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Guest alifeofhunting

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Some of yous guys for real? :wallbash: Give the things a bloody chance before you start hunting them again.No sport in lamping cubs.Just sum people trying to make bad dogs look good in my eyes. :thumbs:

too right,but to be fair most of the cub catchers(except those called out for pest control)they have to kill cubs because their dogs would never face a full grown one.

whats wrong with starting a young inexperienced dog on young inexperienced quarry?i would of thought this would be the best way to bring a young dog on i agree running already entered dogs on cubs is unsporting atb matt

if the young dog is of the right stuff it should have no problem starting on adult foxes when its old enough.if it can't then its a waster simple as that.

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i seen 4 cubs out on the edge about a week ago

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whats wrong with starting a young inexperienced dog on young inexperienced quarry?i would of thought this would be the best way to bring a young dog on i agree running already entered dogs on cubs is unsporting atb matt


Nothing wrong taking a cub with a pup to start it out.

But the last week of august is usually time enough to start cub hunting. Far to early in year to even be thinking about doing it now.

Just sum people take them all through the summer thinking their great. Then time comes when season starts they complain they have nothing to hunt around there area. thumbs.gif

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Just don't think its good test of a dog running cubs doesn't take a good dog to do them.

So if you give someone encouragement to kill 1 then every newcomer to the sport will think its OK to do the same.

An their won't be anything for rest of us to hunt when season starts. Seen plenty of places hunted out with bad dogs through the summer and when its a windy, rainy November night they say its to wet and cold to hunt with their dogs!wallbash.gif



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Most luchers will kill a small cub easy and when they do people thibnk they have a fox dog thats killed a load off cubs but the is a diffence between a small cub and a big dog fox or vixen that have big teeth and do alot off damage.

An too dave a biggest yea have apup out off dogs that kill foxs does not mean that your pup well turn out till kill foxs if a bitch as 10 pups you well be luck if half turn out to be single handed fox dogs

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Some of yous guys for real? :wallbash: Give the things a bloody chance before you start hunting them again.No sport in lamping cubs.Just sum people trying to make bad dogs look good in my eyes. :thumbs:

too right,but to be fair most of the cub catchers(except those called out for pest control)they have to kill cubs because their dogs would never face a full grown one.

whats wrong with starting a young inexperienced dog on young inexperienced quarry?i would of thought this would be the best way to bring a young dog on i agree running already entered dogs on cubs is unsporting atb matt

if the young dog is of the right stuff it should have no problem starting on adult foxes when its old enough.if it can't then its a waster simple as that.

my pup is of the right stuff its already done one type of large quarry but i still wont put him on too much too soon but the way h is he will probably self enter,im not running them till there a few months and when i do it will be 2 or 3 and see how the dog does and take it from there.
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and what importance is seeing cubs to you alifeofhunting?? why is this relavant in the lurcher running dog section???


what a c**t of a question. maybe he thought that because we lurcher folk are out AND ABOUT WITH OUR DOGS A FAIR BIT WE MAY HAVE SEEN THEM ABOUT, A SIMPLE QUESTION FOR YOU ISN'T IT. :censored:

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and what importance is seeing cubs to you alifeofhunting?? why is this relavant in the lurcher running dog section???


what a c**t of a question. maybe he thought that because we lurcher folk are out AND ABOUT WITH OUR DOGS A FAIR BIT WE MAY HAVE SEEN THEM ABOUT, A SIMPLE QUESTION FOR YOU ISN'T IT. :censored:


go and lay yourself back down you SAUSAGE!! I was asking as I didn't want any lads dropping themselves in it!! Mines a simple enough question aswell!!

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Guest alifeofhunting

last time this topic was on people were saying they had been seen

now it looks like people are saying june????????????

are people seeing same older fox as usual or less since paired up?

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