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Bought a cage trap from the Game Fair this summer.... haven't had much joy out of her yet, but thought in for a penny, and bought another four the same off ebay for two hundred nicker.. (origional was 80, and they're new..not bad???)... these traps are four foot fox traps with a plate action...anyway had the old fellas set for a couple of weeks now.. started off baiting with tuna and stilton.. different i know but thought the stink would attract anything.. well it didn't... so shot a few feral pigeons which when opened up and a few feathers scattered around look bang on.... Still no joy yet, although the pigeon had gone out of one of them yesterday so i've tied them down, and hopefully he'll have to trigger her to get it tonight. My mate sugested boiling a rabbit carcass, then tipping the water over the traps.. one for obvious attraction and secondly to get the stench of my arse scratching fingers off them... sounds good... anyone got any other hot tips for me????

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Location is probably the biggest. I am only a learner in this game, but i have noticed that putting your trap in the right spot has a higher chance of catching a fox than putting it somewhere a fox isnt going to be, no matter what the bait is.


Woodga on here is good with those cage traps, I am sure he will direct you in the right direction.

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Had the lamp out of my bedroom window last night and there was a brace in the stubble field where my traps are.... doing my head in, they're there but haven't even been near the traps (raked the earth round them so i'd see feetings if they had).. hopefully as it gets colder they'll find it harder to find food and wallop.. until then i'm going to get em in a spray them... i don't like hte look of galvenised steel it lights up like a f@#king christmas tree.. even on a moonless night. Couple of days in cow shite and we should smell o'naturel... and yeh 80 bar is probably an eye out but i thought the same for six months, i'll make a rhino cage with a live bait cage in it for twenty quid... but the thought of it and the reality of actually having the time is two different things..... unless anyone's got some time on their hands????


Sorry James just realised you had a site after i'd posted.. what money do you do six footers for.. preferably with a live bait cage built in ????

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Raked the dirt to show tracks? But have ye buried the bottoms of the traps into the earth? Rake up a tilth and bed the traps into that. Fox walks from earth to earth. Not from earth to steel mesh .....

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