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Time for another Thatcher?

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  On 26/03/2010 at 10:37, Attack Fell Terrier said:

After the talking about Elizabeth I and Maggie Thatcher I've just heard that Cheryl Cole is the most inspirational woman of the decade! :icon_eek::no: What a f*cking joke.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Sign of the times mate :laugh:

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Margret Thatcher she has now got wat she truley deserves as well as a brocken brittan senile dementia


Might not be men of folklore but we had the guts to stand up to a bully like thatcher even though we were beat no feker since has had the balls to stand up to a vindictive goverment like we did.

  On 26/03/2010 at 10:46, PeakOil said:

I think we need another 5 years of New Labour consolidating all the increasing public debt in to one easy to manage loan with ocean finance. Another 5 years eroding civil liberties, passing knee jerk legislative diarrhea, more CCTV cameras, ID cards, DNA databases and more monitoring our phones, emails and web use. Satellite tracking of all cars and unmanned drones operating 24/7 filming the proles. More immigration, more taxes, more bans, more fines, more nanny state and more lies, spin, obfuscation, theft, sleaze, corruption and cover ups. After all that perhaps we might have a chance of real change, rather than another polished, spivvy actor promising the earth and then carrying on where the previous rotten statists left off.


I actually think those Labour Tw4ts are going to get in again.


Labour bought off voters, through benefit system (Cons might cut it) and Immigration (they sure ain't gonna vote con) are two expamples and look at the massive recruiting they encouraged for local councils etc. All the people on this gravey train will vote Labour and alot of other people will be scared of change.


Of course MOST people wont actually vote!

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  On 26/03/2010 at 10:53, Nik_B said:
  On 26/03/2010 at 10:46, PeakOil said:

I think we need another 5 years of New Labour consolidating all the increasing public debt in to one easy to manage loan with ocean finance. Another 5 years eroding civil liberties, passing knee jerk legislative diarrhea, more CCTV cameras, ID cards, DNA databases and more monitoring our phones, emails and web use. Satellite tracking of all cars and unmanned drones operating 24/7 filming the proles. More immigration, more taxes, more bans, more fines, more nanny state and more lies, spin, obfuscation, theft, sleaze, corruption and cover ups. After all that perhaps we might have a chance of real change, rather than another polished, spivvy actor promising the earth and then carrying on where the previous rotten statists left off.


I actually think those Labour Tw4ts are going to get in again.


Labour bought off voters, through benefit system (Cons might cut it) and Immigration (they sure ain't gonna vote con) are two expamples and look at the massive recruiting they encouraged for local councils etc. All the people on this gravey train will vote Labour and alot of other people will be scared of change.


Of course MOST people wont actually vote!


I think they have a better chance of winning than many people assume. Add the Labour client vote up. Workshy career claimants, public sector wasters, hand wringing apologists, immigrants, people whos job relies directly or indirectly on largesse with the public finances and those born to vote Labour because everyone where they live vote Labour, me dad voted Labour, me grandad voted Labour and his dad before him. They still have a sizeable potential vote and turkeys tend not to vote for Christmas. If Labour carry on pretending the economic mess is all Americas fault, nothing to do with them and get a few sabre rattling class warrior dinosaurs to pretend New Labour are t'party of t'workin man who knows. Part of me wants New Labour to win :whistling: just so I can watch them try and clear up the mess they created but end up making it worse and worse. From that something better than the current red v blue sideshow may emerge.

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  On 26/03/2010 at 11:24, PeakOil said:
  On 26/03/2010 at 10:53, Nik_B said:
  On 26/03/2010 at 10:46, PeakOil said:

I think we need another 5 years of New Labour consolidating all the increasing public debt in to one easy to manage loan with ocean finance. Another 5 years eroding civil liberties, passing knee jerk legislative diarrhea, more CCTV cameras, ID cards, DNA databases and more monitoring our phones, emails and web use. Satellite tracking of all cars and unmanned drones operating 24/7 filming the proles. More immigration, more taxes, more bans, more fines, more nanny state and more lies, spin, obfuscation, theft, sleaze, corruption and cover ups. After all that perhaps we might have a chance of real change, rather than another polished, spivvy actor promising the earth and then carrying on where the previous rotten statists left off.


