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i can understand peoples disgust at peodo prests, theres millions of priests in the world that do great work, tarnished by the scumy ones, i think the visit would mean alot to some folks (mostly oldie

I hope if he does come that the people show their disgust at what he and his followers have done. There is no excuse for the cover up,you cant preach to people about doing good and then abuse their c

People abuse their powers in all positions. Some are scout leaders, some care workers and some priests. I think it unlikely that this be confined to the catholic church, the C of E is much smaller so

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Judge not lest ye be judge....Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.... the list is endless... if you believe in God then you will know that scum like this will be dealt with by the man upstairs himself .. atb stabba



Stabba, IF there was a god then Peados wouldn't exist would they? IF there was a god then thousands of innocent kids wouldn't have had their lives ruined. Surely God would have done something about this?.... :hmm:


I no longer believe in religion, IF there was a God then he would'nt sit around and do nothing while we pump chemicals into the sea and air, decimate the natural resources, wipe out species after species in the name of money and breed like a virus destroying the natural world where ever we go........ :no:


IF there was a "higher being" looking over mankind then HE wouldn't let this happen...... :doh:



IF there is a God (which I believe there is BTW)Then there's evil.

Black and White

Right and Wrong

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Not trying to convert you but there is a lot more to religion than your understandable view on life

Rgds Swampy

philosophical ning




what action is there against the people who abuse children? As far as i can see they seem to be protected from any real punishment at every turn? AND BY THE CHURCH!!! And i am refering to punishment we know about, not some silly imaginary punishment in that place called heaven.


What action is "God" having to stop us breeding and destroying the whole world around us.? I mean "real" action, you know, that you can see.


What action is He having against the fools who have wiped some of our species out , never to return? Is "HE" going to suddenly jump up, wave a magic wand and a couple more of the species wander down the ramps of The Ark?


Religion is a made up form of control. A way of getting each and every one of us to stand in line, to conform. To pay what we have. Apart from Maradonna's goalmouth performance i have never seen a hand of god moment..... Surely, with the damage we are doing to the world he would do something about it. Wouldnt he? Or do we have to wipe everything out first? Your thoughts on this would be welcome.......lol.......



Religion is not mind control. You can chose to believe or not.

It is a personal choice as to how you lead your life. Most religions follow a belief that in essence is good.

If everyone were to follow the teachings of the bible or the koran for that matter the world would be a better place. It is the ones that don't that fek it up.

Even if you were to follow just the 10 commandments it would be a better place.

What I can not tolerate is the hypocracy of some who work and stand for their religion at the same time as using it to hide their wrongdoings.

For that they should be punished more than those who just do wrong. In the same way that a policeman should be punished more for abusing his position of power for his own ends.

Everyone sins. To what degree that sin is committed varies. But sin is still sin.

The truely devout do not cause wars, destroy the planet or abuse children. Regardless of their religion be it seikh, muslim, RC, buddihst or hari krishna.


I respect your view on religion i hope that you can accept mine






A far from devout ning

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i can understand peoples disgust at peodo prests, theres millions of priests in the world that do great work, tarnished by the scumy ones, i think the visit would mean alot to some folks (mostly oldies) so can't see the harm or reason to cancle



Have to disagree wit Karl on this one. The rape of our children by the priesthood was well and truly covered up from the highest level with in the Church, and for this reason I think people should protest at the sicking visit.

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Religion is not mind control. You can chose to believe or not.

It is a personal choice as to how you lead your life. Most religions follow a belief that in essence is good.

If everyone were to follow the teachings of the bible or the koran for that matter the world would be a better place. It is the ones that don't that fek it up.

Even if you were to follow just the 10 commandments it would be a better place.

What I can not tolerate is the hypocracy of some who work and stand for their religion at the same time as using it to hide their wrongdoings.

For that they should be punished more than those who just do wrong. In the same way that a policeman should be punished more for abusing his position of power for his own ends.

Everyone sins. To what degree that sin is committed varies. But sin is still sin.

The truely devout do not cause wars, destroy the planet or abuse children. Regardless of their religion be it seikh, muslim, RC, buddihst or hari krishna.


