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Obama Is a fraud.

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Why haven't we heard anything about this in the lame stream media?

Very Interesting!


Date: Thursday, March 25, 2010, 10:21 PM




In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's

qualifications for the presidency, the group "Americans for Freedom of

Information" has Released copies of President Obama's college

transcripts from Occidental College . Released today, the transcript

school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received

financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate.

The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a

court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of

California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for

financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from

the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the

scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship.


This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many

of Obama's detractors have been seeking. Along with the evidence that

he was first born in Kenya and there is no record of him ever applying

for US citizenship, this is looking pretty grim. The news has created a

firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt

about Obama's legitimacy and qualification to serve as President

article titled, "Obama Eligibility Questioned," leading some to

speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama's

first official visit to the U.K. In a related matter, under growing

pressure from several groups, Justice Antonin Scalia announced that

the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerning

Obama's legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by

Leo Donofrio of New Jersey . This lawsuit claims Obama's dual

citizenship disqualified him from serving as president. Donofrio's case

is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama's

citizenship or qualification to serve as president.


Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released

the results of their investigation of Obama's campaign spending. This

study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign

funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal

resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr.

Kreep indicated that the investigation is still ongoing but that the

final report will be provided to the U..S. Attorney general, Eric

Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment on the matter...



Issue of Passport?


While I've little interest in getting in the middle of the

Obama birth issue, Paul Hollrah over at FSM did so yesterday and

believes the issue can be resolved by Obama answering one simple

question: What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New

York , Jakarta , and Karachi ?


So how did a young man who arrived in New York in early June

1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket, suddenly come up

with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later?


And once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York ,

Jakarta , and Karachi , what passport was he offering when he passed

through Customs and Immigration?


The American people not only deserve to have answers to these

questions, they must have answers. It makes the debate over Obama's

citizenship a rather short and simple one.


Q: Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?

A : Yes, by his own admission.


Q: What passport did he travel under?

A: There are only three possibilities.

1) He traveled with a U.S. .. Passport,

2) He traveled with a British passport, or

3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.


Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in


A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. .. State

Department's "no travel" list in 1981.


Conclusion: When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was

traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.


If he were traveling with a British passport that would provide

proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he

claims. And if he were traveling with an Indonesian passport that would

tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he

held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian

step-father in 1967.


Whatever the truth of the matter, the American people need to

know how he managed to become a "natural born" American citizen between

1981 and 2008..


Given the destructive nature of his plans for America, as

illustrated by his speech before Congress and the disastrous spending

plan he has presented to Congress, the sooner we learn the truth of all

this, the better.


If you Don't care that Your President is not a natural born

Citizen and in Violation of the Constitution, then Delete this, and

then lower your American Flag to half-staff, because the U.S.

Constitution is already on life-support, and won't survive much longer.


If you do care then Forward this to as many patriotic Americans

as you can, because our country is being looted and ransacked!


:rtfm::nono::thumbdown:8) SGS

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Yes and while you're at it, look at the rest of his administration, every one a member or former member of Council for foriegn relations, Trilateral Commision, Bildeberg Group.   Clever what they

Jeff Dunham?   Great user name by the way

a fraud is a fraud if he,s got to the top job lieing then chuck him out.we had a prime minister that got to the top by lieing and smileing but left when he had no choice or friends but made himself a

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Yes and while you're at it, look at the rest of his administration, every one a member or former member of

Council for foriegn relations, Trilateral Commision, Bildeberg Group.


Clever what they did with Obama, they put a black face on the president so people thought "this must be the real deal" WRONG.


It's a PUPPET, as that comedian (who's name escapes me) would say.

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  On 07/04/2010 at 16:54, JohnGalway said:
  On 07/04/2010 at 16:51, Dosser said:

It's a PUPPET, as that comedian (who's name escapes me) would say.


Jeff Dunham?


Great user name by the way :clapper::thumbs:



Ha Ha, thanks. Brian conley was the chap i was thinking of.

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Just finished reading Obamas autobiography 'Dreams from my Father', as you say his mum married an Indonesian and they lived there.

Whats the problem? Perhaps he had duel nationality?

Who gives a f**k or is his colour rather than his birth place a problem to you?

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a fraud is a fraud if he,s got to the top job lieing then chuck him out.we had a prime minister that got to the top by lieing and smileing but left when he had no choice or friends but made himself a multi millionare while representing the working class.still doing the rounds at 250,000 quid a function but never donated nowt to our injured and dead comrades from the war he started but didnt quite finnish. thanks for shareing this with us shotgun sniper

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Of course Obamas A fraud,you dont think he could get in without the sanction of the people who really run your country do you?


We all know who really runs America and its never the president,presidents who go against the grain and try to really influence policy are assasinated,youll be telling us next that some muslims blew up the world trade centre.

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  On 07/04/2010 at 20:34, steveS.Yorks said:

Of course Obamas A fraud,you dont think he could get in without the sanction of the people who really run your country do you?


We all know who really runs America and its never the president,presidents who go against the grain and try to really influence policy are assasinated,youll be telling us next that some muslims blew up the world trade centre.