I actually think those Labour Tw4ts are going to get in again.


Labour bought off voters, through benefit system (Cons might cut it) and Immigration (they sure ain't gonna vote con) are two expamples and look at the massive recruiting they encouraged for local councils etc. All the people on this gravey train will vote Labour and alot of other people will be scared of change.


Of course MOST people wont actually vote!


I think they have a better chance of winning than many people assume. Add the Labour client vote up. Workshy career claimants, public sector wasters, hand wringing apologists, immigrants, people whos job relies directly or indirectly on largesse with the public finances and those born to vote Labour because everyone where they live vote Labour, me dad voted Labour, me grandad voted Labour and his dad before him. They still have a sizeable potential vote and turkeys tend not to vote for Christmas. If Labour carry on pretending the economic mess is all Americas fault, nothing to do with them and get a few sabre rattling class warrior dinosaurs to pretend New Labour are t'party of t'workin man who knows. Part of me wants New Labour to win :whistling: just so I can watch them try and clear up the mess they created but end up making it worse and worse. From that something better than the current red v blue sideshow may emerge.


Well said!


and yes handing another financial mess back to the conservative party is probably what a few of them secretly desire. I once got lectured by a leftie how Blair got us out of the debt built up by the tories!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


those buggers were handed a possitive ballance and very quickly spent us in to debt which is where we've stayed for the duration, a booming GLOBAL ecconomy helped hide their insane spending, I admit I'd laugh to see them have to deal with it but they'd probably continue selling our country's assets to the highest bidder and I wonder how much more of this Britain PLC can take.


I wish someone would capitalise on the sell out of our university places to foreign students. This has been a huge money spinner and I happen to have met a girl who's job it was to fill places up with only foreign students. She claimed that it was because they were so bright but lets face it, they pay more money! Now our own kids are facing the prospect of a shortfall of 200k places. Just another example of Labour looking after anyone but British people.

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  On 26/03/2010 at 10:46, PeakOil said:

I think we need another 5 years of New Labour consolidating all the increasing public debt in to one easy to manage loan with ocean finance. Another 5 years eroding civil liberties, passing knee jerk legislative diarrhea, more CCTV cameras, ID cards, DNA databases and more monitoring our phones, emails and web use. Satellite tracking of all cars and unmanned drones operating 24/7 filming the proles. More immigration, more taxes, more bans, more fines, more nanny state and more lies, spin, obfuscation, theft, sleaze, corruption and cover ups. After all that perhaps we might have a chance of real change, rather than another polished, spivvy actor promising the earth and then carrying on where the previous rotten statists left off.

Joking aside Peak, you do have a valid point. However; how far down the road do we have to go before the change will turn into a reversal?

Lets be honest, a reversal is needed. 180 deg turnabout!

I was listening to Geoff Hoon o the radio this AM. FFS these folk come in and walk out with a packet for fekin the country. Tony B Liar is reputedly £20 million richer since leaving office! That means that his kids will be able to keep the gravy train rolling in their house as they can afford the education have the contacts and know the ropes.

Get ready for the sequel folks!

We need a true peoples hero to stop this incestuous chain of power. Even John "2 jags, fat pie eating, braindead" Prescotts son is going into politics by standing for Hull in the next election! God help us! Although shares in Greggs and Mr Kipling are sure to go up (tip there for all the traders who obviously use this site when not buying and selling on tips from insider traders in the city)


Another comment on here was "most people wont vote" Now I understand the sentiment but FFS we can't let this gov't off the hook. And a hung parliament would be even worse!


I could go on but wont for fear of damaging by already fragile blood pressure.................I could piss lava at the moment!







vote none of the above ning

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  On 26/03/2010 at 11:28, RicW said:

It was The Mad Handbag whose near total deregulation of the financial system led directly to the current recession.