I respect your view on religion i hope that you can accept mine






A far from devout ning


Yes and no Mr Swamps, All religions try to indoctrinate the children of the respective believers, the teachings of the Koran contain some very naughty instructions for "ridding the lands of the great prophet (Mohamed) of the infidel, thats us to them.

So does the old testemant of the christian bible which demands retribution for deeds done against us, the old eye for an eye bit.


The only people who accept anyone without question are the Budhists who do not worship any gods or deity's, they just follow the teachings of an Indian fella.


Since all this religion malarchy started they have been waging war on each other in one way or another, its almost the same as gang warfare or even football supporters.

Its just a way to control and tax the masses.


And to keep to the thread, while working in Dublin last year the talk was of nothing else but the kiddy fiddling preist hood, it was also mentioned to me by a victim of this abuse that the church are slowly paying compensation to the victims so long as they drop any legal claims, the preisthood in ireland have reduced the crime of child abuse to the same as car accident where you get some compo so long as you take the matter no further.

It was being referred to as "Arse money" !


And the man in charge is fully aware of what goes on, the bishops in Ireland are fully aware of what's going on and as they say the proof is in the pudding.


The religion and the people within it are fatally flawed, but without proper education and knowledge the "simple people" will carry on believing false promises from perverts


I think the Pope should visit, he should crawl on his belly and beg the forgiveness of the people who's lives his priests, bishops and cardinals have ruined.


There is a very simple but effective protest that the people around the area i worked in used, after the mass on sunday ( there were two) when the plate was offered it was passed on empty, this went on for several weeks while i was there, not one person gave one single euro to the church, after all it runs on the money of the congregation:yes:

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Am not normally one for spouting of personal stuff on here, after all it's none of your fecking business :laugh:


But, to explain why I am so anti Roman Catholocism a little is required ...............


Nope, I've never been bummed, sorry to disappoint!






I'm from a "mixed" family on my mothers side, as happened a lot in Liverpool in post war years.


My Grandfather was a Prod, my Grandmother's family was a Roman Catholic family, she herself wasn't either.


My mother went to a Roman Catholic school, because it was an excellent school (I would never choose a wrong faith school if it meant any child of mine being indoctrinated, nor now would my mother) and I suppose got sucked into the whole RC thing, after all they had plenty of time to work on her.


She got pregnant at 16 (with me) and the priest was straight onto my Grandmother to "send her away", he must have called when my Grandfather was out as he was a senior Orangeman and would have no popish shite in that house.


My Ma got sent a Roman Catholic convent in the lakes to have her baby, when she was about 8 weeks pregnant! While she was there she endured severe hardship, beatings, being forced to work extremely long hours with little food, no contact with her family or friends (they witheld all the post) all to atone for her sins. Google "Magdalene laundrys" for more info.


Their plan was that her baby would be given away to a "nice rich couple" (who had no doubt paid plenty of money to the church) and adopted by them, my Ma would return to Liverpool as though nothing had happened ..............


They weren't counting on my Ma's absolute determination to keep me though, so one day she escaped (yes she had to escape, not leave) and came back to Liverpool, my Grandfathers family looked after her, she had her baby and here I am still annoying the shit out of her 44 years later ....................... :boogie:



What most people outside the Roman Church don't understand is the absolute blind faith indoctrinated into it's followers, they dare not question a priest, let alone tell anyone he's been buggering them! They live their blinkered lives following the law of the pope, never questioning any of it's made up teachings.



So ............... F.uck the pope, and his made up religion, f.cuk their stupid statues and bowing their head when someone mentions Jesus, f.uck the body of Christ nonsense, and most of all may those who hurt the children, and those who are worse than them for covering it up rot in the eternal damnation they teach, failing that let's pray they get what they deserve in this life.




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Am not normally one for spouting of personal stuff on here, after all it's none of your fecking business :laugh:


But, to explain why I am so anti Roman Catholocism a little is required ...............


Nope, I've never been bummed, sorry to disappoint!






I'm from a "mixed" family on my mothers side, as happened a lot in Liverpool in post war years.


My Grandfather was a Prod, my Grandmother's family was a Roman Catholic family, she herself wasn't either.


