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starting whippet..

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alright lads i got a whippet pup hes around 6 months going on 7 now, thinking of starting him he is pretty big already not sure of his exact height but he got a few inches in him yet..

thinking of starting him on the young that are starting to show just a couple to get him used to it and get his confidence up..

this is my first running dog so all new to me, he is retrieving a tennis ball really well now so i think it is time to move on slightly..

any tips or advice lads those of you who also have pups and are starting them now..


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get it out on bolting rabbits ,set a few nets and give him the chance to peg a few then heel get the knowledge he can mouth a rabbit ,more you get him out on game the better,rabbits will not tax him if run were he gets half achance , if he is bred [bANNED TEXT] he will come on then get him stubble rabbits or late august get him bolters when they are young and green ,entering a running dog like a whippet should be easy if bred of treid and tested stock ,get him fetching rabbit skin dummies heel smell rabbit and no he is aloud to chase ,never had apure whippet had greyhound whippet she was agreat dog to enter just took her out with an older dog by 9 months had rabbs a few stubble hares and never looked back,

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If your going to use him in the daytime, I'd just stick to walking him in areas where there are rabbits present. Let him feck about doing his puppy things, but while he's doing that he'll be acquiring the right sort of sights & smells, and he may even start to mark occupied buries.


If you're going to be using him on the lamp, don't do that otherwise you run the risk of him starting to hunt up when you start him on the lamp.

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Guest fence_hopper

my bitch was about the same age at the same time of year i waited till the following season, give him time to develop and mature. theres no rush with a pup that young

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It depends on what you want to do with the dog, lamp or daytime (or both), either way for me it is too young to start it on anything at 6 months old, the dog is not developed enough, in both mind and body. Sure you will hear tales of dogs starting early etc. but for me the simple question is why rush?


If you want to lamp the dog then by the time we reach the end of Summer both the rabbits and the dog will be the perfect age, the dog will have matured a little more and the rabbits will still be green to the lamp, pick a good windy night and you wont go far wrong. They'll be squatting for fun....


If it is daytime you want it for then just get it out and about in the fields which hold plenty, keeping the dog on the lead, let it recognise the scents, do you want the dog to hunt up? Work with terriers? Ferrets? Daytime either by itself or with terriers the more you get it out seeing stuff, getting used to the noises etc. the better, although you have to be patient and try and resist the urge to slip the dog, you will only spoil it IMHO. For exercising the dog properly take it to large fields which hold no rabbits then you can let it off the lead and practice your recall/retrieve etc.


Another thing is that if you are working it with ferrets then you will need to get the dog socialised with them ASAP if you have not already done so. Also getting the pup around sheep etc. needs to be a must.


All the best with the pup.

Edited by Nell
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right cheers lads so ill wait abit i have been walking him on fields where there are rabbits about and he is deffinatly picking up scents.. the problem i have at the momemnt with my spaniel he is constantly chewing at the spaniel his ears the back of his neck and everything he doesnt leave him alone.. my spaniels a ball of cotton wool and doesnt do anything in retaliation insted of a mere growl lol..

when i walk the pair of them together he is constantly doing it, if the spaien goes off and works cover the pup will come back to me or just have a sniff but when hes chewing at the spaniel the only way i wil get him back to me is to call jake my spaneil back as i know the pup will come back then as he is hanging off his neck lol.. when he is out by himself he is fine not a problem he will go off smell and run but wont go too far before he comes back.

he is doing well he is a really clever dog he has picked up the sits and stays from me doing it with my spaniel and within 3 days of him being in the house when i first got him at 10 weeks old he was house trained so i think if i play my cards right i could have a half decent dog and his father is strike while the irons hot so he should be good..

as for work, if i can i would like the 2 to work togther have the spaniel bushing and bolting to the whippet but i will prob end up just lamping with him the most as during the day time ill probs be out with the guns..

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right cheers lads so ill wait abit i have been walking him on fields where there are rabbits about and he is deffinatly picking up scents.. the problem i have at the momemnt with my spaniel he is constantly chewing at the spaniel his ears the back of his neck and everything he doesnt leave him alone.. my spaniels a ball of cotton wool and doesnt do anything in retaliation insted of a mere growl lol..

when i walk the pair of them together he is constantly doing it, if the spaien goes off and works cover the pup will come back to me or just have a sniff but when hes chewing at the spaniel the only way i wil get him back to me is to call jake my spaneil back as i know the pup will come back then as he is hanging off his neck lol.. when he is out by himself he is fine not a problem he will go off smell and run but wont go too far before he comes back.

he is doing well he is a really clever dog he has picked up the sits and stays from me doing it with my spaniel and within 3 days of him being in the house when i first got him at 10 weeks old he was house trained so i think if i play my cards right i could have a half decent dog and his father is strike while the irons hot so he should be good..

as for work, if i can i would like the 2 to work togther have the spaniel bushing and bolting to the whippet but i will prob end up just lamping with him the most as during the day time ill probs be out with the guns..


As annoying to the spaniel as it may be just now the biting will stop, this is just the youthful exuberance of the pup, he will grow out of it in time, you could try and distract his attention elsewhere when out walking.


All the best with the pup when you do start him.

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