Ric (Armed with large spoon)


It might have been a system of her device but "the man who personally implemented Thatcherite financial market reforms and deregulation during the era of Tony Blair in Britain was Gordon Brown, then Treasury Secretary. "


The labour party further deregulated the financial system and have been MORE thatcherite than thatcher ever was. I think she still understood the value of 'Britain'. The Labour party are a bunch of new-socialist/communist cronies with not an ounce of nationalism in their bones.

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  On 26/03/2010 at 10:53, Nik_B said:
  On 26/03/2010 at 10:46, PeakOil said:

I think we need another 5 years of New Labour consolidating all the increasing public debt in to one easy to manage loan with ocean finance. Another 5 years eroding civil liberties, passing knee jerk legislative diarrhea, more CCTV cameras, ID cards, DNA databases and more monitoring our phones, emails and web use. Satellite tracking of all cars and unmanned drones operating 24/7 filming the proles. More immigration, more taxes, more bans, more fines, more nanny state and more lies, spin, obfuscation, theft, sleaze, corruption and cover ups. After all that perhaps we might have a chance of real change, rather than another polished, spivvy actor promising the earth and then carrying on where the previous rotten statists left off.


I actually think those Labour Tw4ts are going to get in again.


Labour bought off voters, through benefit system (Cons might cut it) and Immigration (they sure ain't gonna vote con) are two expamples and look at the massive recruiting they encouraged for local councils etc. All the people on this gravey train will vote Labour and alot of other people will be scared of change.


Of course MOST people wont actually vote!

yep, they all tell lies who ever you vote for.Yes we are in the shit with labour, but as most on here who hunt with dogs.Dont think vote'n Cons will change the hunting law as it is.? Dont forget all the thatcher did, was break the unions.And i can remember in the (70s] when they were to powerful (power cuts etc.......)ok you dont want to go back to that.?But feck me (SHE) killed the working man off, you only have to fart the wrong way , and you will lose you job.? You gone from one (extreme) to the other.??? Both(lab+con) are as bad as each other.?

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  On 26/03/2010 at 11:28, RicW said:

It was The Mad Handbag whose near total deregulation of the financial system led directly to the current recession.


Ric (Armed with large spoon)

Now Now Ric. Don't let passed prejudices colour your view today. Things have moved on. She was of her time. Many things can be blamed on our current fiscal situation Maggy aint one of them! If she was, that good old, wall eyed, porridge wog GB would be gasping about it at every opportunity!



Bring her back I say!

And have her cryogenically frozen in case we ever need her again!


Ninging at -270 deg kelvin

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  On 26/03/2010 at 11:37, Nik_B said:
  On 26/03/2010 at 11:28, RicW said:

It was The Mad Handbag whose near total deregulation of the financial system led directly to the current recession.


Ric (Armed with large spoon)


It might have been a system of her device but "the man who personally implemented Thatcherite financial market reforms and deregulation during the era of Tony Blair in Britain was Gordon Brown, then Treasury Secretary. "


The labour party further deregulated the financial system and have been MORE thatcherite than thatcher ever was. I think she still understood the value of 'Britain'. The Labour party are a bunch of new-socialist/communist cronies with not an ounce of nationalism in their bones.

Fekin A Man!


Get on it my man.

You're going to get Ric at it in a mo'




feet up on desk ning

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  On 26/03/2010 at 11:28, RicW said:

It was The Mad Handbag whose near total deregulation of the financial system led directly to the current recession.


Ric (Armed with large spoon)

Please do remind us all who has spent the last 13 years throwing ever increasing amounts of wood and the occasional half dozen gallons of petrol on the fire Thatcher started.

Edited by PeakOil
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Nik, Peak -

I agree totally. Blair set out to out-Thatcher Thatcher. He and his New Labour cronies swallowed Friedmannite monetarism hook line and sinker. More importantly, so did Reagan. The fact remains that it was Thatcher who started the ball rolling.

With apologies to the OP


Keynesian ning



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