My mother went to a Roman Catholic school, because it was an excellent school (I would never choose a wrong faith school if it meant any child of mine being indoctrinated, nor now would my mother) and I suppose got sucked into the whole RC thing, after all they had plenty of time to work on her.


She got pregnant at 16 (with me) and the priest was straight onto my Grandmother to "send her away", he must have called when my Grandfather was out as he was a senior Orangeman and would have no popish shite in that house.


My Ma got sent a Roman Catholic convent in the lakes to have her baby, when she was about 8 weeks pregnant! While she was there she endured severe hardship, beatings, being forced to work extremely long hours with little food, no contact with her family or friends (they witheld all the post) all to atone for her sins. Google "Magdalene laundrys" for more info.


Their plan was that her baby would be given away to a "nice rich couple" (who had no doubt paid plenty of money to the church) and adopted by them, my Ma would return to Liverpool as though nothing had happened ..............


They weren't counting on my Ma's absolute determination to keep me though, so one day she escaped (yes she had to escape, not leave) and came back to Liverpool, my Grandfathers family looked after her, she had her baby and here I am still annoying the shit out of her 44 years later ....................... :boogie:



What most people outside the Roman Church don't understand is the absolute blind faith indoctrinated into it's followers, they dare not question a priest, let alone tell anyone he's been buggering them! They live their blinkered lives following the law of the pope, never questioning any of it's made up teachings.



So ............... F.uck the pope, and his made up religion, f.cuk their stupid statues and bowing their head when someone mentions Jesus, f.uck the body of Christ nonsense, and most of all may those who hurt the children, and those who are worse than them for covering it up rot in the eternal damnation they teach, failing that let's pray they get what they deserve in this life.







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Am not normally one for spouting of personal stuff on here, after all it's none of your fecking business :laugh:


But, to explain why I am so anti Roman Catholocism a little is required ...............


Nope, I've never been bummed, sorry to disappoint!






I'm from a "mixed" family on my mothers side, as happened a lot in Liverpool in post war years.


My Grandfather was a Prod, my Grandmother's family was a Roman Catholic family, she herself wasn't either.


My mother went to a Roman Catholic school, because it was an excellent school (I would never choose a wrong faith school if it meant any child of mine being indoctrinated, nor now would my mother) and I suppose got sucked into the whole RC thing, after all they had plenty of time to work on her.


She got pregnant at 16 (with me) and the priest was straight onto my Grandmother to "send her away", he must have called when my Grandfather was out as he was a senior Orangeman and would have no popish shite in that house.


My Ma got sent a Roman Catholic convent in the lakes to have her baby, when she was about 8 weeks pregnant! While she was there she endured severe hardship, beatings, being forced to work extremely long hours with little food, no contact with her family or friends (they witheld all the post) all to atone for her sins. Google "Magdalene laundrys" for more info.


Their plan was that her baby would be given away to a "nice rich couple" (who had no doubt paid plenty of money to the church) and adopted by them, my Ma would return to Liverpool as though nothing had happened ..............


They weren't counting on my Ma's absolute determination to keep me though, so one day she escaped (yes she had to escape, not leave) and came back to Liverpool, my Grandfathers family looked after her, she had her baby and here I am still annoying the shit out of her 44 years later ....................... :boogie:



What most people outside the Roman Church don't understand is the absolute blind faith indoctrinated into it's followers, they dare not question a priest, let alone tell anyone he's been buggering them! They live their blinkered lives following the law of the pope, never questioning any of it's made up teachings.



So ............... F.uck the pope, and his made up religion, f.cuk their stupid statues and bowing their head when someone mentions Jesus, f.uck the body of Christ nonsense, and most of all may those who hurt the children, and those who are worse than them for covering it up rot in the eternal damnation they teach, failing that let's pray they get what they deserve in this life.




I can understand and respect your view especially given your circumstances.

My experiences however are far different.Thankfully.

For all the bad there is also good.

I am not sticking up for the scum that have perpurtated these crimes but rather for the majority of good people that reside in the organisations of churches and for that matter other organisations (i.e. boy scouts).






PS I shall say no more on this matter as it is an extremely emotive and subjective topic to which there is no answer.

The thread started with "should he(the pope) come?"

