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deerhound or bull x ?

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Well, there will be people vehemently disagree with me; but I don't think you can class a Bull X as an "All Rounder"; but you could, posibly, get an "All Rounder" Deer x type! I don't think anyone loo

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Well, there will be people vehemently disagree with me; but I don't think you can class a Bull X as an "All Rounder"; but you could, posibly, get an "All Rounder" Deer x type! I don't think anyone looking for an all rounder would go for a Bull X.



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  On 22/03/2010 at 16:23, chartpolski said:

Well, there will be people vehemently disagree with me; but I don't think you can class a Bull X as an "All Rounder"; but you could, posibly, get an "All Rounder" Deer x type! I don't think anyone looking for an all rounder would go for a Bull X.



Agree with the above a deerhound cross would make a better allround then a bull x

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  On 22/03/2010 at 16:23, chartpolski said:

Well, there will be people vehemently disagree with me; but I don't think you can class a Bull X as an "All Rounder"; but you could, posibly, get an "All Rounder" Deer x type! I don't think anyone looking for an all rounder would go for a Bull X.





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i bet this thread causes some arguments lol,me personely i have nothing against either cross there both useful but my preference would be with a bull cross as some deerhound crosses seem to throw to large for my liking but thats just my personel preference, ive seen great examples of both crosses work very well.

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  On 22/03/2010 at 16:48, hedz31 said:

i bet this thread causes some arguments lol,me personely i have nothing against either cross there both useful but my preference would be with a bull cross as some deerhound crosses seem to throw to large for my liking but thats just my personel preference, ive seen great examples of both crosses work very well.


The question is not which is the BEST X, it's which would make the best allrounder. Bull X's excel at what they do, but I doubt anyone would buy one specificaly for rabbits and hares. Whereas a Deer x could do these and, pre ban, run fox and deer. So for some one who wanted to do a bit of everything, then a Deer X would PROBABLY be better than a Bull X !



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  On 22/03/2010 at 16:48, hedz31 said:

i bet this thread causes some arguments lol,me personely i have nothing against either cross there both useful but my preference would be with a bull cross as some deerhound crosses seem to throw to large for my liking but thats just my personel preference, ive seen great examples of both crosses work very well.



When you say "Work very well" what do you define as "Very well"


I have only seen 4 bull X's work.


1 was ferreting. Very steady over nets, but lost a fair few bolters. 23tts.


2 was daytime, 25tts lack of early pace lost it's quarry.


3 again daytime, in 2001, 25tts smashed its feet up after 6 slips.


4 lamping 23tts had a few sitters, but was struggling to make the turns, and its timeing to strike was bad.


However i have seen them on fox, and they are at home here.

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  On 22/03/2010 at 16:56, chartpolski said:
  On 22/03/2010 at 16:48, hedz31 said:

i bet this thread causes some arguments lol,me personely i have nothing against either cross there both useful but my preference would be with a bull cross as some deerhound crosses seem to throw to large for my liking but thats just my personel preference, ive seen great examples of both crosses work very well.


The question is not which is the BEST X, it's which would make the best allrounder. Bull X's excel at what they do, but I doubt anyone would buy one specificaly for rabbits and hares. Whereas a Deer x could do these and, pre ban, run fox and deer. So for some one who wanted to do a bit of everything, then a Deer X would PROBABLY be better than a Bull X !



well to me a bull cross dog is a better allrounder its just my opinion which does not make it right the same as your opinion does not make you right, ive seen bull cross dogs take all the above quarry and ive seen deerhound cross dogs take all the above quarry but ive seen the larger tall deerhound/greyhound dogs struggle with rabbits ferreting and on the lamp, but were better for the occasional hare than the bull cross type dog

regards hedz

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  On 22/03/2010 at 16:57, artic said:
  On 22/03/2010 at 16:48, hedz31 said:

i bet this thread causes some arguments lol,me personely i have nothing against either cross there both useful but my preference would be with a bull cross as some deerhound crosses seem to throw to large for my liking but thats just my personel preference, ive seen great examples of both crosses work very well.



When you say "Work very well" what do you define as "Very well"


I have only seen 4 bull X's work.


1 was ferreting. Very steady over nets, but lost a fair few bolters. 23tts.


2 was daytime, 25tts lack of early pace lost it's quarry.


3 again daytime, in 2001, 25tts smashed its feet up after 6 slips.


4 lamping 23tts had a few sitters, but was struggling to make the turns, and its timeing to strike was bad.


