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wrecking crew

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Listen lads i have a wrecking crew dog n it al run single handed all day n night and kills everything it cumes across i run him doubled up sometimes and i think its just a load ov lads on ere a jelous because on the dvd they catch more in 1 night than what some lads see in a season fair play get the next dvd out :boxing:

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At least the lads where out there putting the work in front of the dogs,more than most bitching about it on here ??

Bill, if someone had an elephant, you'd have a bag to keep it in ffs. Cheers, D.

I think anyone who thinks these lads dogs didn't do the numbers single handed aswel havnt got a clue.these lads dogs did more in a day/nite than I'd have in a month or 2 I'd of loved to do the numbers

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if you have seen the dvd, then you will kno that they wernt running them dogs in july. look at the date on bottom right. :doh: not once through that dvd does the month july show.

think half ov the lads on this subject dnt no wt there talking about partime hunters :thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

its like a dvd of how not to do things. and even worse some of you muppets who think your lurchermen think its the way to go on.


as for the dogs, from the dvd they look very average. but this maybe as much to with the owners.

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On another note - they just sound a bit stupid calling themselves the 'Wreckin Crew', it seems like when people start to take on a 'hunting name' i.e 'The Warrener' it just kind of makes them into a bit of a bellend.




Says "Jai" ............... :whistling:


? Aye thats my name, so i use it, what of it? I don't go about calling myself 'THE. . .anything' or 'anything CREW'. . . . because it would sound retarded. Point i was making is that calling yourself the 'Wreckin Crew' or 'the warrener' just sounds like a group of folk wanting to sound hard or better at what they do than they are. But now i have learnt that these guys didnt call themselves that. . . so its not their problem or fault, unlike the warrener who revels in his name and is a completely useless w*nkstain.




Nope. :tongue2: So watch who your :feck:

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The fox in a tree stump which they torment with a bag of s**t terrier then drag it out and throw it to a pack of lurchers then all stand round grinning like theyve done something great.


Spot on :notworthy:

They are not countrymen or dogman and they do lurcherwork no favours :thumbs:

By the look of some of the comments on here people think what they do is fine and some even admire them :thumbdown:

Says allot about us don’t it. :sick:

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its like a dvd of how not to do things. and even worse some of you muppets who think your lurchermen think its the way to go on.


as for the dogs, from the dvd they look very average. but this maybe as much to with the owners.

when is your dvd showing the right way to do it comeing out? or anyone else's that have slaged it? and as people have sed there is not a better dvd out!!

Edited by byker83
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Listen lads i have a wrecking crew dog n it al run single handed all day n night and kills everything it cumes across i run him doubled up sometimes and i think its just a load ov lads on ere a jelous because on the dvd they catch more in 1 night than what some lads see in a season fair play get the next dvd out :boxing:

whats it like with sheep.

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its like a dvd of how not to do things. and even worse some of you muppets who think your lurchermen think its the way to go on.


as for the dogs, from the dvd they look very average. but this maybe as much to with the owners.

when is your dvd showing the right way to do it comeing out? or anyone else's that have slaged it? and as people have sed there is not a better dvd out!!


there wont be one, making a good one would be very difficult.

but making a bad one seems very easy indeed. if you belive that baiting a fox and then chucking it to several lurchers achieves anything then im afraid you shouldn't be keeping lurchers.but then to film it is just daft.


i have more respect for my quarry and sport then to glorify it in a showcase of amature antics.




edited to add i have watched a dvd of a couple of talented collie type crosses (an older bitch particularly)hunting up, marking and on main quickly dispatching vulpines. i would say this is a better dvd. skillful and respectful, not yobbish.

Edited by JR Yipp
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there is no such thing as a wreckng crew dog!

but in the cmw there is an add for stud dog out wrecking crew stuff,implying a line of well worked tight bred dogs lol.


And if the ad was placed by a member of the "wrecking crew" then that would be fair enough, but it isn't, it's been placed by a chancer with a dog who's ancestors appeared in a video, more fool anyone who used the dog at stud!!!





Just thinking about it though ........... maybe I'll put mine for stud ............ :no:

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haha i love how the green eyed monsters are sayin that it gives lurchermen bad names etc etc................but its doubled up foxing, they arent driving the fields smashing fences, muggin old ladies at the side of the road, dealing crack, pimping whores!!!


and credit to the lads!!! how many of you envious people are out as much as these lads, or better still end up with a tally of foxes they account for on nights lamping??!!!...........


how many can honestly say?


i bet its .0%

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ive got some official wrecking crew merchandise available if anyone wants some :boogie:
























































































































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