I beleive he should. But he should also acknowledge the crimes that have been committed in his churches name

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Judge not lest ye be judge....Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.... the list is endless... if you believe in God then you will know that scum like this will be dealt with by the man upstairs himself .. atb stabba



Stabba, IF there was a god then Peados wouldn't exist would they? IF there was a god then thousands of innocent kids wouldn't have had their lives ruined. Surely God would have done something about this?.... :hmm:


I no longer believe in religion, IF there was a God then he would'nt sit around and do nothing while we pump chemicals into the sea and air, decimate the natural resources, wipe out species after species in the name of money and breed like a virus destroying the natural world where ever we go........ :no:


IF there was a "higher being" looking over mankind then HE wouldn't let this happen...... :doh:



IF there is a God (which I believe there is BTW)Then there's evil.

Black and White

Right and Wrong

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Not trying to convert you but there is a lot more to religion than your understandable view on life

Rgds Swampy

philosophical ning




what action is there against the people who abuse children? As far as i can see they seem to be protected from any real punishment at every turn? AND BY THE CHURCH!!! And i am refering to punishment we know about, not some silly imaginary punishment in that place called heaven.


What action is "God" having to stop us breeding and destroying the whole world around us.? I mean "real" action, you know, that you can see.


What action is He having against the fools who have wiped some of our species out , never to return? Is "HE" going to suddenly jump up, wave a magic wand and a couple more of the species wander down the ramps of The Ark?


Religion is a made up form of control. A way of getting each and every one of us to stand in line, to conform. To pay what we have. Apart from Maradonna's goalmouth performance i have never seen a hand of god moment..... Surely, with the damage we are doing to the world he would do something about it. Wouldnt he? Or do we have to wipe everything out first? Your thoughts on this would be welcome.......lol.......



Religion is not mind control. You can chose to believe or not.

It is a personal choice as to how you lead your life. Most religions follow a belief that in essence is good.

If everyone were to follow the teachings of the bible or the koran for that matter the world would be a better place. It is the ones that don't that fek it up.

Even if you were to follow just the 10 commandments it would be a better place.

What I can not tolerate is the hypocracy of some who work and stand for their religion at the same time as using it to hide their wrongdoings.

For that they should be punished more than those who just do wrong. In the same way that a policeman should be punished more for abusing his position of power for his own ends.

Everyone sins. To what degree that sin is committed varies. But sin is still sin.

The truely devout do not cause wars, destroy the planet or abuse children. Regardless of their religion be it seikh, muslim, RC, buddihst or hari krishna.


I respect your view on religion i hope that you can accept mine






A far from devout ning



Oh swampy, i was disapointed at that lame reply. Have a crack at answering the questions i posed.....

Then we can move on and discuss further..... :victory:


Waitning againing...JD

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Judge not lest ye be judge....Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.... the list is endless... if you believe in God then you will know that scum like this will be dealt with by the man upstairs himself .. atb stabba



Stabba, IF there was a god then Peados wouldn't exist would they? IF there was a god then thousands of innocent kids wouldn't have had their lives ruined. Surely God would have done something about this?.... :hmm:


I no longer believe in religion, IF there was a God then he would'nt sit around and do nothing while we pump chemicals into the sea and air, decimate the natural resources, wipe out species after species in the name of money and breed like a virus destroying the natural world where ever we go........ :no:


IF there was a "higher being" looking over mankind then HE wouldn't let this happen...... :doh:



IF there is a God (which I believe there is BTW)Then there's evil.

Black and White

Right and Wrong

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Not trying to convert you but there is a lot more to religion than your understandable view on life

Rgds Swampy

philosophical ning




what action is there against the people who abuse children? As far as i can see they seem to be protected from any real punishment at every turn? AND BY THE CHURCH!!! And i am refering to punishment we know about, not some silly imaginary punishment in that place called heaven.


What action is "God" having to stop us breeding and destroying the whole world around us.? I mean "real" action, you know, that you can see.


What action is He having against the fools who have wiped some of our species out , never to return? Is "HE" going to suddenly jump up, wave a magic wand and a couple more of the species wander down the ramps of The Ark?


