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more coursing arrests

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because the majority of people that are normal don't feel the need to be chavvy, tracksuit wearing, dole sponging wasters

You can't do the time don't do the crime ...simple as coz i sure as sh1t don't want to hear you whingeing on about it or about any other fecker that gets caught ..oh and by the way if you haven't got


to be quite honest i cant imagine anyone with half a brain going poaching with a lurcher thats not stock broken.and if you do and it starts killing farm stock my opinion is you have asked for whats coming years ago was nearly caught for something which idiots who had been there previous night and killed a load of sheep had done .years ago there seemed to be quite a few trigger happy farmers but its costly being trigger happy when the dog hasnt done nothing wrong other than ran the odd rabbit or hare .poaching with a stock worrier big no no in my book as is owning one.

A dog running around in a field full of pregnant ewes can cause them to abort there lambs, how the FECK does the ewe know the dog is not after her, after all she is a PREY animal, her instinct is to flee, i dont have a problem with guys running there dogs for rabbits cant say HARES AS THESE ARE ON THE BANNED LIST not that a lot of the lurcher men know this as they keep posting about there exploits all over the forum for all to see,THE PROBLEM MOST STOCK FARMERS HAVE ABOUT COURSING WITH LURCHERS IS THE AFFECT A DOG RUNNING LOOSE IN A FIELD WITH STOCK IN IT ie SHEEP, PIGS,COWS.

When i was younger i had lurchers and went coursing nearly every day, but NEVER EVER let my dog off in a field with stock, ask around plenty places to run dogs without getting on the wrong side of the law, NO FARMER likes rabbits on there ground.

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to be quite honest i cant imagine anyone with half a brain going poaching with a lurcher thats not stock broken.and if you do and it starts killing farm stock my opinion is you have asked for whats coming years ago was nearly caught for something which idiots who had been there previous night and killed a load of sheep had done .years ago there seemed to be quite a few trigger happy farmers but its costly being trigger happy when the dog hasnt done nothing wrong other than ran the odd rabbit or hare .poaching with a stock worrier big no no in my book as is owning one.

A dog running around in a field full of pregnant ewes can cause them to abort there lambs, how the FECK does the ewe know the dog is not after her, after all she is a PREY animal, her instinct is to flee, i dont have a problem with guys running there dogs for rabbits cant say HARES AS THESE ARE ON THE BANNED LIST not that a lot of the lurcher men know this as they keep posting about there exploits all over the forum for all to see,THE PROBLEM MOST STOCK FARMERS HAVE ABOUT COURSING WITH LURCHERS IS THE AFFECT A DOG RUNNING LOOSE IN A FIELD WITH STOCK IN IT ie SHEEP, PIGS,COWS.

When i was younger i had lurchers and went coursing nearly every day, but NEVER EVER let my dog off in a field with stock, ask around plenty places to run dogs without getting on the wrong side of the law, NO FARMER likes rabbits on there ground.



Fair point! i walked throu a few sheep today(dogs on lead) found 2 that had just died but its just manners to get the dogs on the leads!!!

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Why do you lads think keepers/farmers act the way they do towards poachers? is it because they here stories of poachers starting fires and smashing pens or poisoning birds or is it because of the telly showing them that poachers act as gangs that tear deer etc to pieces with dogs,driving fields and breaking gates.


I don't quite understand all the arguing on the thread though.It seems that every one agrees that the real poacher A pot hunting man who causes no real problem is not the issue it is as always the twats who are doing you a disservice and it is them who get caught and make the news.

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Guest 2GOOD

you just stay in your own little bubble pal where your untouchable 2good might just get popped one day x

:not unless your willing to pm me where you work ,and if on my rounds i am any where near ,i will include your patch as part of my walk ,and we will see what happens ,then again i just might help you get rid of a few hundred pheasants a bit quick :whistling:

Edited by 2GOOD
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Guest 2GOOD

Was going to type a reply to this but cant even be arsed. LOL



:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: you never cease to amaze me FTB .so what is this writing you put up .looks like a reply to me :doh:
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Guest 2GOOD

if you look back an read it properly its a jokin jibe at 2good but your to daft to understand that arent you 50cent



PMSL who you calling 50 cent and more to the point why?

Or have i missed something? :hmm:


FTB you just like joining in a pointles thread for the sake of it ,just like me :yes: you follow me around like a lap dog . :yes:

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Re-reading back through this thread gives a VERY dim view of Lurcher Men. It shows that most can not even construct a sentance. All of the threats that are going around also portrays a rediculouse view of Lurcher Men. Grow up folks, most of you are acting pathetic.

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