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MP's caught out again..

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Foreign trips in exchange for lobbying parliament .


They're all as bad as each other, don't matter which party they're from. I wish we could kick them all out at the next election and start afresh with a totally new system of government. The system we've got is rotten, like rusty car bodywork or cancer. It can not be cured, only tarted up and made to look half decent. The only way to cure it completely it is cut out the rot and replace it..

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The silent majority has been awakened by Obama and the mess he is making. We have mid term elections coming in November and there will be some big changes I don't even have to suggest for you to keep up on it - when the senate is replaced through the common man's vote it will make world new's.

We have the same kind of problems beginning and the citizens are pissed off enough to actually show up at the poll's to vote. Typically The midterm voter show up is lethargic not this time around. We are putting in some fresh new faces.... Good luck Malty hope there is more interest on this thread than my post.....

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The silent majority has been awakened by Obama and the mess he is making. We have mid term elections coming in November and there will be some big changes I don't even have to suggest for you to keep up on it - when the senate is replaced through the common man's vote it will make world new's.

We have the same kind of problems beginning and the citizens are pissed off enough to actually show up at the poll's to vote. Typically The midterm voter show up is lethargic not this time around. We are putting in some fresh new faces.... Good luck Malty hope there is more interest on this thread than my post.....


Lethargy in the american people??????????????? Never!

Surely not?

You had us believing that you'd all be out in the streets toting your penis extensions and demanding your right to freedom.

Your just like all the rest. Allmouth and no trousers.

give it up SGS.

Learn Proper politics and fight from the inside! Preferably your own contry. Get yours sorted before preaching to the rest of the world.......... Who have been around a lot longet than a couple of centuries. Jeez you guys started with a clean sheet from scratch and you still managed to fek it up!





time for bed said zebedee...BOIIIIIIING ning

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The silent majority has been awakened by Obama and the mess he is making. We have mid term elections coming in November and there will be some big changes I don't even have to suggest for you to keep up on it - when the senate is replaced through the common man's vote it will make world new's.

We have the same kind of problems beginning and the citizens are pissed off enough to actually show up at the poll's to vote. Typically The midterm voter show up is lethargic not this time around. We are putting in some fresh new faces.... Good luck Malty hope there is more interest on this thread than my post.....


Lethargy in the american people??????????????? Never!

Surely not?

You had us believing that you'd all be out in the streets toting your penis extensions and demanding your right to freedom.

Your just like all the rest. Allmouth and no trousers.

give it up SGS.

Learn Proper politics and fight from the inside! Preferably your own contry. Get yours sorted before preaching to the rest of the world.......... Who have been around a lot longet than a couple of centuries. Jeez you guys started with a clean sheet from scratch and you still managed to fek it up!





time for bed said zebedee...BOIIIIIIING ning

Praise to Malty for putting up a post about the real problems backed up with a news link rather than just pissing and moning about it. Hey Swampiss learn how to spell . . . . I never claimed to be perfect or live in a perfect country- I am proud to have been borne an American and always will be regardless of what some second rate moderate like you say's.

Swampiss - it's daisies like you who get intimidated by things they cannot mentally process all your kind ever does is biach about other people ... and what a puffing gay avatar ING........


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The silent majority has been awakened by Obama and the mess he is making. We have mid term elections coming in November and there will be some big changes I don't even have to suggest for you to keep up on it - when the senate is replaced through the common man's vote it will make world new's.

We have the same kind of problems beginning and the citizens are pissed off enough to actually show up at the poll's to vote. Typically The midterm voter show up is lethargic not this time around. We are putting in some fresh new faces.... Good luck Malty hope there is more interest on this thread than my post.....


Lethargy in the american people??????????????? Never!

Surely not?

You had us believing that you'd all be out in the streets toting your penis extensions and demanding your right to freedom.

Your just like all the rest. Allmouth and no trousers.

give it up SGS.

