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Who Is Voting Labour?

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Also UKIP are worth a look. They did very well in the european elections and have policies on all issues. http://www.ukip.org/


I wish we had Geert Wilders party to vote for. Holland are very lucky to have a guy like that.

clapper.gif I agree then the main partys here would realy be shiting it.It makes me wonder though have ukip been formed to take support away from the B.N.P.


I recon BNP are more likely to poach labour supporters, UKIP will appeal more to the middle classes who agree with some of what the BNP say but can't bring themselves to vote for them. UKIP could hurt the Tories more though which is dangerous ground. PVV look like they could actually win in Holland which could be a catalist for the rest of europe.

Thats true as it seems to be alot of labour strongholds thats comeing under fire from the B.N.P its just a pity a party could not be formed that united them in the fight against the main 3 partys.

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Hunting with dogs is NOT the single most important part of a lot of peoples lives. If I had the choice of living in a Labour Government with the current law on hunting or living in a Tory Government w

We all know neither the Tories or Labour are any good,if they were they have both had more than enough time to make this country strong and a good place to live,greed and lies from the both of them,sa

Guest busterdog

I shall still be voting Labour, Things can only get better and I'm convinced they will sort out the shite they got us into, I could very well be wrong but there we go. If the Tory's get into power then me and people like myself will be f****d to put it bluntly, Also David Cameron repealing the hunting act if he gets into power.......Bollocks.



notworthy.gif I take my hat off to you having the balls to come on this site and speaking your mind knowing how much the labour goverment is hated. RESPECT thumbs.gif atvb dell


I know Labour have done us all a bad turn since Tony Blair got in, But I am convinced they are going to make an effort to resolve it, I am one of the only people I know who thinks Gordon Brown hasn't done that bad a job, He may not have handled things brilliantly but he is giving it a proper go, Give them a chance. If the Tories ever get there foot in No.10 I will seriously be thinking about emigrating.




On you're way then young un, how much do you need for a ticket ?. After thirteen years in power don't you think it's Labour that's caused all the shit that's fookin the country up ????

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Guest busterdog

I honestly cant believe anyone on here would vote labour! im genuinally gobsmacked! :icon_eek:

I know some of the younger ones dont know their arse from their elbow when it comes to politics but for fucks sake. They said they would ban foxhunting to get in the first time, then postponed it and said the same shite the second time to get in through the towny nuggets. Blairs wife bills a kids cancer charity- A KIDS CANCER CHARITY FFS! they get caught saying 9/11 was "a great day to air bad news" , They even banned the t-bone teak for fucks sake!

Total and utter spin! 3 high mps get caught just the other week for selling their influence for cash, we have labour selling lordships for cash. Im now paying £1.20 a litre for fuel and nearly a full pound of that goes to labours coffers and you tell me they might do a decent job! They sell britains gold reserve when its at a low price!

I havent even got to immigrants!

You must be f*****g pissed mate!


:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy: And yes the hunting vote IS the most important thing to MOST on here, I'de live in a mud hut and walk through shit to have my freedom to hunt.

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Didnt use the word Rag head, But yes I was talking about our way of life and how we have sold out. Idealy I would like to live in a Labour government with no hunting ban, But that will never happen. I will be honest and say I don't know alot about politics and it probably shows, But I have made my decision of supporting Labour purely on the things I've heard/read/seen etc.. and their ideals. Maybe I can be swayed? I don't know, There are a few things that have been said on here that I have taken note of. I am the first to admit when I'm wrong and I have write some things in this thread without thinking and based purely on what I am led to believe and maybe I'm just being naive believing Labour will keep to it's word and look after the working class. Anyway I'm sure with a bit more research I can make a proper decision, But I doubt I will be swayed from Labour.






Arguably the greatest quote ever was from voltaire - " I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

Edited by trappa
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I will vote Labour. Despite the way Blair and Brown have betrayed the party I used to believe in the alternatives are incomparably worse.

McKay - keep the red flag flying tovarisch!



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Arguably the greatest quote ever was from voltaire - " I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

not if this labour shambles have there way


labour think and run the country as a charity but you dont get the option of not donating


this country needs running like a bussiness as that exactly what it is UK PLC and when theres some surplus it would be nice if the shareholder got a bit back but theres fat chance of that the state its in it wont belong before we have 2nd genartion morgages just leave your kids the debt

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When was the last time Labour actually did what the majority wanted.


