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Any one else have the wind up em today???

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hi ya buddy

nice shooting there matey and nice pictures to i do miss my storm though cracking gun buddy



cheers shay yeah i do love my storm... well the only things that are gunpower left on it is the outer case, barrel, and bottle all the rest has been bined and replaced with custom parts from leupys gun shop, drum really knows his stuff!! smooth as silk now just waiting on a mod to the hybrid hammer to soften the noise when the spring is released...... once u pop u cant stop i think they say......... :gunsmilie:

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hi ya buddy

yeah the storm is looking good buddy just wish i had kept mine now there is so much you can do with them aint there i might try and get another once things are going a little better for me you will have to keep us updated on how she is getting on buddy



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Hi Alex.


What a day :thumbs:

Good shooting and write up buddy, nice pictures too.


I bet you gor a real kick out of dropping that lot....ooooops.......did I just say Kick :D









thanks bill, kick it i did :tongue2: bloody clumsy!! but congrats you got dropping and kick into that reply :thumbs: top :thumbs:


great shooting! i just wrap a scrim scarf round my head, as if i was mummifying myslef, with a few odd bits sticking out too look a little like leaves. speaking of camo, i got a sewdish m/86 pattern jacket at the kelmarsh gamefair, it looks so good;


(thats not me by the way :laugh:)

aaron that is a nice set!! :thumbs: it blends itself to our country side better than the combat 95's!! you get top n bottoms??

I could only afford the jacket, £25. its a very nice jacket though, hidden pockets everywhere and it came with a liner.

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great post there Alex, nice photo's too. if your going to make a gilly suit then the best option is to use some green army coveralls or tanky DPM covies. cut up some sand bags into strips, use the cam net patches as well and glue some green elastic so you can add some of the local natural. works a treat. :thumbs:

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great post there Alex, nice photo's too. if your going to make a gilly suit then the best option is to use some green army coveralls or tanky DPM covies. cut up some sand bags into strips, use the cam net patches as well and glue some green elastic so you can add some of the local natural. works a treat. :thumbs:

:thumbs: cheers bud i will be giving it a go soon!! especially if i get the go ahead on a 120 acre shoot ive got my fingers crossed for!! :hunter:

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