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pics of my pups, ready for harvest time

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here are few pics of my pups, lady, the 10 mth saluki bitch, shake and bob fatherd by pure sal to saluki x, they are both 14 mths. got few more pups and few old dogs, but these are the ones i'm running in the stubble, cant wait :wallbash:


red dog is 27 tts, black sal bitch is 25 tts, blue brindle dog is 25tts but very long.


Red dog has been up fen already, runs well but strike needs improving only catches have been in dykes on fen. :wallbash:






Edited by coursingmad
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nice dogs mate good honest write up too makes a nice change from all the my dogs the best ever crap :clapper: if you looked at a dogs whole coursing career and counted numbers off hares killed in dykes a lot of dogs would score high its a place where hares can make a lot of mistakes a miss timed jump and bang the dog has them it doesnt make them any less of a dog thought :thumbs:

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  On 23/03/2010 at 20:56, Flamin said:

nice dogs mate good honest write up too makes a nice change from all the my dogs the best ever crap :clapper: if you looked at a dogs whole coursing career and counted numbers off hares killed in dykes a lot of dogs would score high its a place where hares can make a lot of mistakes a miss timed jump and bang the dog has them it doesnt make them any less of a dog thought :thumbs:

your right, but took him lamping only once he caught 2 long ears and two rabbits, daytime hes too eager, diving in then losing grond, pulling back 2 em again, i think its his age being so mch sal in him, he needs to sluuw down and wait for his chance, he is cranky, eats rabbits while running, eats food so fast he hurts himself inside.but his runs are turn, turn, turn. rn him 4/5 runs on fen, he can defo stay. he also carries them back of he dont eat em.lol.hopefully in sept he,ll be more wiser on those fat quarry. , then get better. he started sept at 8mth old,(way too early really) and been playing catch up, bt main thing he has not pulled up after being run so hard.the progress has been good so far, he was falling over alot specially on plough, jst lately hes been turning them alot more/essier rather than a long follow type course.any advice welcome, never had a dog that cant strike, my normal breed are mustard at that.ive got a feeling hes going to click then he wont stop. :toast::boogie::victory:


Cheers for comments everyone. :thumbs:

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  On 23/03/2010 at 20:56, Flamin said:

nice dogs mate good honest write up too makes a nice change from all the my dogs the best ever crap :clapper: if you looked at a dogs whole coursing career and counted numbers off hares killed in dykes a lot of dogs would score high its a place where hares can make a lot of mistakes a miss timed jump and bang the dog has them it doesnt make them any less of a dog thought :thumbs:


Edited by coursingmad
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  On 23/03/2010 at 21:52, coursingmad said:
  On 23/03/2010 at 20:56, Flamin said:

nice dogs mate good honest write up too makes a nice change from all the my dogs the best ever crap :clapper: if you looked at a dogs whole coursing career and counted numbers off hares killed in dykes a lot of dogs would score high its a place where hares can make a lot of mistakes a miss timed jump and bang the dog has them it doesnt make them any less of a dog thought :thumbs:

not good enogh for me. got to do it in open, hees got till december (2yr old) to pick things up or hes sold. :hmm:

think you answered it yourself pal .still a young dog yet ,and some mature later than others ,if the speed is there its technique that will inprove with another season behind the big fellas :thumbs:

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  On 23/03/2010 at 19:06, coursingmad said:

bob.accident prone. been run over twice whilst on course, cut on fences 3/4 times, had no time ot with him really, caught few, run three on one slip at crowland, caught last one, total running time 9 mins. :clapper: at 10 mth.in nov.


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