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More reasons for a new camera!

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Driving home from work with my brothers fujifilm S700 in my car I spotted a group of Fallow stags sitting in a local field.

So banked the motor on the verge and plotted my route to get as close as possible without disturbing them.


Walked around 500yards up the lane and hopped the fence, crawling on my front army commando style i managed to get the brow of the bank where they where sitting.


The largest buck must of smelt me! he stood up managed to get a couple of shots, really needed to be closer or better still have a better lense! any way the shots I thought would be half decent turned out like this!




Damn grass/stubble the rain was so heavy I couldnt see on the LCD screen and also im learning!


couple of minutes later trying to edge abit closer the rest of the herd stood as I had spooked them, managed to take this one...




Then they bolted to the bottom of the bank, I made my way back down the lane and managed to take this one..




Apologies if photos are small and not as good as the others I see on this great forum, but i am learning each time I go out and I am enjoying it, rain and all!


Thanks for reading



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Not bad considering the rain!

You'll get much better results when you get your new camera :thumbs: One thing to remember with compact cameras is that the digital zoom is nearly always pants, so it's best not to go beyond the range of the optical zoom. You usually get better results by enlarging the pics in software like Elements than you do with the camera's digital zoom feature.

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I'm in Staffordshire mate


i really like this pics especially the stags


thanks Kay, yea i love seeing the stags, hopefully they will be there on a sunny morning one day haha


i havent seen any deer for about 6 days now .. but hopefully i will spot some over the next few days

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