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any one seen that film called the fourth kind ?

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Any one seen that film called fourth kind ? I watched it last night on my own and i have to say it freaked be out a little bit and i was looking at my window hoping not to see a white owl :D dident help whee i was hung over aswell and my brain wasent working properly .

So i just wondered if any of use have seen it and what was your thoughts on the hole story do you think its true ?

Edited by csme55ex
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I've watched nearly all of it, got the last 20 mins to watch tonight. I think it's like blair witch or that one about the monster in new york (which I did like) etc where they pretend to have real footage. I don't believe any of it and I also think it was just 'ok' as a film but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.


Have you seen men with goats thats a bloody awsome film.


If you like horror films 'Drag me to Hell' was very good.


Paranormal was also ok if you liked Forth Kind

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I've watched nearly all of it, got the last 20 mins to watch tonight. I think it's like blair witch or that one about the monster in new york (which I did like) etc where they pretend to have real footage. I don't believe any of it and I also think it was just 'ok' as a film but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.


Have you seen men with goats thats a bloody awsome film.


If you like horror films 'Drag me to Hell' was very good.


Paranormal was also ok if you liked Forth Kind


awww i thought it was real thats why i thought it was so freaky im gonna have to look into it now and see if it is or not . Yer iv seen that paranormal activity and there's another one like that called paranormal entity i havent seen that one but iv been told it's ment to be good . I like all sort's of films really im not to fussy but i wouldent say horror films is near the top of what kind of films i like though! but i check them films out and see what there like and no i havent seen men with goats what would you rate it out of ten ?

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I had close a freind in Nome and have spent lotsa time there in the past 20 years - I heard stories of this while I was there- other things also. I don't go there now as my friend passed recently - The gold miners named the place after strange Indian legends. There are also a few scary miner stories of little people - Thus the name "Nome". Some sort of evil leprechaun's from outer space . . . . I saw the movie and it didn't freak me out I don't usually spook easily...

There are large deposits of gold in this area - one of the few areas in the world where placer gold is mined on the beach from beach sand. There is a popular TV show that showcases and advertises recreational gold mining tours/holiday's to the deposits. This is just outside of Nome. I wonder if the aliens are attracted by the gold deposits.

8) SGS

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