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a life is a life all should be treated with the same respect

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There are plenty of species to hunt here in Arizona. Many of the big game species like Deer, Antelope , Elk , Bear , Big Horn Sheep, Buffalo are almost all lottery permitted. I have enjoyed hunting some of these species and would probably have hunted all of them except for the lottery system. I am not complaining , I think it is a necessary system. The reason for the system is to manage the game. If the state issued unlimited Elk permits than the elk population wouild be shot out in a few seasons.

I like to hunt and an occasional elk or antelope permit every few years is not enough to keep my interest. This is why I hunt predators and other non lottery species. I can go anywhere in the state and hunt predators or small game during the seasons.

Many of the "hunters" that I know of hunt only one or two species..... The most popular species that is put on a "pedestal" are Elk and deer. my brother guides many single specie "hunters" - He makes a few dollars at it nothing that is making him wealthy but he turn's a profit.

I think the horns and the size of certain big game animals spark an ideal of regal majesty towards the animal. Bull Elk are impressive - A massive 2500lb Buffalo commands a certain respect and a Big Horn Sheep is off the scale when it comes to being perched on the hunters pedestal of uniqueness.....

I would rather hunt rabbits and grouse all year than elk for a week.

I would rater hunt coyotes , bobcat and fox for 6months than hunt a Big Horn Sheep for a week. I believe true hunters hunt more than one species, hunters that are obsessed with just one species are missing the big picture.


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the way I see it is that you should extend the same care and aim to dispatch all quarry in the quickest manner possible, doesn't matter if it's a rat, rabbit, duck or deer, respect for quarry goes the

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