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new to ferreting

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After going ferreting with a friend and his 2 hobs iv caught the bug. I am going to get some ferrets now for next season but befor i do i want to get clued up on evrything. i know about the hutch as i have allready baught one that was recomended to me by a local pet shop. When buying a ferret is there anything to look out for that will make it a good worker or is there anything i should be doing when i have got the ferret home eg drainage pipes e.t.c. also is there a anything elce i need for ferreting apart from the ferrets a box, ferret finder, purce nets and a spade.


Many thanks


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After going ferreting with a friend and his 2 hobs iv caught the bug. I am going to get some ferrets now for next season but befor i do i want to get clued up on evrything. i know about the hutch as i have allready baught one that was recomended to me by a local pet shop. When buying a ferret is there anything to look out for that will make it a good worker or is there anything i should be doing when i have got the ferret home eg drainage pipes e.t.c. also is there a anything elce i need for ferreting apart from the ferrets a box, ferret finder, purce nets and a spade.


Many thanks


Good to see that you enjoyed your day out catching rabbits, "with hobs too" even better,

i would say get any type of ferret you wish mate as ive never seen a ferret that will never go down a hole,

but some will be very sulky when trying to get them to come out of a hole even ones from proven great working lines.

The hutch you bought just be carefull as the pet shop types seem to be the ones the ferrets manage to escape from very quickly

you can also buy of make a probe to help when out ferretting it is a T bar piece of metel rod and when you have got near to where your ferret is you use this to locate the hole, this way you dont rick hir ferret when the spade breaks through

all the best mate in your new hobby :thumbs:

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After going ferreting with a friend and his 2 hobs iv caught the bug. I am going to get some ferrets now for next season but befor i do i want to get clued up on evrything. i know about the hutch as i have allready baught one that was recomended to me by a local pet shop. When buying a ferret is there anything to look out for that will make it a good worker or is there anything i should be doing when i have got the ferret home eg drainage pipes e.t.c. also is there a anything elce i need for ferreting apart from the ferrets a box, ferret finder, purce nets and a spade.


Many thanks


PERMISSION might be a priority

Good Luck

Y.I.S Leeview

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Before you even get any ferrets make sure you have all the kit you need cause thats the expensive bit ferrets are cheap. When it comes to ferrets buy from [bANNED TEXT] whos knows what there on about. When you go to buy have a look where there kept see if its clean. Bright eyes and a good coat is agood indicator on the condition of an animal. And i would get hobs you aint got to worry about the jills when they come in season. Good look and hope you do well next season.

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Before you even get any ferrets make sure you have all the kit you need cause thats the expensive bit ferrets are cheap. When it comes to ferrets buy from [bANNED TEXT] whos knows what there on about. When you go to buy have a look where there kept see if its clean. Bright eyes and a good coat is agood indicator on the condition of an animal. And i would get hobs you aint got to worry about the jills when they come in season. Good look and hope you do well next season.

But he will have to worry if he gets hobs when they comeinto season as will prob fight unless he gets there nuts cut off.

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After going ferreting with a friend and his 2 hobs iv caught the bug. I am going to get some ferrets now for next season but befor i do i want to get clued up on evrything. i know about the hutch as i have allready baught one that was recomended to me by a local pet shop. When buying a ferret is there anything to look out for that will make it a good worker or is there anything i should be doing when i have got the ferret home eg drainage pipes e.t.c. also is there a anything elce i need for ferreting apart from the ferrets a box, ferret finder, purce nets and a spade.


Many thanks



good to see someone doing their homework beffore going out and getting one, if you have a look at the top of the ferret forum you will find a sticky called Frequently Asked Questions and Answers, take a nosey around there and see if that can help you out for kit you will need/want.

First thing you want to be buying your self tho is some food and ferrtone and a cpl of drinking bottles (witch u will/should alrady know tho lol), then a locator and a cpl of spare collors (dependendin on how meny ferrts u get) that way when u get them u can pop the collor on them to get used to having around their necks, then move on to getting your ferret box, purse nets and long nets and good spade and poke stick and maybe a pick to keep in the boot just incase times get hard lol dont forget the most inportent bit of kit tho a good Drinking flask for the cold days oh and a good strong bag to keep all of it in. then get your self loads of permision if you aint already done so. oh and start putting a little money aside eatch week or so too just incase any vet trips pop up or you need to jill jabs or spayed or castrated or vesectamised for witchever u go for.


there really isnt away to tell witch kit is going to be better than the nxt but all you gotta do pop some tubes down in their play area and that will get them going, just go for one thata is bright eyed and as a clear mouth and ears and nose and bum, then when u get them home check thoughs same areas every day, that way you will know if anything starts to go wrong with the little ones, as said above all ferrts will go down a hole then hopfully instinc takes over from there on in, you will get some good tips by going out again with ur freind in times, and you could even intruduce your ferrts to is and when its time u want to take yours out pop one down the hole with one of his then it will follow and learn.


what you going for jill hob or both? you seen hobs working so dont take any notice of what people say about hobs u seen it first hand.


hope most of this makes sense and is some good to you. atb with ur plans and keep posting!!!


