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First trip out for over a week

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Well after a week stuck in the house, and just before the voices led to me getting admitted, :blink: i finally managed to get out. yesterday i picked up an S200 177 with a skeleton stock and a 10 shot conversion to keep me ticking over while me HW100 gets fixed.

I set off to zero the scope and as the weather wasn't looking to good i decided to head to one of my permissions which would offer me some cover if the heavens opened. this was an old flower nursery full of big old green houses (ones going to be housing my veg this year) and about 25 acres of grass land with conifers along the back hiding the railway line, a little stream running through the middle of the ground surrounded by willow and ash trees.


I set myself up inside one of the green houses this gave me around 25 yards of still air then the last 5 yards was out side, a few paper targets on an old pallet. didnt take long to get my eye in with the 177, this is the first 177 pcp ive owned and i was surprised how powerfull and accurate this little thing was and after checking my holder over/under at different distances, put on the gilly suit, i was ready!

moved over to the far corner of the paddocks where theres a few disused buildings and outhouses. i saw a few ferrals and sat on the gable at roughly 25 yards, slight breeze so added the holdover squeezed the trigger and CRACK! down she went dead before it hit the floor :gunsmilie:


Think i'll chrony this tomorrow just to be on the safe side its got some poke to it. Theres usually a few rabbits in this area at night but after a short while nothing apeared so i had a stroll over to the pig sheds oposite a dead ash tree. the woodies love this tree and from the entrance of the shed its 45 yards to the ash. only had to wait about 20 mins before the first landed in the tree, 20 mins and 5 secs before it hit the floor. :D i had a scan around the area and nothing else in sight so i grabbed the woodie and ferral and stuck them a few yards from the base of the tree oposite using my tent pins.


A few woodies came in but didnt land turning away just before the hit the deck. :wallbash: not long later one drops in behind my deeks, the grounds not very even so i had to wait untill the little fecker had pecked his way into a good postion, gave him half a dot over and 1 and a half right thwack down goes number 3.

Didnt see any more in range so i took out my rabbit skin i got out the ferts cage this morning and placed it a few yards away from the tree line. had a qiuck slurp of coffee and rememberd i left the camera at home :censored: not long before a crow was sqwarking over the bait, in he came placed the cross hairs on the top of his head. crack down he went, not even a flutter.

i used him as a deek, had a few more crows screeming over head but they didnt want to land. i moved the deek about 6ft away from the carcase and this seemed to do the trick :thumbs: the next crow came straight down and hopped over to the skin.

put the x on his head pulled the trigger...... miss! :censored: lucky little sod just ducked down to peck the bait as the pellet flew past.

Decided to move towards the railway lines as the weather was looking more settled and i knew the bunnies would be out soon. Got myself in a nice little dimple in the ground paralel to the hedge, i think this was made just for me a perfect fit. only had to wait 10 mins before a young kit showed its face at 35 yards. now i wouldnt usually take the kits but im growing my veg on this ground soon and i dont like to share! it was very obliging and sat side on bolt upright, not for long the AAF hitting home with a good crack.

a few mins later a woodie landed about 10 yards away but at almost 90 degrees from me was going to be tough to get in postion. you know the rest......off he flew :doh:

Around 7 or 8 ducks landed in the paddock chasing a female all over the shop, poor old girl she didnt want none of it. id of helped her out with her unwanted pests, i love pan fried duck but out of season so :no: .

waited a while longer hoping for mummy or daddy buggs to come out but i guess they didnt want to join the party so i headed back to the pig sheds to grab the birds then towards the motor. as i peered round one of the green houses spotted a rabbit sat underneath a conifer this was about 40 yards so gave it a little over and to the left....CRACK dropped like a stone a little leg twitch and it was all over.


Nothing more seen on the way to the car but a good mixed bag for the day and i was soooo happy with this little s200, wouldnt mind giving a hw100 a shot in 177 i maybe converted.


grabbed the camera when i got home a took a shot, im crap with a camera so you'll have to excuse the quality :icon_redface:


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hi ya buddy

cracking write up there matey and good picture too sorry to hear about your hw but sounds like the s 200 is going well if you dont mind what did you pay for her matey cheeky i know but just out of interest :thumbs: and weldone on the shooting matey and a good bag to rabbit stew on its way then buddy :thumbs:



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thanks guys, was such a pleasure just to get out again. the HW is on its way back to germany to get the threads sorted on the valve housing and bottle. i was gutted about it untill today :D this AA has put a smile on my face again.

i only paid £180 for it. bargin. :thumbs:


rabbit pie for my nipper and pan fired pigeon with beetroot, warm pickeld onion and a balsamic syrup. :thumbs:

Edited by redeye jedi
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hi ya buddy

thats pretty cheap aint it :thumbs: once i am up and running properly i might look into one of them buddy and :censored: uv'e made me hungry now sounds good though are you sending invites out for dinner then lol :thumbs:




i'll let you know if i get rid of it, you got first dibs :thumbs: im no chef i just steal the recipies from resturants if i like them :D

i must say the pigeon with the warm pickled onions is stunning. :thumbs:

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Had to get a new cylinder from germany on my 100 bugger kept on leaking. My mate only ever usedto have .22 now he only uses .177 funny how people come round. Happy shooting bud :thumbs:


id like to try the HW in 177, if i can sneek another gun cabinet in the house and hide it in the loft i may keep the S200. out of sight out of the wifes mind. :D she looks at my guns and all she sees is cash!!!!!!

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hi ya buddy

lol i do think the pigeon sounds nice though and yeah if you would buddy :thumbs: once my landy has gone this week i might be up and running a bit better but i will be selling my prosport as well to cover all the bills i got doing my pest control course but yeah first dibs will be great matey as long as i cover eveything the wife won't mind i hope lol :thumbs:


and cheers for the pigeon recipie :thumbs:



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