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At least the lads where out there putting the work in front of the dogs,more than most bitching about it on here ??

Bill, if someone had an elephant, you'd have a bag to keep it in ffs. Cheers, D.

I think anyone who thinks these lads dogs didn't do the numbers single handed aswel havnt got a clue.these lads dogs did more in a day/nite than I'd have in a month or 2 I'd of loved to do the numbers

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I know both the lads and some of the dogs on that film personally Mr P.

And i know for fact that Ged and Lulu were very much tried and tested single handed dogs.

We can all sit here and pull anyones chosen game to pieces but whats the point...

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Always makes me laugh this thread how many actually put away or go out and work there dogs like these lads do  but I do know may Kelly ged lu lu etc were s/h and before them I think macky owned otter who was certainly s/h why not just give credit they wanted numbers and 2 dogs catch more than 1 and at times they had pups running 

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That’s the thing these days people don’t like seeing others doing better than them,no more f***ing hell boys you’re doing a great job and bagging plenty keep up the good work,it’s all try pick faults an bitching,we shud all just be happy to be out there running the dogs ??

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  On 03/01/2019 at 21:03, downsouth said:

All this talk of numbers.Lets for arguments sake say that the would go out with 2 dogs and dounle up on 10foxes 0r 4 dogs and run 16or 20.why not just go out and let each dog have 4 or 5 single handed runs.


maybe the farmer/landowner would then pay a rifle man to step in and finish  the rest of the work after the lads with dogs have give him his word as removing the pests of his/her land 

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  On 03/01/2019 at 21:03, downsouth said:

All this talk of numbers.Lets for arguments sake say that the would go out with 2 dogs and dounle up on 10foxes 0r 4 dogs and run 16or 20.why not just go out and let each dog have 4 or 5 single handed 


How many dogs do you know that could do 4/5 single handed 3/4 times a week every week in a season 

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  On 03/01/2019 at 21:14, mud said:

That’s the thing these days people don’t like seeing others doing better than them,no more f***ing hell boys you’re doing a great job and bagging plenty keep up the good work,it’s all try pick faults an bitching,we shud all just be happy to be out there running the dogs ??


Wise words brother 

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