Edited by kobi2k4
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Before you even get any ferrets make sure you have all the kit you need cause thats the expensive bit ferrets are cheap. When it comes to ferrets buy from [bANNED TEXT] whos knows what there on about. When you go to buy have a look where there kept see if its clean. Bright eyes and a good coat is agood indicator on the condition of an animal. And i would get hobs you aint got to worry about the jills when they come in season. Good look and hope you do well next season.

But he will have to worry if he gets hobs when they comeinto season as will prob fight unless he gets there nuts cut off.



why does everyone automatically say hobs will fight if kept together :hmm:

maybe it would be better to say, may fight, otherwise my three hobs that are intact, and have lived together for three years, must be doing something wrong

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After going ferreting with a friend and his 2 hobs iv caught the bug. I am going to get some ferrets now for next season but befor i do i want to get clued up on evrything. i know about the hutch as i have allready baught one that was recomended to me by a local pet shop. When buying a ferret is there anything to look out for that will make it a good worker or is there anything i should be doing when i have got the ferret home eg drainage pipes e.t.c. also is there a anything elce i need for ferreting apart from the ferrets a box, ferret finder, purce nets and a spade.


Many thanks


I dont no where you are from mate but if your anywhere near me i dont mind showing you a few things next season.

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Before you even get any ferrets make sure you have all the kit you need cause thats the expensive bit ferrets are cheap. When it comes to ferrets buy from [bANNED TEXT] whos knows what there on about. When you go to buy have a look where there kept see if its clean. Bright eyes and a good coat is agood indicator on the condition of an animal. And i would get hobs you aint got to worry about the jills when they come in season. Good look and hope you do well next season.

But he will have to worry if he gets hobs when they comeinto season as will prob fight unless he gets there nuts cut off.



why does everyone automatically say hobs will fight if kept together :hmm:

maybe it would be better to say, may fight, otherwise my three hobs that are intact, and have lived together for three years, must be doing something wrong

read the post again and you will see i said will prob fight.and this is nature mate

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After going ferreting with a friend and his 2 hobs iv caught the bug. I am going to get some ferrets now for next season but befor i do i want to get clued up on evrything. i know about the hutch as i have allready baught one that was recomended to me by a local pet shop. When buying a ferret is there anything to look out for that will make it a good worker or is there anything i should be doing when i have got the ferret home eg drainage pipes e.t.c. also is there a anything elce i need for ferreting apart from the ferrets a box, ferret finder, purce nets and a spade.


Many thanks


yes a right good flask and some nice warm clothes rsential in my eyes :thumbs:

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remember to not feed your ferrets pork,chocolate,ham or anything to salty as this can kill them and i would also put some good locks on the hutch as they are lttle hudini's and even when not working them try your best to handle them as much as possible and get a good gutting knife like opinell and they are no more than £20 to buy but are perfect and last long if kept clean and oiled,good luck

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there you go stubby , you must of been doing wrong all these years :icon_eek: lol .


i have kept hobs together no problem but only keep jills now as i find i dig less with my jills in my opinion as it is just something else to lug around s, no need for probes etc but i would say a locator is a must.


be careful breaking thru tunnels etc and always double check block ends as sometimes you may find a couple of rabbits bottles up.


buy a small spade , £17 gets you a sturdy fibreglass handled metal detector spade for close areas.


oh and a flask ;)



Edited by chimp
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If it's any help mate, I always get my ferrets from a ferret rescue (google it)and tbh I've never been let down..all been reasonable workers . And usually these people know ferrets and can give a lot of helpful advice to a beginner....buy a good book :thumbs:



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See if you can latch on to somebody local to you mate and see if they will answer all your questions,and see what gear they use mate as lonnets are good for some area's but of little use in some other areas so before you spend a pile of cash and trawl threw pages and pages of stuff i 'd look for somebody local

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