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Starting a pup

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Just wondering whens the best time to start a small lurcher. got a pup 6 month old now and keep getting told to give him a few runs but by what ive read i would say its too early. Should i give him a couple of runs now or wait til september when i start the new season, he'll be one year old then.

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alright mate im in the same postion as you with a pup, mine got on a daylight hare and really i was surprised how he ran it ,so am going to give him a couple of slips on rabbits right out there and then leave it till next season ,what x is your pup and its ur choice if the pups ready nobody else.atb

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He's a beddy grey x whippet. standin at 20" tts at the min, dont think he will get much bigger. Its my first lurcher so just goin by what im told but dont want to spoil things for the future by starting to early. worried about him yapping aswell as he seems to bark abit when he gets excited and even when throwing a ball if i throw it long he overshoots and gives a yip.

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I wouldn't start him now if i was you pal.

There's to many thing that could go wrong by starting him to young that might end up ruining a good dog.

Hold him back for the sake of a few months when he will be more mentally an physically mature to handle the job.

And the season's over anyway you'll just be ruining you own sport killing young-ins.thumbs.gif

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what i do with puppys is either take it out with an exsperice dog and let it run with it or take the pup out on its own and just mooch around the feilds and when somethink pops out he gives chase and he will start to lern and take it out ferreting next 2 a chicken wier fence throw the rabbit in the feild and let the pup kill it then just start lerning it the lamp with easy runs then befor you knw hell b up and running :thumbs:

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