Learn Proper politics and fight from the inside! Preferably your own contry. Get yours sorted before preaching to the rest of the world.......... Who have been around a lot longet than a couple of centuries. Jeez you guys started with a clean sheet from scratch and you still managed to fek it up!





time for bed said zebedee...BOIIIIIIING ning

Praise to Malty for putting up a post about the real problems backed up with a news link rather than just pissing and moning about it. Hey Swampiss learn how to spell . . . . I never claimed to be perfect or live in a perfect country- I am proud to have been borne an American and always will be regardless of what some second rate moderate like you say's.

Swampiss - it's daisies like you who get intimidated by things they cannot mentally process all your kind ever does is biach about other people ... and what a puffing gay avatar ING........


I'm neither pissing nor moaning about it and for the record I am doing something about it.

So you have degenerated into name calling. Hardly surprising from someone who clearly and evidently has such a low IQ.

Stay away from things you do not understand and are never likely to.

As for spelling. I may have made a couple of "typos" hardly a crime. I guess that in america I'd be put against a wall and shot.

Whilst on the subject of spelling (I can't believe I'm even arguing this one with a person of such obvious limited intelligence and from someone who lives in a country that can't even speak the language correctly!) WTF is "biach"? I'm guessing you are trying to corrupt the word "bitch" with the black slang of the "street" If you must use phonetics I think you'd do better to learn them first!

As I said earlier culture is lost on you lot. My avatar, even if you knew who painted it, is hardly "puff" (Very PC I must say and again I think you'll find its "poof")

I'm trying to think what your possible motives could be for your pointless and inaccurate comments............Do you live in LA? Or "the village"?


Well its been eerrrrrr....fun(?) However I have far better things to do than try and educate sub species in the finer details of basic human behaviour. Better things would include watching the grass grow!




horticultural ning

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lets finish what Guy Fawkes started =@ =@ =@ =@ =@ =@ =@


GF is one of my ansestors.

Explains a lot.

The hypocracy of the yanks is limitless.

War on terror after 9/11 and then condone the actions of another terrorist.

(I am assuming you are proud to be related to a terrorist, of course)


He wasn't even a very good one!

I do like the inventiveness of crushing his balls on big ben though



Clapped balls ding ning

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My local MP is one of them. He has been quite helpful on the few occasions I have contacted him with problems. However I don't like the way he has voted on many issues and I hope the champagne socialist swine is out on his ear come the general election.

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Foreign trips in exchange for lobbying parliament .


They're all as bad as each other, don't matter which party they're from. I wish we could kick them all out at the next election and start afresh with a totally new system of government. The system we've got is rotten, like rusty car bodywork or cancer. It can not be cured, only tarted up and made to look half decent. The only way to cure it completely it is cut out the rot and replace it..



Now yer sucking on the right tit !!!

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lets finish what Guy Fawkes started =@ =@ =@ =@ =@ =@ =@


GF is one of my ansestors.

Explains a lot.

The hypocracy of the yanks is limitless.

War on terror after 9/11 and then condone the actions of another terrorist.

(I am assuming you are proud to be related to a terrorist, of course)


He wasn't even a very good one!

I do like the inventiveness of crushing his balls on big ben though



Clapped balls ding ning

Hey Swam-pee how's that for spelling ING CHA CHING BAM BOOYAAAAAA ....... :wacko: :rofl:

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lets finish what Guy Fawkes started =@ =@ =@ =@ =@ =@ =@


GF is one of my ansestors.

Explains a lot.

The hypocracy of the yanks is limitless.

War on terror after 9/11 and then condone the actions of another terrorist.

(I am assuming you are proud to be related to a terrorist, of course)


He wasn't even a very good one!

I do like the inventiveness of crushing his balls on big ben though



Clapped balls ding ning

Hey Swam-pee how's that for spelling ING CHA CHING BAM BOOYAAAAAA ....... :wacko: :rofl:

I am rendered speechless by such high quality wit.


How could I possibly compete?


Swampy (think about the name! Google it. It might be easier for someone of your intellect.....thinking about it, get someone to do it for you ((Someone as opposed to friend as I suspect you don't have any)) and then get them to read it for you!)


Far from being apathetic....I'm passionate about apathy ning

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