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if it was about ££££ i would mate him to as many bitches as possible, and i wouldnt give a damm what they looked like! i didnt say i was going to mate him to 6 bitches; i said less than half a dozen, i prob wont end up mating the dog to half that amount, im just leaving myself room for mismatings or other complications like; no bitches in a litter etc.



Bud you cant get out of it.

There is absolutely no need to mate it to more than one bitch, if any at all.

If the first mating isnt successfull, the dog is still very young (far too young imo).



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I may be missing the point entirely(doubt it) - but why do you need to mate it to six bitches to obtain a pup?


I am presuming this is about £ ?



thats ridiculous breeding 6 litters for one bitch to give back to a man who doesnt need her


a mis-quote on top of a mis-quote, do you guys just read the last post and jump on the band-wagon? typical THL.

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if it was about ££££ i would mate him to as many bitches as possible, and i wouldnt give a damm what they looked like! i didnt say i was going to mate him to 6 bitches; i said less than half a dozen, i prob wont end up mating the dog to half that amount, im just leaving myself room for mismatings or other complications like; no bitches in a litter etc.



Bud you cant get out of it.

There is absolutely no need to mate it to more than one bitch, if any at all.

If the first mating isnt successfull, the dog is still very young (far too young imo).




Blaming it on the dog already! ive seen a lot of bitches with problems that result in mismatings, takes 2 animals to breed!

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if it was about ££££ i would mate him to as many bitches as possible, and i wouldnt give a damm what they looked like! i didnt say i was going to mate him to 6 bitches; i said less than half a dozen, i prob wont end up mating the dog to half that amount, im just leaving myself room for mismatings or other complications like; no bitches in a litter etc.



Bud you cant get out of it.

There is absolutely no need to mate it to more than one bitch, if any at all.

If the first mating isnt successfull, the dog is still very young (far too young imo).




Blaming it on the dog already! ive seen a lot of bitches with problems that result in mismatings, takes 2 animals to breed!



What exactly is it you are wanting - two bitch pups, yes?

Put the dog to the best bitch you can find like any normal- non money orientated dogman would do(chances are you will get your two bitches from one litter).

If your looking to make money from a 20 month old dog then i sincerely hope you dont.


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I may be missing the point entirely(doubt it) - but why do you need to mate it to six bitches to obtain a pup?


I am presuming this is about £ ?



thats ridiculous breeding 6 litters for one bitch to give back to a man who doesnt need her

ok ok you said'up to half dozen bitches' not six,that makes all the difference


a mis-quote on top of a mis-quote, do you guys just read the last post and jump on the band-wagon? typical THL.

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thats ridiculous breeding 6 litters for one bitch to give back to a man who doesnt need her

ok ok you said'up to half dozen bitches' not six,that makes all the difference


a mis-quote on top of a mis-quote, do you guys just read the last post and jump on the band-wagon? typical THL.

ok ok my mistake you said 'up to half dozen'thats completely different to six :icon_eek:

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ive no interest in making money, and im not mating him yet, just deciding what im gonna do when he is old enough, im not gonna breed a pup from a pup, doesnt hurt to ask for any pointers when it comes to the bitch! ive bought pups before that wont do the job i want, sold them to pet homes long before they came of age, sick of buying in pups from so called working stock that are useless, this dog is a genuine animal! a real grafter.

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wouldnt buy a pup out of parents that didnt have at least 4 or 5 hard seasons under their belt under ground! this game is hard enough without buying out of 1st and second season dogs,i would wait a few seasons and then pick a bitch that is 1000% and wouldnt be to concerned with old nutall lines,i would be more concerend with the work i would expect from the pup.hope this helps as it is meant to be positive advice on my views.atvb

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i made a mistake buying in 2 pups off a fella recommended to me by an idiot that talked the talk, wont be making that mistake again, still have the younger 1 of them a border terrier x fox terrier, she has just been spayed and is going to be the kennel companion for the chocolate nuttall dog when he arrives, she might come right in the end!

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ive no interest in making money, and im not mating him yet, just deciding what im gonna do when he is old enough, im not gonna breed a pup from a pup, doesnt hurt to ask for any pointers when it comes to the bitch! ive bought pups before that wont do the job i want, sold them to pet homes long before they came of age, sick of buying in pups from so called working stock that are useless, this dog is a genuine animal! a real grafter.

i think what all the lads are trying to say is,at 20 months a terrier is no more than a good prospect and could have no way fitted enough work in to be "a real grafter" or "genuine". a lot of keen young dogs work on pure adrenalin and youthful zeal in their first season,you will find out more about the dog in his 2nd,3rd,4th season etc,imo the dog is way too young to stud,my advice would be...just work the dog ,see how he does....then in 3/4 seasons and he is still immpressing you..then stud him

yis diggory.

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he only sold it to me because im a mate, we are closer than blood family, hes an old school terrier man. dog is working well, hes gonna be as good as his sire and his sire is unreal.


anyone in the north should know these dogs, sire is sam,

dam is scruffy- litter sister to tara.


and no;- im not going to name- names

if you know who im talking about pm me, dont post it!










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A mate of mine takes 2 calls a week, people asking from all over the country to use his dog for stud and hes 5yr old,they organise dates etc for when the bitch is ready and there all messers even the ones from like 20-30 miles away are bullshitters,he doesnt even waste his breath now just hangs up! What beats me is the dogs from the best of best, duggan bred russel alot of people will have heard of the line up north! Half of the sites untrustable!

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