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Obama Is a fraud.

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Oy Yank. Can't you take a hint? Eff off from this site cos we really don't like you and and your deranged Georgia cracker views. We are civilised people, you are a snivelling scum bag lying gutless ratshit who wants people to suffer so you can live your sad life at the expence of others. Go find a site in the US where you belong and stay away from Britain.



Thanks so much for you comments. I will take them into consideration next time I am on a US site..... Not that your comments would be worth mentioning to any American's - Americans are aware of how the rest of the world feels about us. "Love ya man" I can feel your pain it's good to get it out because harboring resentments is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die.!

SGS :crazy:


SGS - I apologise. My politics are at the far end of the spectrum from yours and I had drink taken the other night. No excuse, but I just went off on one.

I have a standing invitation to visit a friend of mine in California. If I can ever afford to take him up on it, I'll contact you. I'd like to meet your Gran!

Once more, my apologies.







Is there a back pedaling icon???????? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


SGS surely you can get ya mate grey fox to take him out............ Obama that is :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I was with Ric right up until his last post.






democracy that is practised not preached ning

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Yes and while you're at it, look at the rest of his administration, every one a member or former member of Council for foriegn relations, Trilateral Commision, Bildeberg Group.   Clever what they

Jeff Dunham?   Great user name by the way

a fraud is a fraud if he,s got to the top job lieing then chuck him out.we had a prime minister that got to the top by lieing and smileing but left when he had no choice or friends but made himself a

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Oy Yank. Can't you take a hint? Eff off from this site cos we really don't like you and and your deranged Georgia cracker views. We are civilised people, you are a snivelling scum bag lying gutless ratshit who wants people to suffer so you can live your sad life at the expence of others. Go find a site in the US where you belong and stay away from Britain.



Thanks so much for you comments. I will take them into consideration next time I am on a US site..... Not that your comments would be worth mentioning to any American's - Americans are aware of how the rest of the world feels about us. "Love ya man" I can feel your pain it's good to get it out because harboring resentments is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die.!

SGS :crazy:


SGS - I apologise. My politics are at the far end of the spectrum from yours and I had drink taken the other night. No excuse, but I just went off on one.

I have a standing invitation to visit a friend of mine in California. If I can ever afford to take him up on it, I'll contact you. I'd like to meet your Gran!

Once more, my apologies.



Apology accepted - I have been deep in me cup's once or twice - http://i1021.photobu...ter/1-thumb.jpg - I had to give up John Barleycorn so there would be enough left for the normal folk's! :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :alcoholic:
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i,ll gladly swop places with you, if you come over here you will get more taxes and licenses than you could ever think of.petrol is £1.20 a litre and you need a license to watch tv mate. ive been to the states a good few times and feel you get more for your money than you do here and the inhabitants actualy like the english which is more than you can say for any european country.

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I'm aiming more for New Zealand :D . and there is gonna be more spanish spoken in this country the english in a few years. :censored:





did i mention i only know a few words in spanish :censored::doh::wallbash:

Edited by Alessio
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This country is getting worse by the day because of him. I'm actually considering leaving the country after a graduate high school this spring.


Before giving up a home I suggest a few visits to places that you might have an interest in - then if you find a spot get a work visa for an extended stay. Giving up your US citizenship is not a matter to be considered lightly.... Just a suggestion

SGS :yes:

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This country is getting worse by the day because of him. I'm actually considering leaving the country after a graduate high school this spring.


Before giving up a home I suggest a few visits to places that you might have an interest in - then if you find a spot get a work visa for an extended stay. Giving up your US citizenship is not a matter to be considered lightly.... Just a suggestion

SGS :yes:

Ya i'm not gonna jump right in. I'm gonna try and head out there over the summer and see if i like it. I'm also trying to deside weather or not i want to go to college and if i want to stay here for college. So i'm not really rushing anything.

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What is obama doing wrong? We just see the news and he seems a nice chap but i obviously dont live there so i dont know. I also dont know why there is such a big fuss about the health service over there and why you dont want it. Doesnt it cost you to get operated on and to go to hospital?

A lot of yanks thought tony blair was ok but he was a complete snake so i know that the media will cover up his wrongdoings.

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What is obama doing wrong? We just see the news and he seems a nice chap but i obviously dont live there so i dont know. I also dont know why there is such a big fuss about the health service over there and why you dont want it. Doesnt it cost you to get operated on and to go to hospital?

A lot of yanks thought tony blair was ok but he was a complete snake so i know that the media will cover up his wrongdoings.

I have had the healthcare discussion before - in a nutshell yes I am shure the media's you have gleaned your misinformation from would have you believe there is no "Government Healthcare" in America.... the fact of the matter is that each state has it's own health care program and they are all federally subsidized ..... Arizona (where I live) is one of the poorest's states - its healthcare program is called Access - I had cancer , a heart attack and more heart problems and lost my employment paid health insurance because of missing too much work time. I am now on the State managed health care for people like me who are not able to afford private insurance or who lost their employment based Insurance-Like me - It is not as good as the State insurance but I can still go to the hospital and get a doctors care - paid for by the local State Government.

What Obama has done with healthcare is take out the middle man so to speak making the program Federal and mandatory - meaning a citizen no longer has a choice to buy insurance or not - if you are working you have to sign up and pay into the Federal Healthcare Plan. NO INDIVIDUAL CHOICE - This is what the flap is about, none of our other federally based programs work because when the money is controlled at a federal level the corrupt politician's have an easy go at skimming off a nice chunks to put in their gob's.....Federal Gvorerment = larger more tax's and more corrupt....... State and local Government = smaller less tax's less corrupt. Mandatory Federal Health will put private insurance out of biusness and lower the standards of health care - less people will want to work in the medical field because the decrease in their income due to the lower standards of this Federally based program won't pay for thier schooling. We have too few doctors and nurse's as it stands.

The only free health care I know of is being dispensed quite liberally all over the world in the form of the disaster relief the good old USA provides every time there is an earthquake , sunami, volcano or some other act of god disaster. The good old USA sends it's carriers and hospital ships loaded with supplies, helicopters, soldiers and medical staff to provide relief and each and every time it is paid for by people like me the American Taxpayer. America does this as a goodwill gesture. Then the same countries that are willing to accept our help turn around and p**s on America every chance they get..... This is why so many Americans want to seal off our borders and pull out of the rest of the worlds problems. We don't need oil or any natural resources that are elsewhere in the world we have them right here..... We can cut the mustard - that is why any time there are problems all the other so called world powers (the UK included) turn to and expect the good old USA to pitchin.


SGS 8)

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Ohbummer like bLiar is a cnut who pretends to care about you and be bothered about what you think, while carrying out the wishes of his real masters. At least with Republicans / Conservatives you know you will get $hit on without them pretending to give a toss about you.

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