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New sticky req

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Hi all


Being relatively new to the forum I was keen to get involved with some off the discussions on here, but,

At this time off year it is a never ending run off the same queries about ferrets that are in season and what to do with them and it makes wading through them to find an interesting topic much more weary.


Now,, before anyone jumps on me, I fully understand that people need to find the info they require and I admit to being lazy in replying to them after the first couple .

So with this in mind , should we have a big bold sticky to explain the ins and out to new ferret folk and explain to them why he`s biting her neck :)

This may save a lot off repetitive threads and make it easier for people to find the info they need.


I will try and put somit together but am at sea at the mo so my uplink can be a bit hit or miss in this weather but I will try.

If any off the forums resident ferret gurus want to put somit up for all to vet this can then be cut into a sticky by our ever helpfull mods.Even if it cut and paste from somewhere, as long as it includes info on coming into season, why to breed, vasectomised hobs, jill jabs etc etc


I dont want people to think I am being a moaning twat here ,I just think it would be a welcome addition to the forum and would help save a lot off repitition.



Thoughts please.

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To be honest people still ask the same questions regardless of them being made a fixed topic at the top of the page ... we had quite a lot of differnt threads pinned but people still asked the questions & answers covered in the section :thumbs:

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if, as you have offered, type up a list, by all means I'll sticky pin it at the top, but as others have already said, the same questions will still get asked further down the page, as this has been done many many times before


as an example of what I mean, you'll see the pinned post on ferrets for sale, asking members to read the first post first, yet I still delete posts from it daily, because its obvious they don't read anything, just post their questions etc, read it yourself, you'll understand what I mean :wallbash:

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I dont know it all either!! :laugh:


If it has been tried before with no joy then ,fair play I will try and get more answers put in to peoples questions. I would imagine that the type of questions I am on aboot will stop as the summer progresses.


I have seen the stickys work on other forums but I have to say ,they never had half as much traffic as this place. The sheer number of users here probably means that the questions will get repeated regardless.



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He's right tho - i'm f*cking sick of reading post after post after post saying 'how do i tell if she is pregnant', 'how long do i leave the hob in with jill', 'why is hob raging her around', 'How long before my kits are born' or the classic 2 months of OH MY GOD I SAW A BABY RABBIT . . . .ANYONE ELSE SEEN A BABY RABBIT?????? over and over again.



Maybe just put up a stickie saying 'USE THE F*CKING SEARCH BAR - THATS WHAT ITS THERE FOR!'





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I think it's been done before but as Kay & Stubby have said, it makes no difference. We had about a half a screens worth of sticky's at one point, but the same old questions kept cropping up in the main section. Feeding, nipping, hybrids, ailments, etc.

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I think if people came and looked around and used the search bar beffore just jumping in and asking stuff thats already been coverd it be so much easyer and not as anoyeing ... yes it is good to ask a question and get a reply, just do a search first and see if its already there!!!

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  On 01/04/2010 at 18:13, wilson4347 said:

It does get a little annoying, but if everyone used the search bar there would be no need for a forum!!!! :thumbs:

bang on there fella,it's good to talk,and has anyone had any success using the search bar,ive tried it and not impressed imho :no:

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It's not just about using the search bar - just have a flick over the last couple of pages and see if it's already been answered there. Thats what annoys me - daily threads of the same questions.



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I have to say, i get equally fed up of reading the same old crap over and over again but, the search function on here isnt up to much. I've tried it several times, got fed up and started a new topic - only to be told "try using the search button", makes you wonder if anyone else has ever tried it?

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