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Moving House with FAC

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It would be a good idea to contact a local gunsmith to look after what you have until your cabinet has been installed and the FEO come round to do a check.


What with the stresses of the move, you've got to also worry about how you are going to safely secure your guns on the way and when you get there.


Would be best to call the Police Force's Firearms Enquiry Office of the area you are moving too tommorow morning and here it from the horse's mouth what you exactly need to do from the start. Different forces as we all know have different ideas on how things need to be done.


Good luck with the move !!!!biggrin.gif



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Hi i'm moving house this week , i hold an FAC and SGC , is there a particular form i need to fill in?

or is it just a case of give the FEO a ring with the new address and send my certificates in for new ones.



You must inform the cops of your change of address. I think you only have to inform the issuing force, not the one you are moving to if it's a different one.


There is no requirement to send in your cert I don't think.

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Write them a letter stating your full name, your shotgun and rifle identification marks, your old address and your new address, your certificate number and fac number. State what date you are moving/did move into your new address. The letter must be sent recorded and it must be sent a maximum of 7 days after the move. Include your mobile phone number so that the feo can call to make arrangements to do the security check. If they just turn up you DO have the right to say "sorry but its not convenient right now" and turn them away BUT if it IS convenient you may as well get it out the way. Offer to make them a cuppa, have a conversation with them. Very often you will find that feo`s are shooting people themselves so you have something in common, cant hurt to get them "onside" so to speak.

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You need to do the above but DO NOT SEND YOUR TICKETS IN THE POST TO THEM! They will get them when they do they check.





Well, I'd have been waiting a long time with an invalid certificate, they have never inspected my cabinet since I moved, or through several variations and renewals!! :thumbs::thumbs:

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Hi i'm moving house this week , i hold an FAC and SGC , is there a particular form i need to fill in?

or is it just a case of give the FEO a ring with the new address and send my certificates in for new ones.




I'm rather thinking that in the few replies so far different stories are emerging, so I suggest the best course of action is to ring your region and simply ask them what they want you to do. :thumbs::thumbs:

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You need to do the above but DO NOT SEND YOUR TICKETS IN THE POST TO THEM! They will get them when they do they check.





Well, I'd have been waiting a long time with an invalid certificate, they have never inspected my cabinet since I moved, or through several variations and renewals!! :thumbs::thumbs:



they have not re inspected your cabinet after a move??

he came to my new house checkedthe cabinet was fixed,checked the contents was on my cert,had a coffee and a chat and that was that.


i was under the impression that they need to check that the cabinet is fixed as a minimum(allthough weapon security is your thing and not his really).

to the original poster:if in doubt call the feo(thats what i did before moving :thumbs:)



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You need to do the above but DO NOT SEND YOUR TICKETS IN THE POST TO THEM! They will get them when they do they check.





Well, I'd have been waiting a long time with an invalid certificate, they have never inspected my cabinet since I moved, or through several variations and renewals!! :thumbs::thumbs:


You wouldn't have an invalid certificate though. The fact that you have changed your address does not invalidate it.



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You need to do the above but DO NOT SEND YOUR TICKETS IN THE POST TO THEM! They will get them when they do they check.





Well, I'd have been waiting a long time with an invalid certificate, they have never inspected my cabinet since I moved, or through several variations and renewals!! :thumbs::thumbs:



they have not re inspected your cabinet after a move??

he came to my new house checkedthe cabinet was fixed,checked the contents was on my cert,had a coffee and a chat and that was that.


i was under the impression that they need to check that the cabinet is fixed as a minimum(allthough weapon security is your thing and not his really).

to the original poster:if in doubt call the feo(thats what i did before moving :thumbs:)




In law there is no requirement for the cops to check your security. There isn't even a statutory method by which you must keep your guns.


If you have been issued a cert by one force then another one can't revoke it unless one of the reasons for revocation apply - like you start getting into fights, etc. As far as I'm aware there isn't even any requirement in law for the force area you are moving into to issue a new cert themselves as your existing one is valuid until such time as it needs renewing.


Edit: actually, as far as I'm aware - only the issuing force can revoke a cert.



Edited by JonathanL
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