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Dog scratching

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I have a 4 month old Border x JRT. Despite fleaing him every month with Frontline he is still scratching. I feed him dry food only. His coat is in good nick. I haven't started working him yet, but he will only be used for bushing. He gets plenty of daily exercise.Is this normal or am I being overly concerned?

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I feed him dry food only.



That might well be the cause of the problem: try him on a raw diet: a lot of dogs are intolerant to cereals, certain additives and preservatives found in dry food, on top of which it's hardly natural for a dog to eat just dry cooked food: which of course is what complete food is.


Do a Google search on BARf or raw feeding: its not a cure all but in my experience solves 99% of skin problems providing you have eliminated fleas and mange first.


If the dog lives outside it could also be mosquito bites if you live near a lot of water: puppy skin is thinner than adult dog skin and they seem to target pups, though I still think it is more likely to be caused by diet.

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