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What is this great obsession with some guys about the height of their dogs, any dog less than 24ats seems to scare some blokes off. There are shit loads of dogs less than 24 that can really do the buisness. Why not start looking at the length of back, conformation and feet before writing a dog off. ATB BLUCHER. :big_boss:

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Guest jt750

I'm not obessed with dogs height its 25 and 17/64 ins to the shoulder ..

Seriously thogh 24/25 ins is a nice height ..but for me a taller dog would have to have good length or it could lose out in the agility stakes ..a la old long dog style

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i have a 19 1/2 inch

beddy whippet x saluki greyhound collie saw both parents dad was 19 mum was 23 she just frew to small side but she has a good length in back i have no problem at all shes well fast enough agility is unreal she makes some of the lads dogs round ere 25 26 27 inch plus look darf i can under stand why it could be a down fall if the dog has no lengh in its back other than that ur well away :gunsmilie:

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I've seen a 22" bitch that could kill hares on the fens, wouldn't have thought it to look at her, mind you her sire and dam were Merlin and Eve.

Were talking about the ultimate breeding though some that were freaks of nature in running ability.One i saw run on crowlands was only 23tts a bitch called tiger M.D old match bitch.atb dell

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It dosent matter how long in the back they are its the lenghth of leg that counts as a ped whippet is normaly short coupeld but is the fastest type for its size.

When i was racing whippets the non ped grews long flat back types were far superior in speed to the peds with their roachy little backs. Are you telling me that things have changed that much. The length of back gives a dog of that size an advantage from the point of view, that the spinal column acts like a coiled spring giving the dog greater forward impetus.

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It dosent matter how long in the back they are its the lenghth of leg that counts as a ped whippet is normaly short coupeld but is the fastest type for its size.

When i was racing whippets the non ped grews long flat back types were far superior in speed to the peds with their roachy little backs. Are you telling me that things have changed that much. The length of back gives a dog of that size an advantage from the point of view, that the spinal column acts like a coiled spring giving the dog greater forward impetus.

the length of back is where the power comes from look at a cheetah the fastest land mamal it has a very long back i had a bitch that was only 22tts an for blue hare on the scottish highlands she took some beating comps i used to run her in she whooped many a bigger dogs ass but she was very clever as well, she would let the other dog go past her put a bit of pressure on then when the time was right she would kick it up a gear go past them as if they were standin still and nail it. she was a joy to watch unless you owned the other dog one comp i ran her in she had 7 the next dog had 3, this was in a single handed comp out on the open hill my mates hated her but all wanted a pup. she was bred down from hancock lines. her dad was hancock but her mam was bred by a mate of mine in near new castle. put her to a 3/4grey p bull and the machine i have now is shapin to be somthin good shame all he can take are bunnies.

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It dosent matter how long in the back they are its the lenghth of leg that counts as a ped whippet is normaly short coupeld but is the fastest type for its size.

When i was racing whippets the non ped grews long flat back types were far superior in speed to the peds with their roachy little backs. Are you telling me that things have changed that much. The length of back gives a dog of that size an advantage from the point of view, that the spinal column acts like a coiled spring giving the dog greater forward impetus.

So you are saying for instance a collie whippet/grey at 21tts long in the back would be more pacyer than a good kc working whippet of around the same size??

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