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How loud is loud when it comes to centerfire!

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  On 28/03/2010 at 21:01, pandamonia said:

Was night shooting my 17hmr the other night with a SAK mod and it didnt half make some racket!


it got me thinking about how loud is loud.


with the BEST moderator can you get a .223 or .243 down to the noise of a moderated 17hmr?


or does it just get louder the bigger the calibre???


i really want to start doing some centerfire foxing as i know the FEO is going to be in a tizwoz when i want my open cert and have never owned a centerfire before.


also i know that its the supersonic crack that makes the noise and not the muzzle bang but is the crack louder with a bigger bullet?




The bang of the combustion gasses in most centre-fire rifles is much louder than the crack of the bullet, although that can still be quite noisy.


You aren't going to get the noise of a big CF rifle down to that of a moderated .17HMR but you can certainly get a big reduction. A .308 is painfully loud up close and you can reduce that to the point where it's comfortable without hearing protection. I saw a .300 WM being fired at the weekend with a mod and you could quite happily sit next to it all day.

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  On 28/03/2010 at 22:37, pandamonia said:
  On 28/03/2010 at 22:10, Treacle Trackpad said:

My .222 with CQB mod isn't a million miles from the HMR I used to have.


i will always go modded since i hate the bang when shooting.


just wasnt sure if one caliber sonic boom was louder than another depending on calibre.


The bigger the bullet the louder the crack it makes as it's creating a bigger shockwave due to it shifting a larger volume of air. Sometimes it can be quite painful - try standing in the gallery of a range when .308's and larger are flying overhead. It's not far away from someone standing above your head firing an unmodded .22rf.



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  On 29/03/2010 at 10:12, Deker said:

Centrefires are very loud unmoderated and in many ways a lot worse with a muzzle break.


Moderators definately have their uses, but nothing makes a HV Centrefire quiet! :thumbs::thumbs:


One of the safety points I teach to people doing their Shooter Safety Cert courses is to have an appreciation of those around you - especially when using anything fitted with a muzzle brake. A .308 with a brake fitted is uncomfortable, to say the least, and some calibres produce such a thump through the air they actually make your head hurt if you a lying next to the shooter. There is also a risk of grit and suchlike being ripped out of the grund and chucked about by the gasses.


Eye protection is a very, very good idea when using a muzzle brake. In fact, it's a good idea for any shooting.



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i have a 22.250 tikka t3 with t8 mod and me mate has a 17hmr there isnt much difference between the 2 if he has mod off and i have mod on but if i take mod off my rifle and put a round throught it whilst sitting in cab of truck or outside i can tell you now there is a great difference in noise level the sound and thump of it when squeazing a round off would say louder than my 12g for def

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trust me you don't want to be beside a .50cal or .338, 308 with a muzzle brake on........ if your gonna get the .223, good earmuffs, or a mod is the way forward.....


or WHAT will be a word you will be saying alot after a while.....lol




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