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Not been doing a deal with camera lately, somthing i need to put right!, had a look out last week a dropped straight onto this little fellow, he was at the top of a few steps leading up to hide at a local spot, hence beeing lucky enough to get the shot at eye level..



and for no other reason than interest, here's a j-peg copy of the original RAW.. quite a big crop for the 450d!



Also, changing subjects, spotted a Kite today (assuming Red) a first for me :toast: , now i know they're becomming quite commom in some areas... but this was just outside Youlgrave in Derbyshire, any info on their numbers in this area??

Cheers all.. :thumbs:

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Thanks for the comments folks :thumbs: , only managed to get three shots in total and the last two are of the little fellow making a quick exit through the gap you can see in those sleepers!

Like OldTrapCollector said, lucky to have the camera ready... could have easily been kicking myself!

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