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deer running on to other land owners land

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i have been on the day out with another friend and on one occasion the shot deer ran on about 50 meters then dropped fortunately it dropped on his permission

as im a new one to this sport /management of deer as ive got land to shoot on,

where would i stand if the(shot) deer ran onto permission where i dont have the right

any pointers please to put my mind at rest

thanks lee


also this is posted on center fire forum

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i have been on the day out with another friend and on one occasion the shot deer ran on about 50 meters then dropped fortunately it dropped on his permission

as im a new one to this sport /management of deer as ive got land to shoot on,

where would i stand if the(shot) deer ran onto permission where i dont have the right

any pointers please to put my mind at rest

thanks lee


also this is posted on center fire forum


best thing to do i think is too speak too the landowner if its ok too retrieve the shot deer from his land in the near future also ask for written permission to do so

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In law, free game, of any description, does not belong to anyone. As soon as it is dead it belongs to the landowner on whose land it is laying on. If it is no longer on your permission, it does not belong to you.


It is nice to come to an amicable arrangement with your neighbours if you can, but if you can't, then tough. The law is against you.



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50 Metres is a fair old distance, head or neck shot for me...hit the deck like a sack of shit.

I would leave the rifle on the permission (if you had someone with you) and retrieve the deer without it. I would imagine armed tresspass carries a greater charge.


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50 Metres is a fair old distance, head or neck shot for me...hit the deck like a sack of shit.

I would leave the rifle on the permission (if you had someone with you) and retrieve the deer without it. I would imagine armed tresspass carries a greater charge.



Hi mate ,you would have to be very careful ,because you would be leaving your firearm with someone who is not lawfuly allowed to possess it which could cause you both allot more problems than you bargained for,I was once stopped in my realtree gear coming out of a service station by a cop who asked were I had been and what I had been doing,having nothing to hide I told him I had been stalking deer on a farm nearby he asked me where the rifle was and I told him it was locked in the boot he smiled then went over to my car where he checked that my mate could not access the boot whilst I was in the shop he even checked that the seats could not tilt forward from inside the car,not being able to get me on that he asked if I had a knife in the sheath on my belt........I showed him the empty sheath and told him that it was secured in the boot beside the rifle,you would have thaught someone had stole the last donut as he made his way back to his car......I was glad he did not check as I had forgotten that the knife was actually in my pocket covered in roe blood.

Edited by Night Hunter
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50 metrs was a rough guess in the early hours also it was a long time ago so yes prob shorter mate

The question is


Why were you shooting deer in the early hours? Thats illegal to do depending on when sun set and sunrise is

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if you do have a knife in the car as long as you have good reason for it being there you are ok ,been out hunting is one of the best id say ,carry a knife or ammo in you pocket could get you in shit with mr bobby but poping in to asda petrol st with your car only a few mtrs away most will let you on your way unless he knows you from old !! if you aint got a boot and your mates in the car take your bolt and ammo with you or even better get your mate to go in to pay like i do ..

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Most has been said but for me it is unload rifle bolt out and rifle slung over my back go to the deer and make sure it is dead most times it is still alive just a little bit this would let you drag it back to your side of the fence and humanely dispatch it with the knife you left on your side of the fence have you broke the law no . But try and get an agreement with your nabour on most of my ground it is fine and the FC is ok keep the number in your pocket if its early then you can say that you thought that the phone call would have gone in your favour. LOTS OF THINGS CAN BE DONE TO KEEP IT SEMI LEGAL

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