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Guest eastmids

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Guest eastmids

did you ever apply for it brin?,ive always assumed id be refused but after some encouraging chats with others im going to put in for it next week or two and see what happens.

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If I get the right interest I may be persuaded to part with my dispatch tool.        

30 odd years ago I was shown to turn the spade around and pin them against the side with the handle,then scruff them,slide them out and grab their back legs or tail,you can have a few problems if there's more than one in the hole though,but it does teach you some respect for the fox as you definitely don't get bitten twice,it also makes you realise the bravery of your terrier,atb,wirralman

thats the way i was taught to do it,or let the fox get hold of the handle and gently pin it by the lower jaw then you can do what you want with them.

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did you ever apply for it brin?,ive always assumed id be refused but after some encouraging chats with others im going to put in for it next week or two and see what happens.

ye mate i did apply for it a 22 and a .32 for livestock that came to kennels because we didnt have a flesh round the farmers brought there livestock to us and the master payed for it and because me record involves voilence they said no i was unfit to carry a firearms now i have to wait 5 years before i can apply again.good look with your application.

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interesting topic, you can handle a fox face on just by placing your spade over the front of his head. Reach in and pull him forward keeping the spade between your arm and his head. Brush wise there shouldnt be a problem or in a net. For those of you who have not been bit you will be, law of average will sort that. Belive me, it hurts. The first time you bit, its showing off, second time its a mistake, third time its someone else's falt, any time after that is because you have NOT gave your quarry the respct he or she deserves. And they will have you, and the pain that follows is un f***ing beliveable. Im talking from experience. If there's no need to handle them dont, deal with the situation in a profesional and humane manner. Be it shotgun or humane killer not captive bolt,


In the right conditions ,your right, but in awkward places, some times you can't even get a spade in, under slabs of rock or big tree roots. I always treated them with respect and only ever got nipped once, and that was through the boot, while holding a netted fox down, putting another net on as the dog was still baying. I won't get bit now as I'm not in the digging game these days. And ofcause you wouldn't handle a fox if you didn't have to. But any good terrier man should be able to.

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Ffs, In my younger days i've crawled in head first , flicked a bit of soil over thier eyes, put my hand over the top, scruffed them , then been dragged out by the ankles.



I know mate, :D " this wa rall fields when I war a lad " :D And if you went tut chippy fa a quids wuth a chips youd need a trany van to get em home in. :D

Edited by romany52
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Ffs, In my younger days i've crawled in head first , flicked a bit of soil over thier eyes, put my hand over the top, scruffed them , then been dragged out by the ankles.


even bear grills wouldn't do that :clapper:

i wish i had the bottle for that im far to much of a pansy :icon_eek:

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