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more coursing arrests

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Crazy heat at the moment for coursing folk then, crime rates around central oxford must be at an all time low then, police are so deluded, makes my blood boil. Young lads must join up thinking they are going to change the country, make people feel safe and catch criminals making the country a better place to live in.

What do they do, drive around the countryside looking for people chasing animals with dogs, all for an easy arrest. Pathetic.

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because the majority of people that are normal don't feel the need to be chavvy, tracksuit wearing, dole sponging wasters

You can't do the time don't do the crime ...simple as coz i sure as sh1t don't want to hear you whingeing on about it or about any other fecker that gets caught ..oh and by the way if you haven't got


fu nny you say that ,edd when they asked what i was up to yesterday they had a young trainee in back ,it was like a mock up what you doing were you being etc ,like ahollywood show , your dogs got mud on him ,HEES BEEN CHASEING , ETC , PUPS ABOUT 8 MONTHS I HAD TO LAUGH , BUT ITS SEROUS

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:hmm: There will always be lads wanting to see their dogs have a run on a hare,..or two :laugh:


Years back,..I went through a hare coursing spell myself ,.but locally the dangerous flinty terrain was ruinous on the dogs feet,..and after being constantly harassed by Keepers, Farmers, etc and fiercely 'moved on' ,.. five times in one fecking morning,..it just made me think that my hunting was best done under the cover of darkness :thumbs:


I don't keep lurchers that could match a good hare,..I'm just after the odd rabbit,.or two... :laugh:


But,..coursing is a fabulous sight,..and as long as we have running dogs,.we must endeavor to use them to their fullest potential,.or like the ill-fated Dinosaur,.they will eventually perish... :yes:


AS for shooting 'loose dogs' on sheep land,.well,..my Father (a Shepherd) buried a fair few,.if he caught them ragging the woolies,.but nowadays,.its best to try and stop the dogs in the act,.and then get the owner on board,..to pay for the damage... :yes:


Sheep worrying dogs should be got rid of,..but,..it is NEVER right to kill a man's hunting jukel.


No poxy Hare or Deer is EVER worth the life of a running dog.... :angry:


Just my opinion.... :drink:



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:hmm: There will always be lads wanting to see their dogs have a run on a hare,..or two :laugh:


Years back,..I went through a hare coursing spell myself ,.but locally the dangerous flinty terrain was ruinous on the dogs feet,..and after being constantly harassed by Keepers, Farmers, etc and fiercely 'moved on' ,.. five times in one fecking morning,..it just made me think that my hunting was best done under the cover of darkness :thumbs:


I don't keep lurchers that could match a good hare,..I'm just after the odd rabbit,.or two... :laugh:


But,..coursing is a fabulous sight,..and as long as we have running dogs,.we must endeavor to use them to their fullest potential,.or like the ill-fated Dinosaur,.they will eventually perish... :yes:


AS for shooting 'loose dogs' on sheep land,.well,..my Father (a Shepherd) buried a fair few,.if he caught them ragging the woolies,.but nowadays,.its best to try and stop the dogs in the act,.and then get the owner on board,..to pay for the damage... :yes:


Sheep worrying dogs should be got rid of,..but,..it is NEVER right to kill a man's hunting jukel.


No poxy Hare or Deer is EVER worth the life of a running dog.... :angry:


Just my opinion.... :drink:



yep :yes:

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Ive lost count of how many times some inbred twat has put a shotgun in my face over a rabbit,not to mention nearly getting my head blown off again over a rabbit,as someone said earlier ussually not so brave without a gun.


As for shooting dogs,dangerous and costly pastime in these parts.

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whippeter a wish a knew where your land was because a would be straight on for a poach. every lurcherman a know is a poacher and done it for years.


Wrong buddy.

I have a running dog and don't poach, simply because i have the balls to go and ask the landowner if i can hunt on their land. :thumbs:

So if you're running hares on your land are you not breaking the law :wallbash: Because its YOUR LAND dosen't make you any better :no: Just another up your own arse knob :yes:

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you dont need to be a chavvy to use your brain and dont cooperate with the scum. yes people should use there brain and do things out the way of prying eyes. dont forget your old ruotes and start sticking up for them because its them thats hounding us everytime we step in to a park with a lurcher. dave what a spiteful thing to say about people being on the dole at a time like this. there men on the dole thats worked all there days now there struggling to feed there family. that comment just sums you up


.....so you are on the dole then clapper.gif

No on the sick :thumbs:

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Don't know why all these folk get so eat up about poaching, when you think about it , bet they all speed or use mobile when driving, that kills folk, what real harm are poachers doing. A lot of laws are just there to protect the have's from the have not's. Or to help the greedy feckers keep thier ill gotten gains.

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Never see any poachers with running dogs on any of the farms i shoot on, and dont have any trouble with dogs unleashed either, mind you there are signs around saying any unleashed dogs will be shot on sight DAY or NIGHT. :gunsmilie:

if you took a shot at one of ma dogs it would be the last shot you would ever take

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to be quite honest i cant imagine anyone with half a brain going poaching with a lurcher thats not stock broken.and if you do and it starts killing farm stock my opinion is you have asked for whats coming years ago was nearly caught for something which idiots who had been there previous night and killed a load of sheep had done .years ago there seemed to be quite a few trigger happy farmers but its costly being trigger happy when the dog hasnt done nothing wrong other than ran the odd rabbit or hare .poaching with a stock worrier big no no in my book as is owning one.

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to be quite honest i cant imagine anyone with half a brain going poaching with a lurcher thats not stock broken.and if you do and it starts killing farm stock my opinion is you have asked for whats coming years ago was nearly caught for something which idiots who had been there previous night and killed a load of sheep had done .years ago there seemed to be quite a few trigger happy farmers but its costly being trigger happy when the dog hasnt done nothing wrong other than ran the odd rabbit or hare .poaching with a stock worrier big no no in my book as is owning one.


Same here, have always gone to a lot of trouble to make sure all my dogs were bomb proof with stock. Refused to go out with lads who,s dogs weren't.

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artic to the defence of the police yet again :notworthy::notworthy:


Its not Nora, its about reading the press release properly.


The police havent got time to race up and down after naughty boys with dogs, however they respond to the public's needs. So if they get a call they attend and act on it.

shut it u dirrty pig!!!

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