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whats your opions on putting my hob over my jill as they are brother and sister whats your thoughts


How hot are they in the field's the second question you should be asking your self

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If they have a background of good health and no genetic defects, are both very good quality ferrets with excellent temperaments, are very good workers, and their parents and grandparents were the same, it could be an excellent breeding. Inbreeding is only advisable when the breeder knows the background thoroughly for several generations.

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Google up 'Cystic Fibrosis'.


This disease can lie dormant through many generations. It's caused by a recessive gene, masked by a dominant gene in unaffected carriers..

Mating brother and sister you are increasing the risk of genetic defects caused by this process(not CF, as ferrets don't get that AFAIK).


Genetically speaking it's a bloody stupid mating, but if you know what you're doing.... :hmm:

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Yes breeding brither to sister has been done before but would strongly advise not too.

Just because they are both good workers dont mean that the young they produce will be, infact breeding this close can ofeten throw genetic defects such as deformed limbs ie no tail or a leg missing, or problems longer term with there health.

But if you a keen ferreter and wish to start a good solid line of your own then id say dont do it and get a hob from else where to breed from.

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