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americian style hunting video

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Total shite shooting!! no excuses for the guy he took on a shot that wasn't Guranteed doh.gif. he popped it when he saw it wounded but didn't really have to film it to improve his willy sizewhistling.gif.


its funny a Rabbit came at me the other day out of the bushes and boy was it scary! good job I dropped it and wounded it or it could have done someone a damage biggrin.gif.........



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Bad shooting, how many times does the guy have to wing the the animal before he has the spine to dispatch it properly, not good

Some good music on that vid, its a good shot, just glad I'm not taking photo's of the dear from that woodland though

hi Aaron nice to see ya back on! but me tinks that bow hunting is not allowed in this country   and if you had taken the time to read Alex's post he said   quote i personally wouldn't do bow h


hi alex

but isnt it vermin though? and whats wrong with bow hunting!!

i enjoy it.






yeah true they are classed as vermin over there but do you not think you should have respect for the quarry you hunt? and give them a clean kill? like i said any one could go crazy with a machine gun with no sights... and kill... a hunter stalks there prey uses good marksmanship and is efficient in their kill? there is nothing IMOA proud about killing things slowly which is what happened to that coyote and to the big game that are hunted with bow... smaller game are dispatched quicker with a bow than say a bear or moose or dear that will run off and bleed out for quite a while before collapsing, people do it i personally dont like it but..... what do i know?? like i said just wanted peoples opinion





hi alex


but if they leave a blood trail you can follow them and find out where they dropped,a good old soux indian tip!


and if you follow this post to the bottom,like the good hunter you are!


































then you will see?



















































HOOK LINE & SINKER!!!! :tongue2::tongue2:








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Total shite shooting!! no excuses for the guy he took on a shot that wasn't Guranteed doh.gif. he popped it when he saw it wounded but didn't really have to film it to improve his willy sizewhistling.gif.


its funny a Rabbit came at me the other day out of the bushes and boy was it scary! good job I dropped it and wounded it or it could have done someone a damage biggrin.gif.........



:rofl: :rofl: yeah they are scary those rabbits when they charge aye? its way it looks up at him.... he doesnt even wait till its stopped twitching before he lays the gun down in the picture.... :protest:

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but if they leave a blood trail you can follow them and find out where they dropped,a good old soux indian tip!



yeah thats where bow hunting should have stayed really with the cowboy and indians :tongue2:


he he





hi alex

sorry buddy could not resist ! shame its a day early :tongue2:





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but if they leave a blood trail you can follow them and find out where they dropped,a good old soux indian tip!



yeah thats where bow hunting should have stayed really with the cowboy and indians :tongue2:


he he





hi alex

sorry buddy could not resist ! shame its a day early :tongue2:





:clapper: thats alright davy... i'l be doing a few tomorrow! :tongue2:


i can see why people hunt foxs with dogs, its part of the english tradition but the fact is a load of dogs tear a fox to pieces.... i can see why people bow hunt, again the hunting routes can be traced back thousands of years but it isnt a instant kill..... hunting is a primeval instinct that all humans have but we live in a more humane time dont we?? :hmm: to have respect and compassion for our prey...? sounding too soft maybe?? i dont know...

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but if they leave a blood trail you can follow them and find out where they dropped,a good old soux indian tip!



yeah thats where bow hunting should have stayed really with the cowboy and indians :tongue2:


he he





hi alex

sorry buddy could not resist ! shame its a day early :tongue2:





:clapper: thats alright davy... i'l be doing a few tomorrow! :tongue2:


i can see why people hunt foxs with dogs, its part of the english tradition but the fact is a load of dogs tear a fox to pieces.... i can see why people bow hunt, again the hunting routes can be traced back thousands of years but it isnt a instant kill..... hunting is a primeval instinct that all humans have but we live in a more humane time dont we?? :hmm: to have respect and compassion for our prey...? sounding too soft maybe?? i dont know...


I was with you up to this point, but i get the feeling you may not be talking from experience here?


"but the fact is load of dogs tear a fox to pieces...." have you seen fox taken with either lurchers or hounds? I think possibly not. It sounds slightly as if your quoting from tha LACS litereature?


The one thing you can guarantee with dogs is the quarry is either dead or gone, never wounded. The best shot in the world cannot guarantee a clean kill everytime, most of the time yes but there is always the odd occasion. Recently a friend of mine had to deal with a fox that had been shot low breaking both front legs. The shooter was a very experienced shot but, as i said, sometimes these things happen. The fox had been out a few days and the maggots had got to him, it wasnt pretty and was very sad. That wouldnt have happened with dogs, they may not be as quick as a headshot but they offer a humane death compared to that.


The fact is that all death in any form is cruel, its our duty as hunters to minimise the cruelty we inflict and show our quarry respect. Nothing sickens me more than these videos of halfwits with either guns or dogs laughing at the kill. There is a difference between hunters and killers.


As for the video, didnt even bother to watch it. I wonder why you've posted it here rather than reporting it to youtube?

Edited by Tyla
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I was with you up to this point, but i get the feeling you may not be talking from experience here?


"but the fact is load of dogs tear a fox to pieces...." have you seen fox taken with either lurchers or hounds? I think possibly not. It sounds slightly as if your quoting from tha LACS litereature?


