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Not the AA one, the bevel seems to be too steep and the internals are not the same as the AA.


Is that all the internals? No spacers or springs?




thanks for that info phantom

the internals are from end cap 3 felt rings (as in pic) then a plastic washer (as in pic) 3 felt rings (as in pic) then a plastic washer (as in pic) and so on. ok so we have ruled out air arms any other makes we can rule out?

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Can certainly rule out the newer Weirauch ones as there is no Hair Curlers or ScotchBright scouring pad in it.

Not sure how the older Weirauch Silencers were constructed :hmm:




my silencer doesent look to new either :no:

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We can now pretty much rule out the earlier HW's :yes:


Been Trawling the net and the closest one I can come up with is a Swift.

However the swift silencer is shorter and has Steel Baffles rather than plastic, however they could have been changed by a previous owner.


Thats the only silencer I can find with felt spacers.

Sorry I cant be much more help with your question.


All the best


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the end cap is a different shape to the one one my swift silencer and the only suggestions i got is the webley bbmf long that has been modified b the previous owner




Hey Richard, it does look very much like the BBMF Long. But the BBMF has metal cylindrical spacers witht he felts inside them.


I was thinking of this subject last night and I seem to remember back in the 80's (when my love of airgunning really kicked into gear) that there was a page in either Military Mart or Gun Mart (or sonething along those lines) with an advert showing a silencer with felts similar to the ones in the OP's pic. Perhaps an early Parker Hale job :hmm:



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