However i have seen them on fox, and they are at home here.

what i define as work well is to do there job to a suitable standard, and i have seen quite a few bull cross dogs work well and quite a few deerhound cross dogs work well i fail to see how you can make a judgement when in your own words you have only seen 4 work ive seen plenty of crosses have off days including bull crosses ive also seen poor examples of crosses in both bull and deerhound

1 you saw 1 ferreting was steady over netts but lost a fair few bolters ive seen all crosses lose bolters a deerhound cross type being the worst how old was the dog you saw ,was that the blokes bread and butter that was working it ???


2daytime lack of early pace how heavy was the cross and what way bred ,ive seen 3/4 grey 1/4 bull types take daytime reasonably well or as well as other crosses of similar stamp bar saluki hybreds of course


3 daytime 2001 after 6 slips smashed its feet up,what was you running the dog on was the dogs feet not checked after each slip or nothing noticed in its running to mention maybe a problem with its feet any cross can smash its feet up at any time and you get poor feet in all crosses through poor breeding


4 you saw 1 lamping and its timing and strike were bad ?? how old was the dog and you can get this in any cross also because you have saw one poor example lamping you assume they are all poor ???


regards hedz

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  On 22/03/2010 at 17:25, hedz31 said:
  On 22/03/2010 at 16:57, artic said:
  On 22/03/2010 at 16:48, hedz31 said:

i bet this thread causes some arguments lol,me personely i have nothing against either cross there both useful but my preference would be with a bull cross as some deerhound crosses seem to throw to large for my liking but thats just my personel preference, ive seen great examples of both crosses work very well.



When you say "Work very well" what do you define as "Very well"


I have only seen 4 bull X's work.


1 was ferreting. Very steady over nets, but lost a fair few bolters. 23tts.


2 was daytime, 25tts lack of early pace lost it's quarry.


3 again daytime, in 2001, 25tts smashed its feet up after 6 slips.


4 lamping 23tts had a few sitters, but was struggling to make the turns, and its timeing to strike was bad.


However i have seen them on fox, and they are at home here.

what i define as work well is to do there job to a suitable standard, and i have seen quite a few bull cross dogs work well and quite a few deerhound cross dogs work well i fail to see how you can make a judgement when in your own words you have only seen 4 work ive seen plenty of crosses have off days including bull crosses ive also seen poor examples of crosses in both bull and deerhound

1 you saw 1 ferreting was steady over netts but lost a fair few bolters ive seen all crosses lose bolters a deerhound cross type being the worst how old was the dog you saw ,was that the blokes bread and butter that was working it ???


2daytime lack of early pace how heavy was the cross and what way bred ,ive seen 3/4 grey 1/4 bull types take daytime reasonably well or as well as other crosses of similar stamp bar saluki hybreds of course


3 daytime 2001 after 6 slips smashed its feet up,what was you running the dog on was the dogs feet not checked after each slip or nothing noticed in its running to mention maybe a problem with its feet any cross can smash its feet up at any time and you get poor feet in all crosses through poor breeding


4 you saw 1 lamping and its timing and strike were bad ?? how old was the dog and you can get this in any cross also because you have saw one poor example lamping you assume they are all poor ???


regards hedz


Hedz, the 4 bull x's i have seen must of been bad types.....


4 is enough to see that they all struggled in one way or another, and for me never to own one. All one was interested in was chewing the rabbits to bits. Yes could of been very bad training from the owner. Maybe.......


The youngest was 3 the others no older than 5. Two were of a heavy built frame, the other's were pretty racy type. You use the word "Reasonably". Thats all you seem to hear when Bull X's are mentioned, except when foxs are mentioned. Why is that?


Now i have seen this in other types too, but the subject is on the Bull x's is it not. So i will refer to the Bull X's.


Good and bad in all, but a bull X for me and for the type of land i use is not suitable.

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i had a deerhound cross a few years back ran exellent on rabbits and hares but it couldn't kill a fox pre ban of course, i tried her a number of times, she would fight with it then u would her a big yelp and after that she would go into it then pull away all the time. here is a pic of the bitch.


Edited by deerhound-greyhound
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  On 22/03/2010 at 16:56, chartpolski said:

The question is not which is the BEST X, it's which would make the best allrounder. Bull X's excel at what they do, but I doubt anyone would buy one specificaly for rabbits and hares. Whereas a Deer x could do these and, pre ban, run fox and deer. So for some one who wanted to do a bit of everything, then a Deer X would PROBABLY be better than a Bull X !



:icon_eek: have a big clumsy Deerhound cross for rabbits and hares :laugh:

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