The one thing you can guarantee with dogs is the quarry is either dead or gone, never wounded. The best shot in the world cannot guarantee a clean kill everytime, most of the time yes but there is always the odd occasion. Recently a friend of mine had to deal with a fox that had been shot low breaking both front legs. The shooter was a very experienced shot but, as i said, sometimes these things happen. The fox had been out a few days and the maggots had got to him, it wasnt pretty and was very sad. That wouldnt have happened with dogs, they may not be as quick as a headshot but they offer a humane death compared to that.


the video has been reported and my reason for posting a topic about it in this hunting forum is to get peoples take on that style of hunting, ''throw enough bullets at it and it will dye at some point'' type hunting. or if i was just being soft about it and infact i have seen dogs coursing which wasnt that bad as it was a rabbit but a fox is quite a bit bigger are you saying then that the hounds dont tear it to pieces......? is that a myth do they actually all sit down for a cuppa? no disrespect intended but the truth is people have opinions and forums let you discuss them good and bad right....? i dont want to come across as anti anything other than shooting as thats wrong and coursing dogs is fine, a few of my friends do it. got a few friends who do ferreting too, i can totally see all types of hunting however i was just a bit taken back at what i found on you tube claiming to be a hunter.....




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The video is a bit disturbing to most of us because its not something were brought up to find acceptable, when you grow up in a society with traditional values you support them like your predecessors did.Is fox hunting or bullfighting cruel? Ask a farmer or Spaniard.

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did that episode of south park where they go hunting in the woods pop into anyones heads while watching this? you know the one where they shout "omg its coming straight for me!" then cuts to a rabbit hopping along minding its own business lol


but anyway, obviously bad sportsmanship letting the animal suffer while getting his camera out and taking one handed pot shots. nothing short of animal cruelity.

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The video is a bit disturbing to most of us because its not something were brought up to find acceptable, when you grow up in a society with traditional values you support them like your predecessors did.Is fox hunting or bullfighting cruel? Ask a farmer or Spaniard.

true... if your brought up believing its right....? did anyone watch the doc ''the man who cycled the americas'' he was invited to a bull fight in mexico and when he left there, he said he couldnt wait to get away from the blood thirsty crowd and felt disturbed at what he had witnessed, but its a real big event for them.... but yeah thats a good point archie

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The video is a bit disturbing to most of us because its not something were brought up to find acceptable, when you grow up in a society with traditional values you support them like your predecessors did.Is fox hunting or bullfighting cruel? Ask a farmer or Spaniard.

true... if your brought up believing its right....? did anyone watch the doc ''the man who cycled the americas'' he was invited to a bull fight in mexico and when he left there, he said he couldnt wait to get away from the blood thirst crowd and felt disterbed at what he had witnessed, but its a real big event for them.... but yeah thats a good point archie

Went to a "Corridas Goyescas" bullfight at Ronda in Spain,thousands turned up ,mainly family's with children who dress up as Matadors and stage mock Bullfights,to them its like a trip to the park.

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but if they leave a blood trail you can follow them and find out where they dropped,a good old soux indian tip!



yeah thats where bow hunting should have stayed really with the cowboy and indians :tongue2:


he he





hi alex

sorry buddy could not resist ! shame its a day early :tongue2:





:clapper: thats alright davy... i'l be doing a few tomorrow! :tongue2:


i can see why people hunt foxs with dogs, its part of the english tradition but the fact is a load of dogs tear a fox to pieces.... i can see why people bow hunt, again the hunting routes can be traced back thousands of years but it isnt a instant kill..... hunting is a primeval instinct that all humans have but we live in a more humane time dont we?? :hmm: to have respect and compassion for our prey...? sounding too soft maybe?? i dont know...

what dogs tear a fox to bits that against the law now bud,and the tear to pieces is straight from the news of the world you a bit of an anti alex.....get your facts right...as for the vid well he did have the wrong calibre but why did he put it on youtube..and why do you hunt if you can't stand to see animals suffer can you confirm your one shot one kill statment.....

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I was with you up to this point, but i get the feeling you may not be talking from experience here?


"but the fact is load of dogs tear a fox to pieces...." have you seen fox taken with either lurchers or hounds? I think possibly not. It sounds slightly as if your quoting from tha LACS litereature?


The one thing you can guarantee with dogs is the quarry is either dead or gone, never wounded. The best shot in the world cannot guarantee a clean kill everytime, most of the time yes but there is always the odd occasion. Recently a friend of mine had to deal with a fox that had been shot low breaking both front legs. The shooter was a very experienced shot but, as i said, sometimes these things happen. The fox had been out a few days and the maggots had got to him, it wasnt pretty and was very sad. That wouldnt have happened with dogs, they may not be as quick as a headshot but they offer a humane death compared to that.


the video has been reported and my reason for posting a topic about it in this hunting forum is to get peoples take on that style of hunting, ''throw enough bullets at it and it will dye at some point'' type hunting. or if i was just being soft about it and infact i have seen dogs coursing which wasnt that bad as it was a rabbit but a fox is quite a bit bigger are you saying then that the hounds dont tear it to pieces......? is that a myth do they actually all sit down for a cuppa? no disrespect intended but the truth is people have opinions and forums let you discuss them good and bad right....? i dont want to come across as anti anything other than shooting as thats wrong and coursing dogs is fine, a few of my friends do it. got a few friends who do ferreting too, i can totally see all types of hunting however i was just a bit taken back at what i found on you tube claiming to be a hunter.....





In a word, no, a fox killed by lurchers, before the ban of course, is not torn to bits. With a pack of hounds the body of the fox is broken up which is maybe what you are refering to? By that point the fox is well and truly dead and not suffering. You only have to compare the size of a fox and a hound to to see how quick the end is, then add the rest of the pack. It looks messy but there is little suffering involved.


As for your "cuppa" comment, dont take the piss. You are welcome to any opinion you like, i'll take them seriously when they are based on experience rather than hearsay.

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