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Is a Fell terrier and a Patterdale terrier the same thing?

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The black and tan bitch in my photo IS the same bitch in Pignuts photo,the photo i believe is similar to one in Sean Frains book the working terrier.


My old mate from South Yorkshire got the bitch from Wendy when she was at the Pennine hunt,the black fell type in my photo also came from Wendy and is owned by another mate of mine,also from South Yorkshire.


The black and tan bitch,BESS,went back to Wendy shortly after one of the Yorkshire shows a few years ago.The chap who has the other black fell bitch was none to pleased as he thought he would be taking her in.


As best i understand it now last i heard was that Bess was in kennels in Norfolk with a bloke i had a day out with in Lincolnshire,no names here.


What has happened to her since i would not know but i assure you that is one in the same bitch.Head like a dog,never looks interested but a demon worker with one hell of a nose :diablo:


When i got Frains book i showed it to the previous owner and he confirmed that the bitch is Bess :good: .


I hope that clears anything up and i hope old Bess is still going strong

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..... and your point is what precisely?   I can ask who i like without being judged by you. If I want to rescue a dog, give it a better home, offer it a life of unlimited walkies, with a 50 acre ga

pinkney breeding ;)


Nice stamp mate and looks like it saw a bit.

There were a few like that here some years back weren't bad either, parents and grandparents had been bought off Cowen in the 70's.Saw pics of them and they were a decent sort.

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to me a terrier is a terrier ! if it works then its bred to another terrier that works ! all this shite about fell types and pats jmo is a load of shite ! to meny cooks spoil the broth springs to mind ! to me a fell type is black and hairy a pat type is black and smooth coated lol but nowadays the choc pats are taking over and i wonder what strain of pitbull they are getting this coular from ? its all bull shit to me and meny others ! since internet has came about ther has been a influx in know it all"s , and as i see it theres plenty on this site .......

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There's been chocolate dogs around for generations. The way I see it, the term "fell" is a catch all that encompases the patt, the lakie etc. It's a general term and the others are more specific. My old Billy to me was a border/lakie, but to another bloke at a show might have called him a lakie, or a fell or even a red patt. Makes no difference....he was still a twat of a dog :D

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How bizarre, I came on here to read the firearms section and now I stumble in here...


My wife and I have had the same problem with our "Patterdale" terrier bitch. Never knew if it was actually a Patterdale. Very good friends of ours have a dog from the same litter but which looks very different to ours, and this has caused us quite a bit of confusion.


Her coat is more wirey than that of her brothers.



Dusky. 8 month old "Patterdale" Terrier bitch.

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to me a terrier is a terrier ! if it works then its bred to another terrier that works ! all this shite about fell types and pats jmo is a load of shite ! to meny cooks spoil the broth springs to mind ! to me a fell type is black and hairy a pat type is black and smooth coated lol but nowadays the choc pats are taking over and i wonder what strain of pitbull they are getting this coular from ? its all bull shit to me and meny others ! since internet has came about ther has been a influx in know it all"s , and as i see it theres plenty on this site .......


Everyone is entitled to their comments however pittbull Hawkaholic how much digging do you do fella just interested?

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