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Gamo Mod Center air pistol

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Has anyone ever had/used one of these? I was given one about 6 or 7 years ago when i first got into air guns. Found it in a cupboard today, was a bit rusty so gave it a quick clean up its turned out quite good. Had a quick look on the net to see if i could find much info on them, looks like they date back as far back as the 70s. Anyway just wondered if anyone has had one and what they think of them. It seems like quite a fun gun for back garden plinking.



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Hi, mate.


I never owned one but I've used and fixed the odd one or two.


A nice, basic target pistol. From what I can remember (going back a long time but I'll do my best!!), the biggest problem with them is the seal on the loading port. It's an odd plastic swing out from the side of the gun, am I right? Like I said, I'm going back 20ish years...


If the 'o' rings are good and it's sealing OK, a little smear of silicon grease around the mateing surfaces helped. Other than that, they were a good solid little gun.


I just hope I'm remembering right!!



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Hi, mate.


I never owned one but I've used and fixed the odd one or two.


A nice, basic target pistol. From what I can remember (going back a long time but I'll do my best!!), the biggest problem with them is the seal on the loading port. It's an odd plastic swing out from the side of the gun, am I right? Like I said, I'm going back 20ish years...


If the 'o' rings are good and it's sealing OK, a little smear of silicon grease around the mateing surfaces helped. Other than that, they were a good solid little gun.


I just hope I'm remembering right!!





Yeh that sounds about right. It is quite a fun gun to mess about with. I didnt realise how old it was until i checked the internet today!

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I believe it to be the fore-runner of the Gamo Falcon Target Pistol, but could be corrected on that.


Pretty well built and pretty accurate for 10M bullseye.


Come to think of it, the only differance between it and the Falcon is the grips :gunsmilie:

Oh and the Falcon incorporated a Safety catch



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