Religion is a made up form of control. A way of getting each and every one of us to stand in line, to conform. To pay what we have. Apart from Maradonna's goalmouth performance i have never seen a hand of god moment..... Surely, with the damage we are doing to the world he would do something about it. Wouldnt he? Or do we have to wipe everything out first? Your thoughts on this would be welcome.......lol.......



Religion is not mind control. You can chose to believe or not.

It is a personal choice as to how you lead your life. Most religions follow a belief that in essence is good.

If everyone were to follow the teachings of the bible or the koran for that matter the world would be a better place. It is the ones that don't that fek it up.

Even if you were to follow just the 10 commandments it would be a better place.

What I can not tolerate is the hypocracy of some who work and stand for their religion at the same time as using it to hide their wrongdoings.

For that they should be punished more than those who just do wrong. In the same way that a policeman should be punished more for abusing his position of power for his own ends.

Everyone sins. To what degree that sin is committed varies. But sin is still sin.

The truely devout do not cause wars, destroy the planet or abuse children. Regardless of their religion be it seikh, muslim, RC, buddihst or hari krishna.


I respect your view on religion i hope that you can accept mine






A far from devout ning



Oh swampy, i was disapointed at that lame reply. Have a crack at answering the questions i posed.....

Then we can move on and discuss further..... :victory:


Waitning againing...JD


Much as I would like to enter into a philosophical debate with you JD.

Please refer to my final posts.

Sorry to dissapoint mate


The one and ONLY ning

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Am not normally one for spouting of personal stuff on here, after all it's none of your fecking business :laugh:


But, to explain why I am so anti Roman Catholocism a little is required ...............


Nope, I've never been bummed, sorry to disappoint!






I'm from a "mixed" family on my mothers side, as happened a lot in Liverpool in post war years.


My Grandfather was a Prod, my Grandmother's family was a Roman Catholic family, she herself wasn't either.


My mother went to a Roman Catholic school, because it was an excellent school (I would never choose a wrong faith school if it meant any child of mine being indoctrinated, nor now would my mother) and I suppose got sucked into the whole RC thing, after all they had plenty of time to work on her.


She got pregnant at 16 (with me) and the priest was straight onto my Grandmother to "send her away", he must have called when my Grandfather was out as he was a senior Orangeman and would have no popish shite in that house.


My Ma got sent a Roman Catholic convent in the lakes to have her baby, when she was about 8 weeks pregnant! While she was there she endured severe hardship, beatings, being forced to work extremely long hours with little food, no contact with her family or friends (they witheld all the post) all to atone for her sins. Google "Magdalene laundrys" for more info.


Their plan was that her baby would be given away to a "nice rich couple" (who had no doubt paid plenty of money to the church) and adopted by them, my Ma would return to Liverpool as though nothing had happened ..............


They weren't counting on my Ma's absolute determination to keep me though, so one day she escaped (yes she had to escape, not leave) and came back to Liverpool, my Grandfathers family looked after her, she had her baby and here I am still annoying the shit out of her 44 years later ....................... :boogie:



What most people outside the Roman Church don't understand is the absolute blind faith indoctrinated into it's followers, they dare not question a priest, let alone tell anyone he's been buggering them! They live their blinkered lives following the law of the pope, never questioning any of it's made up teachings.



So ............... F.uck the pope, and his made up religion, f.cuk their stupid statues and bowing their head when someone mentions Jesus, f.uck the body of Christ nonsense, and most of all may those who hurt the children, and those who are worse than them for covering it up rot in the eternal damnation they teach, failing that let's pray they get what they deserve in this life.




I find it hard too beleive that a staunch orangeman allowed his daughter to be taken away too a convent too have her baby taken away,either he was a gutless wonder like most of those masonic arseholes or your past is a lie. I also know for a fact that your bigotry is deeply rooted in you and would call on all Irishmen too boycott your goods as you have threatened Irishmen before with loyalist death groups.

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What research have you done on Freemasonry and how or why does the Craft become relevant to this thread about a Papal visit??




We shouldnt be surprised at what the sicko's in the church get up to (and here i mean the establishment, not

ordinary people of faith)


Do a little research on Freemasonry, satanism and the jesuits, shocking stuff !


Dont take my word for it, look into it yourself. Plenty of info on the net, remember to cross reference.

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