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fecking plod

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I had one buzzing me a few months ago, when I didn't take the hint and carried on walking with the dog the bloody thing went in front of me turned around and came towards me about 20ft above the ground! It was bloody worrying, the dog dashed ahead and started leaping up and down trying to grab it :icon_eek: anyway they buggered off. The dog came back really chuffed thought he'd seen it off.

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they were at it again last night wank*ers they had there lights turned out so we didnt no they were there :wallbash: :wallbash:

then to top it off some pissed up twat anti giving it the big un telling me im a sick cu*t just going about killing every bit of wild life we see. then it was we are scum we are burglers its just the same as burgling some ones house (running my dogs on land im not ment to be on) i have permition for the land i was on at the time. then he got right in our kids fece giveing it the big finger in his face. it pisses me off if it was any other situation i would have broke his jaw were he stood but thats the last thing we need could you imagin the rightup in the local paper pochers atack man for no reason. they should keep there nose out with things they no nothing about. you dont see me going into a restarant and slaping a big slab of meet on some vegis plate and saying eat that. wank*rs the lot of then. SO ALL YOU ANTI TOSS*RS KEEP YOU NOSE OUT OUR WORLD AND WE'L LEAVE YOU TO SUCK ON YOUR CARROT.

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If you live where i think you live.. then you are on the direct path of the chopper comin and going between jobs.. he,s not out directly to get you.. its just that you are on his flight path so he checks you out as a matter of course.. atb stabba

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