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whats the difference

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on the mk3 you have to take the batts out to turn it off but on the mk3m you can leave the batts in and turn it on and off by putting the collar close to the magnetic point in the reciver. i got a mk3m reciver and a mk3 collar and that way works fine i am not sure about the other way round though mate. hope this helps

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It's also worth noting that the MK3M is (apparently) Waterproof.

I wash mine after the season and they still work, but only some of the mrk 3 locators have the magnet at the bottom, not sure if the orange one has but will find out. the pluss with the mk3m is the battery can stay in and be switched off given upto 300hrs of battery life.

the down side is they are a bit more bulky than the original mrk 3 and somtimes catch the nets.

Deben now only sell the mk3m and have since stopped the mk3 flat colar that is grey and pulls apart, as the mk3m is screw on but it can be a pain trying to feed the collar back though again.

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both mk3 boxes have the magnet in,regardless of colour,

allowing the mk3m collar to be switched on/off, new collars also come with a magnet on a keyring,





Your right dottydoo both colour have the magnet in the mkt 3 locator but looking into it the earier mkt3 orange one dont have have the magnet as has some of the grey boxes, if your box has the magnet then there will be an arrow pointing down towards a dot, if this is not there then there is no magnet.

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