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Just read Spiderpigs post and a good one at that. So as not to hijack his post I thought I`d start a new one and share an experience or two myself. Eight years ago I bought my first 2 Plummers, male and female. At just a few months old they were bushing on a regular route I take for rabbits, when one day my dog ran across the field. At first glance as it was some distance away I saw him chasing a red dog. I looked up the public footpath for the owner but nowhere to be seen. I looked back across the field to witness the red dog put the breaks on, about turn and started chasing my dog back towards me. It was not till they were approaching me that I had to adjust my eyes in disbelief and realised it was a fox cub. No my dog was not running back with tail down with fear, far from it, they were playing chase. The pair got to within 25yrds of me and the cub put his breaks on when he saw me and hightailed off whilst I called my dog back. The only conclusion I came to was that as both were infants niether had experienced threats from each other before and would assume that my dog thought fox was a dog and fox thought dog was a fox. Needless to say a year later my dog did what came naturally and dug to him on several occasions proving himself. Ironically some years later, his grandson experienced his first fox at a young age whilst out bushing, couldnt belive it when I had a pack of Plummers chasing a vixen around a heavy covered bank around a large pond when the young dog as well as the fox literally bumped into each other on field side and made several attempts to dodge each other face to face and passed each other and both went in opposite directions about their business. So I had 4 plummers chasing fox clockwise around pond and one young plummer going anticlockwise around pond and bumping into fox, to add insult to injury it happened twice in the space of five minutes, couldnt believe it, couldnt have made it up if I tried. Again needless to say a year on he has pushed them out on several occasions but now with a mission.

No smart remarks please regarding above, but would like to hear your strange encounters whilst out doing a bit.

Edited by dillan
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We've been sorting a few litters and vixens out these last few weeks for a few keepers and at times different bitches(my plummer bitch included) have brought out cubs to the surface although dead,i have wondered if there was a maternal instinct kicking in there some how.Young animals are still learning whats a danger or whats quarry and your young dog hadn't learnt young charlie was foe and vice vercer,good story that mate :clapper: but the clocks ticking on the smart remarks bit! :thumbs: .

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Had a Lakeland terrier many years ago. Hard as nails, but if she found cubs in an earth she would bring them out unharmed: went on to be a good mother herself: also my hard black bitch now won't touch tiny cubs: not known this happen with any terrier males I've had: no such maternal instinct in them.

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Same dog and bitch in there infancy on a walk on the outskirts of a nature reserve. At the back of the pit on a public footpath, 25 yrds infront of me two ducks got up, on looking up to my horror wih my hands clasped to my head I witnessed both dogs retrieving a duckling apiece, getting down on my knees I calmly coaxed them to give to hand, I was amazed to see that both ducklings were unharmed. Parents still circling above I got our lass to take the dogs further up the path whilst I replaced the ducklings in the same area on the grass verge in hope the parents would return, which Im sure they did.





Come on Alli you can do better than that, you`ve been at it alot of years, you must have encountered strange happenings.

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had my plummer pup out when he was about 6 months, we were walking up a hill by the side of a 5 a side f-ball pitch in the dark. when we got to the top of the hill there was an old burst f-ball. so i threw it down the hill for the dog to chase and retrieve. as i thrw the ball the dog set off running, as soon as the ball touched the ground, a fox shot out from the edge of the pitch and ran towards the ball. the fox and the dog both stopped dead at the same time. with the ball about five yards away from both of them, a sort of mexican stand off for a few seconds, the dog then growled and came back and stood at the side of me, the fox just sat looking at us. then the pup got a bit braver and began to bark and the fox got off :icon_eek:

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