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Stainless Tikka T3 Hunter

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Has anyone got a Stainless Tikka T3 in Hunter weight Barrel or a Sako Stainless in .243 Hunter weight , who reloads??

I'm interested in accuracy potential, as I am considering a change, and have no experience of Sako or Tikka in Sporter weights only varmint weight!


No dreamers, just honest information please!!

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Sorry to be anal.................What are you achieving in group size? MOA, 1/2 MOA?? Cloverleaf? Enlarged Hole?



I have an accurate rifle, but I really fancy a stainless laminate tikka or Sako, but accuracy is my concern?





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about an inch and a bit or so at 100yrds prob more like a clover leaf but a bit splayed there was a topic on a 22/250 and home loading type it and look it up mate good read and there is a chap on there worth his weight in knowledge on home loading. atb willum

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i dont home load i use factory load depends on each box i get some i can get clover leaf other i can get about an inch greouping around centre all i worry about is that the charly in my x hair goes down when i pull the trigger yis willum

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Has anyone got a Stainless Tikka T3 in Hunter weight Barrel or a Sako Stainless in .243 Hunter weight , who reloads??

I'm interested in accuracy potential, as I am considering a change, and have no experience of Sako or Tikka in Sporter weights only varmint weight!


No dreamers, just honest information please!!



I have the T3 Hunter in .243, and the T3 Lite Stainless in .223.


The .243 is the latest version with the factory shortened and threaded barrel.


With innexpensive 90g SP PRVI it can deal an inch no problem, Mr L made me some home brews a few months back and it was a TIGHT cloverleaf!!

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tikka and sako barrels are identical.... not a bit difference.... on a good day i was shooting slightly below 1/2 inch, with 58g v-max....


95g sst into 1/2 inch... 5 shot groups.... 100 yards.... sometimes 2 or 3 shots through 1 hole....



get the trigger adjusted to about 1 3/4 or 2 lbs and it'll help you loads...


calibre was .243 by the way...


any questions Pm if you need more info.




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Several Reasons Jamie.

Not going to go in to all of them.

It's just one of those rifles I just want.........


I currently have a Sauer 202 classic synthetic, which is a perfectly good rifle. But its not exactly a looker. I have sold a load of junk and have a bit of cash to keep away from the misses.


But I bottled the sporter Barrel and bought a Varmint Barrelled Sako 85 stainless laminate today.


But thanks for all the info.

Edited by mattydski
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