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foxes following on lamp

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Anyone had foxes following the aroundo n the lamp before, has happened as few times but its normally town foxes, but this fox last night out in the middle of no where was following us around , walking down a hedge behind us following us for a while, anyone had this before?

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Has happened to me quite a few times. Think the foxes know what where at tho cause they never seem to come in when called.

A aul boy i used to know said that he used to have one follow him few fields back when he was out doing bit of pest control with the shotgun.

Mus-ta caught on that it would get a free lunch as he would always leave few crows lying where they where shot for it.




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ive been followed a few times!! but theres i fox and hes done this on two occasions now when ive been there!! he sits in the hedge on the right of me as i enter the field and theres stock fencing intwined into it so dogs got no chance of getting to him!! and when the rabbits bolt towards his hedge he catches them hes had two like this to my knowledge i know this because i can here them squeeling and his eyes are gone!! its happened twice now at the exact same hedge!! he never comes out in the open he stays put in his hedge behind the stockfencing barrier!! very clever fox in my opinion must see the light and get into position, as thats the closest cover for any of the rabbits to make for in these fields!!!

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ive been followed a few times!! but theres i fox and hes done this on two occasions now when ive been there!! he sits in the hedge on the right of me as i enter the field and theres stock fencing intwined into it so dogs got no chance of getting to him!! and when the rabbits bolt towards his hedge he catches them hes had two like this to my knowledge i know this because i can here them squeeling and his eyes are gone!! its happened twice now at the exact same hedge!! he never comes out in the open he stays put in his hedge behind the stockfencing barrier!! very clever fox in my opinion must see the light and get into position, as thats the closest cover for any of the rabbits to make for in these fields!!!


Init, They are always in the cover so you cant run them, This one last night showed no intrest in coming into the squeek. Most of the foxes around here wil lnot come to a squeek anyway, only ever get a few that will come to squeek.

They might of followed lampers before who have dropped rabbits and clicked on.

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Guest 2GOOD

he has learnd that there might be a free meal on offer ,ie rabbit guts .

they would be hungry if they was following you then. :thumbs:

:laugh: as you well know ,the meal i left them would last a week or two . :yes:

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I can recall a session we had some fifteen years ago, a lad I used to hunt with noticed a fox had been keeping us under close ops, for at least fifteen minutes this fox followed us around the fields.


I sat in one corned and continued to call the fox while loui doubled back and shot the b*****d. :gunsmilie::gunsmilie:

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