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Papal visit

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I find it hard too beleive that a staunch orangeman allowed his daughter to be taken away too a convent too have her baby taken away,either he was a gutless wonder like most of those masonic arseholes or your past is a lie. I also know for a fact that your bigotry is deeply rooted in you and would call on all Irishmen too boycott your goods as you have threatened Irishmen before with loyalist death groups.


Strong words there.


I'd be interested to see an example of what you accuse me of ............. I'd say there were plenty of Irishmen quite happy with any deals they've done with me.


As for a boycott,


There's a problem there, I couldn't give a flying f.uck if I never sell another collar again, do you think I make a fortune from it? Behave yourself!



As it goes, I too would call for Irishmen to boycott my gear, your post service is shite and it's a pain in the arse sending anything over there!!!! :clapper:



No problems with the North though!!



You sound very bitter, got a funny taste in your mouth son? I wonder what that could be ............




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the catholic religion is very strange .my sister married a catholic lad and because the kids got christened in a protestant church.none of his family come....................right time to watch the rangers win :toast:

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Am not normally one for spouting of personal stuff on here, after all it's none of your fecking business :laugh:


But, to explain why I am so anti Roman Catholocism a little is required ...............


Nope, I've never been bummed, sorry to disappoint!






I'm from a "mixed" family on my mothers side, as happened a lot in Liverpool in post war years.


My Grandfather was a Prod, my Grandmother's family was a Roman Catholic family, she herself wasn't either.


My mother went to a Roman Catholic school, because it was an excellent school (I would never choose a wrong faith school if it meant any child of mine being indoctrinated, nor now would my mother) and I suppose got sucked into the whole RC thing, after all they had plenty of time to work on her.


She got pregnant at 16 (with me) and the priest was straight onto my Grandmother to "send her away", he must have called when my Grandfather was out as he was a senior Orangeman and would have no popish shite in that house.


My Ma got sent a Roman Catholic convent in the lakes to have her baby, when she was about 8 weeks pregnant! While she was there she endured severe hardship, beatings, being forced to work extremely long hours with little food, no contact with her family or friends (they witheld all the post) all to atone for her sins. Google "Magdalene laundrys" for more info.


Their plan was that her baby would be given away to a "nice rich couple" (who had no doubt paid plenty of money to the church) and adopted by them, my Ma would return to Liverpool as though nothing had happened ..............


They weren't counting on my Ma's absolute determination to keep me though, so one day she escaped (yes she had to escape, not leave) and came back to Liverpool, my Grandfathers family looked after her, she had her baby and here I am still annoying the shit out of her 44 years later ....................... :boogie:



What most people outside the Roman Church don't understand is the absolute blind faith indoctrinated into it's followers, they dare not question a priest, let alone tell anyone he's been buggering them! They live their blinkered lives following the law of the pope, never questioning any of it's made up teachings.



So ............... F.uck the pope, and his made up religion, f.cuk their stupid statues and bowing their head when someone mentions Jesus, f.uck the body of Christ nonsense, and most of all may those who hurt the children, and those who are worse than them for covering it up rot in the eternal damnation they teach, failing that let's pray they get what they deserve in this life.




ive read this post a couple of times ,wouldnt doubt what you have said ,sounds like something that happend 140 years ago ,not 40 ...ydah this religeon job has a lot to answer for!

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