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young bunnys

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hi guys, has anyone seen any young rabbits in the fields or is it still a little early.....

i was called to a farm to shift the rabbits. did 6 sets and there was young ones there also the older rabbits had mixie bad news so left the fields and told the farmer that i will call back later on in the year

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Plenty about matey. Was out month or so ago and had a 4-6 week old bolt through the net. Terrier made short work of it sadly. Seen plenty young uns out feeding and a girl in school (where i work) found one over the weekend she now has as a pet.



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Last wed /thurs/Friday it seemed all we where doing was digging to young or they where bolting threw the nets same as we had just got the permission


Same happened to us where we would normally take a bag of 30 plus we got 6 rabbits 5 with the ferrets and one with the air rifle the five we got with the ferrets we had to dig 3 of them out.

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Its a shame as we waited months to get this permission and it took two of us two days to do one field it was hotching and i cant see the guy waiting till next august to ferret it again need to lamp it quiet hard were thinking

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