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first rabbit woop woop

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was out the other night with swandog from here shooting from car with my 6 month 3 week old pup in back when we decided to go look in a field out of car, well slip the pup and wasnt expecting anything other than him to play, but he was on it like a shot turnd away from fence turnd it again in field 1 more turn up the fence and then the noise everybody waits for, i nearly pissed my pants with excitment ha so excited i dint put up pic but will put up to date ones on tommorrow, but really still chuffed.

Edited by chris strilciw
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careful not to ruim him mate thats a bit young to be runnin him take him ferretin an let him catch couple in nets! confidence is hard to get an easy to lose! i remember my dogs first rabbit he was about 11months was funniest thing ive ever seen was in the day corn cutting he was that excited he was turning like a double decker bus 12ft behind the rabbit everytime an did this prob 5 times lol but after that he was lowering the distance lol last farm we did we caught 32 rabbits my mate with his two caught 17 an mine got the rest on the other side got better with every rabbit that was when he was just under a year give him some time mate atb

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nice one mate,bit young but you know that,its a good feeling,remember my pups 1st bunny,his second run,12months.picked it up and came running towards me and 4 a split second i thought he was going to retrive live to hand! then he swerved me and started running round and round field,retrive needed tidying up let me tell you,still picks the bunnys up live thow :) atvb next season with your pup

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oh soz pal dint know it was accidental slip! mine retrieves to hand but got more chance of winning the lotto than it bein alive! his dam was same lol if thers another dog there aswell he stands off about 6ft an makes me go to him lol i dont mind that though atb what breedings your dogs

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