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Todays snoop about

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Hello all,


Woke up with the mother of all hangovers :sick: this morning but was determined to get out today and since it wasnt fully raining I thought it would be rude not to..


So I phoned Hugo (HW97KT) and his brother (HW97K) and we headed out. I bought a target holder/pellet catcher thing as its easier to see the hole the pellet makes, rather than getting rips in the target which you get if you tape to an old post or whatever. I dont have an indoor area long enough to zero in so its always out on the permission. Had a detailed tweak of the zero and all three of us just got into some paper punching, calculating my mil-dots out to 40+ metres etc..


Rained on and off a few times but we still had a laugh shooting some tiny empty tobasco bottles Hugo had from his rations from last months Marine excercise thingymabob.


We then after awhile thought we might aswell go have an hour in our own directions see if any bunnys were out in the break of the rain.


I had a good feeling about one spot, and sneaked over to the corner of a field where a long uphill hedge (about 30 degree slant)sits. It used to be one of my favourite rabbit spots and as I slowly walked towards it at about 50 metres a baby rabbit popped out, so I kept slowly walking and got to around 35 metres or less and lay down. Small rabbit was still out and the sun was coming out so thought this is prime time for a big one to come out.


But it didnt.. eventually had about 5 small rabbits walking about which were too small to kill really, the farm isnt overrun as such at the moment (give it a few months may be a different story) so I thought I would save them until they have some meat on them.


20 minutes passed by and it began to piss it down, they began to slowly move back towards the holes, and remembering I needed some 'realistic' bait for a go at decoying the crows tomorrow, I chose the biggest rabbit out, which happened to have its back to me. Being zero'd at 30 metres I estimated the rabbit at 35, so half a mill dot overhold on the back of its head and the rest is history.


Others didnt have much luck but was a bit rainy for a proper hunt and was good to get out.


Cured the hangover being in the brisk Oxfordshire air also ;)


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Nice going Jack :clapper:


The small ones I find are the most tastey :yes:


A tip that Steve Price gave out on one of his dvd's and in a mag was to Gut and skin the bunny, then keep the meat for yourself (Ideal pan fryer if its a Kit) then lay out the skin, with the head still in it and leave the guts partly exposed out of the belly of the skin.


Corvids will go for the eyes first, so try to bang them in the head before they get to the eyes :thumbs: Aparently once the eyes have gone, they take less of an interest!


Good shooting and good luck with the Corvids :victory:



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