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  On 07/04/2010 at 20:34, steveS.Yorks said:

Of course Obamas A fraud,you dont think he could get in without the sanction of the people who really run your country do you?


We all know who really runs America and its never the president,presidents who go against the grain and try to really influence policy are assasinated,youll be telling us next that some muslims blew up the world trade centre.


Bang on the money steve


But, its not just the states that they run !!



Ric, thats not cricket, if you cant say something nice . . . . . . .

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  On 07/04/2010 at 18:13, RicW said:

Oy Yank. Can't you take a hint? Eff off from this site cos we really don't like you and and your deranged Georgia cracker views. We are civilised people, you are a snivelling scum bag lying gutless ratshit who wants people to suffer so you can live your sad life at the expence of others. Go find a site in the US where you belong and stay away from Britain.



Thanks so much for you comments. I will take them into consideration next time I am on a US site..... Not that your comments would be worth mentioning to any American's - Americans are aware of how the rest of the world feels about us. "Love ya man" I can feel your pain it's good to get it out because harboring resentments is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die.!

SGS :crazy:

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  On 07/04/2010 at 23:40, SHOTGUNSNIPER said:
  On 07/04/2010 at 18:13, RicW said:

Oy Yank. Can't you take a hint? Eff off from this site cos we really don't like you and and your deranged Georgia cracker views. We are civilised people, you are a snivelling scum bag lying gutless ratshit who wants people to suffer so you can live your sad life at the expence of others. Go find a site in the US where you belong and stay away from Britain.



Thanks so much for you comments. I will take them into consideration next time I am on a US site..... Not that your comments would be worth mentioning to any American's - Americans are aware of how the rest of the world feels about us. "Love ya man" I can feel your pain it's good to get it out because harboring resentments is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die.!

SGS crazy.gif


Shotgun Sniper..... Feel free to post, everyones entitled to an opinion and view......ignore anyone narrow minded...

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  On 08/04/2010 at 01:18, IanB said:
  On 07/04/2010 at 23:40, SHOTGUNSNIPER said:
  On 07/04/2010 at 18:13, RicW said:

Oy Yank. Can't you take a hint? Eff off from this site cos we really don't like you and and your deranged Georgia cracker views. We are civilised people, you are a snivelling scum bag lying gutless ratshit who wants people to suffer so you can live your sad life at the expence of others. Go find a site in the US where you belong and stay away from Britain.



Thanks so much for you comments. I will take them into consideration next time I am on a US site..... Not that your comments would be worth mentioning to any American's - Americans are aware of how the rest of the world feels about us. "Love ya man" I can feel your pain it's good to get it out because harboring resentments is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die.!

SGS crazy.gif


Shotgun Sniper..... Feel free to post, everyones entitled to an opinion and view......ignore anyone narrow minded...

Thanks IanB - if Ricw lived a little closer I'd have em over for lunch and to meet the family - I think he would get on fine with my grandma!

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  On 07/04/2010 at 23:40, SHOTGUNSNIPER said:
  On 07/04/2010 at 18:13, RicW said:

Oy Yank. Can't you take a hint? Eff off from this site cos we really don't like you and and your deranged Georgia cracker views. We are civilised people, you are a snivelling scum bag lying gutless ratshit who wants people to suffer so you can live your sad life at the expence of others. Go find a site in the US where you belong and stay away from Britain.



Thanks so much for you comments. I will take them into consideration next time I am on a US site..... Not that your comments would be worth mentioning to any American's - Americans are aware of how the rest of the world feels about us. "Love ya man" I can feel your pain it's good to get it out because harboring resentments is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die.!

SGS :crazy:


SGS - I apologise. My politics are at the far end of the spectrum from yours and I had drink taken the other night. No excuse, but I just went off on one.

I have a standing invitation to visit a friend of mine in California. If I can ever afford to take him up on it, I'll contact you. I'd like to meet your Gran!

Once more, my apologies.



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  On 08/04/2010 at 10:45, RicW said:
  On 07/04/2010 at 23:40, SHOTGUNSNIPER said:
  On 07/04/2010 at 18:13, RicW said:

Oy Yank. Can't you take a hint? Eff off from this site cos we really don't like you and and your deranged Georgia cracker views. We are civilised people, you are a snivelling scum bag lying gutless ratshit who wants people to suffer so you can live your sad life at the expence of others. Go find a site in the US where you belong and stay away from Britain.



Thanks so much for you comments. I will take them into consideration next time I am on a US site..... Not that your comments would be worth mentioning to any American's - Americans are aware of how the rest of the world feels about us. "Love ya man" I can feel your pain it's good to get it out because harboring resentments is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die.!

SGS :crazy:


SGS - I apologise. My politics are at the far end of the spectrum from yours and I had drink taken the other night. No excuse, but I just went off on one.

I have a standing invitation to visit a friend of mine in California. If I can ever afford to take him up on it, I'll contact you. I'd like to meet your Gran!

Once more, my apologies.







Is there a back pedaling icon???????? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


SGS surely you can get ya mate grey fox to take him out............ Obama that is :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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  On 08/04/2010 at 10:54, mushroom said:

Is there a back pedaling icon???????? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:




Just found this for you:







(Sorry Ric...) icon_redface.gif

Edited by maltenby
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