dog was good on the lamp but was never going to getnear 100, 50 maybe but not 100...i also had my present saluki x dog at the time , and my minshaw dog couldnt touch him for stamina daytime or on the lamp...

get in to fly fishing because you no nothing about dogs :bye:


mate you are a complete nob! get your minshaw and take it on the fens in december or january in the daytime and i bet the donkey doesent last onger than 40 seconds , i bet it couldnt even bend a hare , therefore i really think your dog will jack!! no doubt about it , then see what kinda dogs are half hearted!

the lad you refering to above is known to keep the best of dogs , so your obviously just online to shit stir

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  smash said:
  baz said:
i think the best minshaw ever got was 108(could be wrong) with a bitch called wizz.....a few years ago i wanted a peice of the minshaw blood, so i asked vic where was the best blood about that he knew off that was close to blue..he got hold of the brother to wizz, he was 10 year old and vic said "this is the last of the good stuff" i used it over my bitch and kept a dog pup....the dog was good on the lamp but was never going to getnear 100, 50 maybe but not 100...i also had my present saluki x dog at the time , and my minshaw dog couldnt touch him for stamina daytime or on the lamp...

get in to fly fishing because you no nothing about dogs :bye:

:haha: Smash, you are making a right twat out of your self :thumbs:

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Guest smash
  DUCKWING said:
  smash said:
  midnight_runner said:
reading the countrymans weekly they were asking possible or not that a lurcher could take 100 rabbits a night on the lamp. i think it would take some kind of dog to do so .i was wodering what you lot would think and what cross would be best for this kind of work and with the stamina to do the job

it can be done minshaws blue 104 rabits 1 hare and one fox. minshaw are the best dogs in the country. (keep away from saluki or you will be lucky to kill ten on the lamp thats with a good one)







stick to the day job duckegg snareing mice because you no nothing about lamping :haha:

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Guest smash
  Hob&Jill said:
  smash said:
  baz said:
i think the best minshaw ever got was 108(could be wrong) with a bitch called wizz.....a few years ago i wanted a peice of the minshaw blood, so i asked vic where was the best blood about that he knew off that was close to blue..he got hold of the brother to wizz, he was 10 year old and vic said "this is the last of the good stuff" i used it over my bitch and kept a dog pup....the dog was good on the lamp but was never going to getnear 100, 50 maybe but not 100...i also had my present saluki x dog at the time , and my minshaw dog couldnt touch him for stamina daytime or on the lamp...

get in to fly fishing because you no nothing about dogs :bye:

:haha: Smash, you are making a right twat out of your self :thumbs:

drop the dogs and get a caterpult :haha:

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Guest smash
  tyson said:
  smash said:
  baz said:
i think the best minshaw ever got was 108(could be wrong) with a bitch called wizz.....a few years ago i wanted a peice of the minshaw blood, so i asked vic where was the best blood about that he knew off that was close to blue..he got hold of the brother to wizz, he was 10 year old and vic said "this is the last of the good stuff" i used it over my bitch and kept a dog pup....the dog was good on the lamp but was never going to getnear 100, 50 maybe but not 100...i also had my present saluki x dog at the time , and my minshaw dog couldnt touch him for stamina daytime or on the lamp...

get in to fly fishing because you no nothing about dogs :bye:


mate you are a complete nob! get your minshaw and take it on the fens in december or january in the daytime and i bet the donkey doesent last onger than 40 seconds , i bet it couldnt even bend a hare , therefore i really think your dog will jack!! no doubt about it , then see what kinda dogs are half hearted!

the lad you refering to above is known to keep the best of dogs , so your obviously just online to shit stir

stick to your salukis and learn to spell last onger :haha: iron mike

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Guest Bunny Basher

Miles, i think you need to keep your gob shut and get your facts right :censored: you and the rest of your pathetic 'know it alls'


Smash is a good friend of Joe Ox on the site and is from Ne of England, wrong side of country for APW, and believe me these lads will take no shit from the likes of you :feck: now Smash has been banned for mentioning Minshaw lurchers and giving his opinion of the salukis im sure Joe ox will put you right :yes:

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