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ayup guys, ive recently got me a pup, ive never raised a pup before and could do with some tips. hes seems to be doin ok neway, hes only 10 weeks and hes a sluki greyhound deerhound whippet. ive got a training cage for him but he screams the house down when i put him in it. will he grow out of this or just get used to it, and what is the best food. ive got him on a complete dry food that came recommended.


thanks flee

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he will get used to the cage bud(a nice blanket in there and leave it open during the day so he can go in if he wants to,avoid other comfy places like the sofa and he will opt for his "bed":thumbs: ).

never stick him in there as a punishment(accidents in the house or getting on your wick etc etc)its his safe place to get out of the way :thumbs:


food is a big dilemma on this site,so you may have opened a can of worms on that,i feed minced chicken,bones,veg,and dry food but its personal preferance really(dry food being the easiest option).

i'll leave it at that :angel: and let you read the numerous topics on "barf" etc etc.


if its your first puppy then get a good book on lurcher training(there are lots of dvd's about too which can help with the practical side of things.

do you know anybody near you with dogs? (socialising the pup as soon as both his jabs are done and working is invaluable :thumbs: ) they may help with training.

things like sit,lie down,stay,and walking on the lead can be done/started now in the garden as can getting him used to his name(don't use this when telling him off).

read up and try to get some help from some one near you bud.

feel free to pm me if you think i could help further,



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thanks for that mate, its not my first dog but i havent had a pup before and its turning out to be a learning curve lol. my other dogs ive got from been 10 months to 2 years so its just this young puppy stage im finding difficult


thanks flee

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