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HELP !!!!!!!!!

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just wondered if any of you people could give me some advice,im pretty new to hunting and recently got my first lurcher.He is a saluki /greyhound x collie/ greyhound and 11month old everything was great until 2 nights ago on the lamp id slipped him once and he caught ,2nd slip and he let out a little yap ,was a bit shocked and thought maybe he had hurt himself so i didnt run him again. any how i went out again today and he started barking as he was chasing the rabbit.NOT HAPPY.

I have heard people say that the dogs can get frustrated at this young age but i dont think this is the case as he as had 20 or so rabbits and never made a noise before !! i dont think i am over working him as he only gets 2 or no more than 3 slips when i take him out.


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thats a hard question ! give the mut some time and let time tell , or a other way would be to take the dog out on the lamp keep him on the slip and let him see them rabbits run if he starts yapping hit him a slap on the side if the head and tell him to shhhh , :thumbs-up:

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Shoot him , Its the only way .
mabye theres sombody on here can give some proper advice we all no this can be a terminal problem and we all know that in some cases it can be sorted so if anybody can give some advise that might help solveing te problem other than shooting it i think runnig dog would apprecaite it .. my advise would be not to runnit for a while and let it watch another dog or just slip it on the very easy one ..ie sqatters mixed rabbits...


is that what you do chilli if you have a problem with a dog you shoot it you nob head..

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just wondered if any of you people could give me some advice,im pretty new to hunting and recently got my first lurcher.He is a saluki /greyhound x collie/ greyhound and 11month old everything was great until 2 nights ago on the lamp id slipped him once and he caught ,2nd slip and he let out a little yap ,was a bit shocked and thought maybe he had hurt himself so i didnt run him again. any how i went out again today and he started barking as he was chasing the rabbit.NOT HAPPY.

I have heard people say that the dogs can get frustrated at this young age but i dont think this is the case as he as had 20 or so rabbits and never made a noise before !! i dont think i am over working him as he only gets 2 or no more than 3 slips when i take him out.


firtsly mate, i wouldnt take him out to "watch" another dog run. this serves no purpose at all. Does he yap in the daytime?. Does he yap during the run, or when the rabbit is next to cover?. personally i would just give him a couple of weeks off, maybe bolt a few with the ferret to see what he's like in the daytime. But, sometimes, they never stop. Unfortunately, its mostly down to the dog, and not you. Hope things come good. :yes:

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firtsly mate, i wouldnt take him out to "watch" another dog run. this serves no purpose at all. Does he yap in the daytime?. Does he yap during the run, or when the rabbit is next to cover?. personally i would just give him a couple of weeks off, maybe bolt a few with the ferret to see what he's like in the daytime. But, sometimes, they never stop. Unfortunately, its mostly down to the dog, and not you. Hope things come good. :yes:

he as yapped in the daytime as well as the night in question,he only yapped during the run it is very frustrating for me because as i have said he has had many rabbits before and not made a sound.VERY STRANGE

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:11: :11: :11:



Youve a dog yipping so you are going to let it watch other dogs run when it can not get at the rabbit :11: , That will help it to be qiuet wont it brains .

what i ment is take it out with another dog and if theres an easy slip or amixed rabbit then let it have a go so it can get its confdence back obviously its getting frustrated or should he just give it the bullet like you sugest brains just because you cant service your missus properly should she give you the bullet. :11:
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the odd yap when the dog is turning can be some times caused when

the dog is just too fresh if it was me i would leave him off for a few weeks.

some times works especialy if he is sore when turnig.

if that does not work hunt the feck out of the dog and try take the freshness

out of him. used to have a dog that was like this and i used to to give

him a couple of very long slips at the start until he settled down.

although he had to be lamped twice a week to keep the yapping away so to speak.

hope this might help you a bit.

hard to give a reply for us when we havent seen the dog run.

all the best


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