Did the majority not want a vote on the Lisbon Treaty as promised?

Did we want unhindered right to work for workers of new EU member states in this country?

War in Iraq and Afganistan ?

Years of uncontrolled immigration from the rest of the world?

Gordon Brown as PM?

The hunting ban?


They deserve nothing other than being voted out!

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Extract from tpuc.org



The general election – why are you electing a new general - a general over what you might ask? It is very simple. Maybe you are electing a new general over the legion(s). The truth is you are not electing anyone and it has all been sorted out in advance, because it would never be allowed to be down to just CHANCE!! The election is nothing more than a stage show to make you think you live in a democracy and you think by voting you are taking part. Sorry complete rubbish! Only those of society ‘citizens’ live in a democracy and they don’t even get a say, they just do the bidding and the mp’s have the lowest status within that society that is why they are called the ‘commoners’. As for the rest of us, well we are just slaves who are not asked, but TOLD! When they come up with some new crackpot law are you asked if you would like to comply or are you forced to comply by the lawmaker’s private political army called the ‘police’? It is a very simple question that only has one answer!! When they come up with some new tax or regulation again are you asked or told - are you ever asked if you would like these new laws, taxes and regulations or again are you told? And after knowing these facts as everybody does, as it is obvious, I am still amazed at how many people are still hood winked by this sham and actually believe they have a voice through voting. How can you have a voice in something that is completely orchestrated before it even begins? They even make you think you are a ‘citizen’ by calling you this and giving you agencies such as the citizen advice bureau, but when you cut to the chase you are nothing more than a slave to them as the above points prove. A citizen is a member of a political community and that is why they need you to believe you are a citizen, to maintain you believe in politics, to maintain things stay as they are. Slaves did not nor will ever have citizenship within a political community unless; you are of standing, position or status and work in a certain position within the ‘state’. Again citizens are asked, slaves are told, are you asked or told?


Feck me!!! :o We are all living in the Matrix...!!!! :gunsmilie:



You are so right my friend, a matrix of sorts.


Another famous quote: "if voting changed anything, they would ban it"

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labour have tried to squeeze the englishness out of england,in more ways than one,gordon brown is finished i hope,and the whole new labour lie.i dont care if the ban is lifted or not,if it is it will be in a way that suits the packs,not lurchermen,the torys went down hill after thatcher was stabbed in the back,and cameron is no thatcher.i will vote tory though,labour has fked us over.

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When was the last time Labour actually did what the majority wanted.


Did the majority not want a vote on the Lisbon Treaty as promised?

Did we want unhindered right to work for workers of new EU member states in this country?

War in Iraq and Afganistan ?

Years of uncontrolled immigration from the rest of the world?

Gordon Brown as PM?

The hunting ban?


They deserve nothing other than being voted out!

And the scary thing is I remember reading about the zimbabwe crisis, and a government official was quoted as saying about it something along the lines of "they have a government that they dont want and he didnt get voted in either (mugabe)"

Call me mr cynical but i cant actually remember voting brown in.

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Its a funny old game, this politics. Take the hunting thing out and i still wouldnt vote for them. There is no excuse for the past 13 years of a slide into the shit we are in now.

Brown has been in sole charge of our finances and f****d it up! Only months before the recession hit he was having a go at some european leaders telling them they needed to be "more flexible" wirth their lending!! christ, its spending money that isnt there that has got us into this state!!


The buck rests with him. There is NO excuses that will hold water and if they cannot sort the country out in 13 years then whats the point in them being in power.

England isnt england anymore, its a seathing cess-pit of immigrants that offer our country nothing. The working man pays for these people to sit at home and collect benefits.


To be honest, only a very radical party will ever sort this mess out. Even then it may be too late.... :thumbdown:

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Also UKIP are worth a look. They did very well in the european elections and have policies on all issues. http://www.ukip.org/


I wish we had Geert Wilders party to vote for. Holland are very lucky to have a guy like that.

No offence mate,but he was recently in your beloved England ,you should kept him there the guy is a banana head and a shit stirrer! Edited by hollands hope
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