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How loud is loud when it comes to centerfire!

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Was night shooting my 17hmr the other night with a SAK mod and it didnt half make some racket!


it got me thinking about how loud is loud.


with the BEST moderator can you get a .223 or .243 down to the noise of a moderated 17hmr?


or does it just get louder the bigger the calibre???


i really want to start doing some centerfire foxing as i know the FEO is going to be in a tizwoz when i want my open cert and have never owned a centerfire before.


also i know that its the supersonic crack that makes the noise and not the muzzle bang but is the crack louder with a bigger bullet?



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A centrefire 'booms' like a shotgun, in fact if you don't know the difference that's what you would think you heard

if A CF was fired a couple of fields away.

A .22 with HV and a 17hmr make that 'craack' you are concerned about.

A centrefire with a moderator is really helped along especially at the sharp end, i.e. by the user, the effect is better when you are in open ground

and the sound is not reflected back by hedges/trees etc etc.

The rimfires are much less friendly when it comes to noise, as most people when hearing one know what it is, but a CF sounds just like a shotgun and

usually you are not firing a lot of rounds consecutively.

So get 'moderated' you know it makes sense!


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I;ve got an ASE CQB on my 223, and also used on my Hornet. It's louder than HMR, and always will be. My Hornet on the other hand, isn't - Deker and I tested this.


If you want to talk loud, try a short barrel 243 or 22-250 without mod, that's loud... (and there are louder, but I've not personally owned them). One guy down the range had a .300 Win Mag pistol which he was shooting at 500 yards, and that was f****ing loud!

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To answer your original question then, I have had 5.56, 7.62, .50 BMG and shotgun all fired over my head, apart from the shotgun the only discernable difference was in the 'thump' from the muzzle blast. The sonic cracks all sounded similar and the .50 cal muzzle blast sounded like a bomb going off :icon_eek: .

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the sonic crack will be louder the more mass and speed the projectile has.

i.e. the faster and bigger the caliber the louder.

a moderartor stops/reduces the energy given at the muzzle(flash and bang) the sonic crack behind the bullet cannot be influenced by a moderator.



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There is a big difference in noise between my modded .222 and my modded .300 rum but the difference is 20gr of powder and a 50gr bullet in the .222 and 100gr of powder and 150gr of bullet in my .300 without the mods and I wouldn't fire the .300 without ear protection but the .222 no worries

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To answer your original question then, I have had 5.56, 7.62, .50 BMG and shotgun all fired over my head, apart from the shotgun the only discernable difference was in the 'thump' from the muzzle blast. The sonic cracks all sounded similar and the .50 cal muzzle blast sounded like a bomb going off :icon_eek: .


This correct ,all sound very similar with sonic boom, only differ at other end, P.O.I they no hear, especially high calibre 2-3 kilometre away ! :boogie:

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the sonic crack will be louder the more mass and speed the projectile has.

i.e. the faster and bigger the caliber the louder.

a moderartor stops/reduces the energy given at the muzzle(flash and bang) the sonic crack behind the bullet cannot be influenced by a moderator.




But an un-calibrated Mk1 lug 'ole won't tell the difference.

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the sonic crack will be louder the more mass and speed the projectile has.

i.e. the faster and bigger the caliber the louder.

a moderartor stops/reduces the energy given at the muzzle(flash and bang) the sonic crack behind the bullet cannot be influenced by a moderator.




But an un-calibrated Mk1 lug 'ole won't tell the difference.



i would think that lack of calibration(mk1 lug) would not stop you from thinking that a 30.06 may be a little louder than .177 hmr whether moderated or not bud :thumbs:


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the sonic crack will be louder the more mass and speed the projectile has.

i.e. the faster and bigger the caliber the louder.

a moderartor stops/reduces the energy given at the muzzle(flash and bang) the sonic crack behind the bullet cannot be influenced by a moderator.




But an un-calibrated Mk1 lug 'ole won't tell the difference.



i would think that lack of calibration(mk1 lug) would not stop you from thinking that a 30.06 may be a little louder than .177 hmr whether moderated or not bud :thumbs:



Can't comment on HMR v's 30-06 but .223 v .50 has very little discernable difference. I am talking sonic crack here, nothing to do with moderated/unmoderated muzzle blast.

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i know that i cannot influence the crack of the bullet but if i could shoot maybe a 223 or a 204 ruger with the same report as my HMR then that would be great.


i was at kingsbury range and the noise was deafening with those .243 calibres and muzzle breaks.


i suppose what i want is a powerful foxing gun that doesnt disturb the peace anymore than my 17hmr does.


is a 22 hornet the way to go? or maybe 204 ruger? or .223? with a big mod

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