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waggin tail & splitting it

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how can this be stopped ? everytime i take him out of the kennel his tails split open he waggs it so much it splits and its starting to look like hees lost a wee bit of it. i dip the end of the tail in hibi scrub to stop the bleeding and clean it. a lad told me to get some false skin, (spray plaster) nd that should do the job. but will this sort it out?

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dose he do it in the kennel??...if so we had racing greyhounds that used to do it alot so we used to put some padding on the end of there tail and tape it on while in the kennel and take it off while out..so if you could make up a bit of padding that could be easily put on when he in the kennel and easily taken off when he coming out...not sure what we used to use it was a while ago...they usualy grow out of it though it only used to happen with excited pups..


is your dog a pup??

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Guest jt750

Someone suggested a length of plastic pipe over the tip and taped into place so when the dog wags its tail it smacks the plastic not the tail ..do a search for more information

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use a bite of pipe insilation no weight in it .plastic has weight so the dogs always trying to get it of thats why i use it and just tape it up . or if you get a tubagrit and a hair roller and put the t/GRIP over the roller or CURLER and pull the grip over the roller put it on the tail hold the grip at the top and pull roller down at the bottom of tail twist the roller and pull it back up and repeat

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